News from across the Commonwealth and the Nation

March 25, 2016 to April 1, 2016

-Heroin Misuse
-Personal Story
Coroner: I used to hate addicts, too 
(York) I once was a hater, too. It's been sadly interesting, to say the least, to read the social media postings on the various news outlets' Facebook pages in recent days in response to the coverage of the needle exchange program that is coming to York. Addict-haters, Naloxone-haters, people-with-no-willpower-haters and addiction-is-NOT-a-disease-believers came out of the woodwork...(Evening Sun)

-Heroin Misuse
-Town Hall 
Heroin town hall meeting held in Tamaqua
(Schuylkill)...The topic of heroin and prescription opioid use had about 300 people at the Tamaqua Area Middle School on Wednesday. They were there to listen to guest speakers on how to help those dealing with addiction and help the community...(Republican Herald)

-Opioid Misuse
Mt. Pleasant students see stage performance showing effects of drug use
(Westmoreland)...A 45-minute performance of "Off-Script" by the Saltworks Theater Company on Wednesday was the first the DEA has staged in a local school as part of its 360 Strategy to address drug abuse in the region...(TribLive)

-Public Event 
Community members turn out for training with Operation Save a Life
(Franklin) Concerned members from the community came out to Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library to learn how to save a life Monday evening as Healthy Communities Partnership presented their first Operation Save a Life training...(Record Herald)

-Law Enforcement 
Bethlehem officers use opiate antidote to revive drug overdose victim
(Northampton) The day after Bethlehem police officers hit the street with a drug that can reverse the deadly effects of heroin and other opiates, a call came in about a possible drug overdose victim...(Morning Call)

-Heroin Misuse
To combat heroin, we need to realize being an addict is not a crime
(Lancaster)...We hope the police department continues this aid-first, jail-second method, and we continue to support the county's Anti-Heroin Task Force, which combines the efforts of law enforcement, local hospitals, educators and politicians to combat the heroin crisis in Lancaster County...(Lancaster Online)

-Opioid Misuse
Pennsylvania human services chief presses for funding to confront opioid addiction
(Statewide) Passing a budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is essential - and as quickly as possible - to address opioid addiction in Pennsylvania, said Department of Human Services Secretary Ted Dallas...(Newsworks)

-Heroin Misuse
-Personal Story 
Heroin overdose shakes La Salle University into action
(Philadelphia)...The fatal overdose, which shook the La Salle community, is part of a troubling trend among college-age youth across the country. Over the past decade, heroin use among 18-to-25- year-olds has more than doubled nationwide..(Newsworks)

-Heroin Misuse
-Personal Story 
Death spiral: Monroe County mother can't save her son from heroin overdose
(Monroe)...It was a little more than six years ago when Kelter's life began to spin out of control and into a downward spiral that started with legally prescribed medicine, before continuing with the use of much harder drugs...(Pocono Record)

-Prescription Misuse
-Press Release 
Student Pharmacists Honored for Fighting Prescription Drug Misuse
(National) Student pharmacists from across the country and a clinical professor of pharmacy were honored recently for their outstanding efforts in preventing prescription medication misuse...(PR Newswire)

-Prescription Misuse
The Opioid Crisis: Anatomy of a Doctor-Driven Epidemic
(National)...A look at the statistics explains this tone of urgency. In the decade following Dr Campbell's speech, sales of prescription opioids in the United States quadrupled. And rates of overdose, death rates, and substance abuse treatment admissions spiraled in tandem..(Medscape)

-Opioid Misuse
-Law Enforcement 
New Boston police opioid unit focuses on treatment, not just arrests
(Massachusetts) When the Boston police opioid squad responds to a heroin overdose, officers follow standard procedure: Interview witnesses, collect evidence, start hunting down the dealer. Then, investigators go a step further. They talk to stricken friends and family members and suggest support groups and help hot lines...(Boston Globe)

Indiana Receives Funding To Help Prevent Opioid Overdose Deaths
(Indiana) The Indiana State Department of Health has received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help prevent overdose deaths related to prescription opioids as part of the CDC's Prescription Drug Overdose: Prevention for States program...(WBIW)

-Opioid Misuse
Rx Summit: Fentanyl overdoses outpace heroin
(National) One of the most useful early predictors of fentanyl overdose deaths is the rate of fentanyl confiscations by law enforcement, according to epidemiologists speaking at the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit in Atlanta this week. The fast-growing overdose problem attributed to illicit fentanyl in some areas is outpacing heroin and prescription opioids...(Behavioral Healthcare)

-Opioid Misuse
-Personal Stories 
U.S. Jails Are Killing People Going Through Opioid Withdrawals
(National)...One of the widest gaps is in our corrections system. People are dying from overdoses in significant numbers shortly after they're released, we know that. But they're also dying within weeks of being arrested...(Huffington Post)

-Press Release 
More than 1000 Lives Reported Saved with Help of EVZIO® (naloxone HCl injection) Auto-injectors
(National) kal�o, a privately-held pharmaceutical company, today announced that EVZIO� (naloxone HCl injection) Auto-injectors have been reported to help save more than 1000 lives...(PR Newswire)

-Drug Misuse
5 Charts That Show How Bad America's Drug Problem Is
(National) President Obama addressed the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin summit in Atlanta Tuesday, calling further attention to the drug epidemic in America just two weeks after the Centers for Disease Control issued new recommendations on limited the use of narcotic painkillers...(TIME)

-Prescription Misuse
-Fentanyl Alert 
Contaminated street drugs lead to 28 overdoses, six deaths in Sacramento County
(California) A tainted version of the prescription opiate Norco being sold of the streets of Sacramento County has led to dozens of overdoses and at least six deaths in less than a week, county health officials said Tuesday...(LA Times)

-Opioid Misuse
-Personal Story 
The Young Woman Whose Addiction Story Touched Obama's Heart Just Died
(West Virginia)...Her story, as told by her father that evening, had a more profound impact than she could have imagined. Since that day, whenever Obama has privately discussed the heroin and opioid epidemic with lawmakers, advisers or other White House visitors, the conversation drifted back to the Grubb family...(Huffington Post)

-Opioid Misuse
-Recovery Coaches 
Recovery Coaches Available For Overdose Patients At 2 Local Hospitals
(Massachusetts) The state's hospitals are being inundated with cases of opiate overdoses. Emergency room visits have almost doubled in the past few years. But now, there's a new weapon: Recovery Coaches. As soon as the patient has been stabilized, the "coach" is there to guide them to treatment...(CBS Local)

-Heroin Misuse
-Law Enforcement 
Heroin, related crimes complicate cops' lives
(Ohio)...Like other departments throughout Sandusky County, Fremont police are dealing with what's become a two-to-three-year surge in heroin abuse and related crimes, including a steep rise in burglaries, robberies and home invasions by addicts desperate to find money for their addictions...(News-Messenger)

Drug-overdose prevention gets a makeover from SF design firm Frog
(California) When it comes to administering the life-saving drug that can reverse a heroin overdose, San Francisco industrial designer Jonathan Grossman saw a "user experience" problem that needed to be solved...(SF Chronicle)

-Opioid Misuse
-Personal Story 
The orphans of fentanyl: Drug crisis brings heartache to children, youth on Blood reserve
(Canada)...There are calls among community leaders to make concerted efforts to help children and youths coping with trauma. And there are efforts underway to steer young people away from lifestyles that lead to violence and tragedy...(Calgary Herald)

Health Canada Removes Prescription Status Of Naloxone 
(Canada) One drug in Canada is off the prescription list, and many are happy. This may save more lives from a possibly lethal opioid overdose...(Tech Times)

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