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Green Needham Update:
December, 2014    
Upcoming Events
Green Needham Program:

Energy Fair - joint with Sustainable Wellesley
Wellesley Municipal Light Plant
455 Worcester Rd (Rt 9)

May 16, all day event



Details - TBD



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The Green Needham Collaborative is a community-based group bringing together people and organizations to build a more sustainable community through collaborative efforts on energy and the environment.
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Dear  ,

NSTAR Electric Bills Going Up by 30% for Needham Homeowners? What You Can Do to Reduce Your Bill.


NSTAR has requested a rate increase of 29% across their service area, which includes the town of Needham.  If approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, it will take effect on Jan. 1, 2015.  As recently reported in The Needham Times, according to an NSTAR source, "The current spike in electricity prices stems from widely-publicized constraints in the existing pipelines that bring natural gas to regional generating companies".  50% of New England's electricity is currently generated from natural gas.

So, with your energy bill likely to go up, what actions can you take that will save you money and energy and help reduce global warming?  Here are some ideas...

Saving Money and Energy - Additional Tips and Ways to Save, Both at Home and in Your Car  

Around the House
So, you've already gotten a no-cost energy assessment, replaced your incandescent light bulbs with CFLs, and done follow-up insulation & weather-stripping work to improve your home's energy efficiency.  And you either have solar already or are not a good candidate for it.  Can you do more?  Click here  to check out some great ideas to save money and energy around the house.

On the Road
And are there additional ways that you can save money and energy on the road?  You might be pleased to learn that there are driving practices that help you reduce energy usage while you are driving - check out the below driving tips:
  •  Be a smoothie.  Accelerating slowly from a full stop can improve your gas mileage by as much as two miles per gallon.
  • Slow down! Driving at 75 mph uses 30% more gas than driving at 60 mph.
  • Loose that extra weight!  Every extra 100 pounds of junk in your car's trunk costs you a half-mile per gallon.
  • Keep inflation under control! When your car's tires are improperly inflated, it not only shortens the life of your tires, but it also reduces gas mileage.  It's easy for your tires to get a few pounds per square inch (psi) below the proper level.  (In fact, cold air makes the problem worse.)  To check, simply pull up to your local station's gauge once a month to check and adjust your pressure. has a great "How to" video to get you started! You can find your tire's optimum level illustrated on illustrated on your vehicle on the inside door panel.
  • Don't be idle!  Think about it - idling gets you zero miles per gallon. The best way to warm up a vehicle is to drive it. No more than 30 seconds of idling on winter days is needed. Anything more simply wastes fuel and increases emissions.
  •  Don't let drag get you down.  Reduce drag by placing items inside the car or trunk rather than on roof racks, which can decrease your fuel economy by 5% or more.




Michael Greis
Green Needham Collaborative

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