Melrose Alliance Against Violence

Check out this video slideshow to see and hear all of the highlights from this year's event!
2014 MAAV Walk & Candlelight Vigil
2014 MAAV Walk & Candlelight Vigil


19th Annual Walk & Candlelight Vigil Raises $40,000 for MAAV!
Thank you! Because of you, our 19th Annual Walk & Candlelight Vigil was our most successful to date, involving over 500 people and raising $40,000 for MAAV's awareness & prevention programs. The Candlelight Vigil was especially moving this year, with family members of several victims participating.



We had 47 teams in all -- a new record! All of the Melrose Public Schools were represented, as were many various community organizations and businesses. A special thank you to the very talented ladies of Masks by Design for entertaining our younger guests -- and the young at heart! -- with their amazing face painting skills. We also want to thank everyone who participated in our community art project, filling out word bubbles and completing the statement, "I will not remain silent in the face of violence. I will..."

From all of us at MAAV, our deepest thanks for your support. We look forward to seeing you next year at the 20th Annual Walk!