Pennsylvania Association of County Administrators of Mental Health and Developmental Services 


Informational Brief   

Breaking News: Informational Brief
To: PACA MH/DS Members
Title: 2016-2017 Budget Proposal
Focus Area: Budget
February 9, 2016
Governor Wolf addressed the General Assembly in a joint session today to announce his proposal for fiscal year 2016-2017. He clearly indicated his desire to move Pennsylvania forward and improve the financial rating for the state to avoid adverse impacts on citizens. The Governor did not mince words regarding his desire to have a responsible government and he offered his proposal, but also his picture regarding the steps that could be necessary to address the structural deficit. If his proposal is not given consideration, he noted the possibility of drastic cuts in education and human services.
This is just the start of the FY 2016-17 budget negotiations. Your outreach to your legislators is needed in order to secure their support for community services. Your grassroots efforts can demonstrate the need to restore losses realized from FY 2012-13 as the governor proposes in order to sustain viable services and maintain a safety net for your community.
There are a few noteworthy items for consideration from the governor's proposed budget noted below:
  • Increases are noted in community based services as the governor intends this to be year two of a three year restoration to human services to offset losses in FY 2012-13.
  • There are initiatives to move individuals out of state facilities to the community: 75 individuals from state centers; 90 individuals from state hospitals.
  • Previous initiatives are annualized.
  • The Office of Developmental Programs budget includes initiatives for home and community based services for 250 individuals on the waiting list and 500 students graduating from special education.
  • The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services identifies new Behavioral Health Services funds to provide 11,250 individuals with substance use disorder treatment in a health home facility.
Additional details will be forthcoming as PACA MH/DS distills the various proposals.

The Staff of PACA MH/DS
Reminder: All Informational Briefs can be found under the Breaking News on the home page of the PACA MH/DS Website.
                Pennsylvania Association of County Administrators of Mental Health and Developmental Services
PO Box 60769
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17106-0769