Oregon Program Autism Training Sites and Supports

April 2014 Newsletter
General Education Support for Students with ASD

Looking for additional tools to support students with ASD in general education classrooms? 
OrPATS has a variety of resources to help special educators support general education teachers in addressing the needs of students with ASD in their classrooms. On-line training modules, easy-to-create visual supports and data collection systems are available to help teachers identify effective teaching strategies for high functioning students on the autism spectrum. 


Several OrPATS sites are currently piloting the project. If you are interested in piloting the project this spring, email us for more information. Workshops will be held in the fall of 2014 in each region of the state for interested participants.  The OrPATS workshop page will be updated with dates and locations as soon as the workshop has been scheduled in your region.

Oregon ASD Self-Assessment and Action Plan

The Oregon ASD Self-Assessment and Action Plan was developed by the Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders to assist school districts in improving outcomes for students with ASD by identifying important training needs. The OrPATS Project is excited to collaborate with the Commission and the Regional Autism Programs to facilitate the use of the assessment in school districts throughout Oregon. OrPATS is developing an on-line version of the assessment and it will be available for use during the 2014-2015 school year. 

Currently Regional ASD Programs and OrPATS are piloting the self-assessment in at least two districts in each region of the state. The pilot will include pre and post assessments as well as follow-up support on identified training needs. The purpose of the pilot is to see if training needs can be identified using the assessment and then, to determine how to meet those needs. It is hoped that this process can be used to help identify future OrPATS Project training activities, Regional Program training activities and other state-wide training activities. 
Training Site Successes

OrPATS training sites are doing some amazing things for students. We will try to highlight some throughout the year. 

Chenowith Elementary, The Dalles

Let us tell you about a boy we'll call "Danny." This was Danny's first year in school. In the Fall, he needed full physical assistance to check his schedule and transition. He would slam doors, and interacted with most objects by throwing them. Danny started out with initial lessons within the STAR curriculum, such as working on matching objects (instead of throwing them). 

As Spring approaches, Danny is a different boy thanks to the hard work of his team. He checks his schedule independently. He is working on matching words to pictures and identifying actions. He is much better at following safety commands and will now ask permission to close a door. He is beginning to do pretend play with farm animals during PRT, because he learned not to throw them! He will also spontaneously greet his peers and teachers, and to see him sit, participate and attend during group instruction is amazing. 

His progress has generalized into the home. Danny's parents shared how happy they were to see what he's learned at school and the growth he has made at home. This is thanks to the consistent implementation of strategies, one of which is the "Target" visual. 
The classroom staff made a target for Danny to set items on instead of throwing them. This visual support helped him know where he can put his objects, and provided a replacement behavior to throwing. Now staff could tell him what to do, "put it on your target." In addition, it created a holding spot for his favorite motivating items, which he now more readily gives up during work time. 

If you have a success story you'd like to include in future newsletters, please share it with your consultant. 
Webinars Available Now!
If you haven't already done so, go to the OrPATS website and under "virtual resources" access the instructional webinars available to you as part of the OrPATS Project. If you have forgotten the username and password, email us. 

Additional webinars will be available in the coming months!
Upcoming Workshops
September 2014

Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for MS/HS Students
September 22, 2014 (8:30-3:30)
Grants Pass, OR 
For registration information, click here. 
Teaching Ideas
PRT Kits
Tigard-Tualatin SD was struggling with something many of us can relate to - having a variety of toys accessible to each classroom that will continue to motivate their students. Their solution...PRT Kits! Each kit includes a variety of toys that can be checked out by any classroom. Then, when students are no longer interested in those particular toys, classrooms can return the kit and check out a new one. They've created kits for Initial, Mid and Advanced Levels. 
In addition to the toys, each kit includes a binder that lists each toy in the kit as well as an instructional sheet on each toy. The instructional sheet includes suggestions for target vocabulary, functional or pretend play sequences, and ways you can play with each toy.  

Thanks for sharing this idea with us, TTSD!
Contact Us
Have a question?
Need more information?

Contact us at [email protected]
OrPATS Staff
Brenda Nakada
Darby Lasley
Jennie Willis
Jenny Workman
Karen Shepherd
Misten Daniels

Joel Arick