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June 2013

Teamwork is critical in healthcare.  Not only does it improve the ease and effectiveness of your job, but it also enhances overall patient care. While certainly not a new concept, the emphasis on teamwork continues to rise as the interdisciplinary team treating the patient gets larger.  When teamwork "is  emphasized and valued, every member works together to meet their patients' needs; improved patient outcomes is their common goal" (Ward, 2013).


However, on units where horizontal violence is taking place, teamwork can be hard to foster and patient care can suffer.  "Experts agree nursing communication breakdowns and lack of teamwork are a root cause of errors. If nurses are afraid to speak up because they are intimidated by fellow nurses and physicians, patients can be  harmed" (Bartholomew, 2013).    


But how do you create an environment where teamwork can prevail and bullying is eliminated?  It all begins with the culture.  If a culture exists "that supports fair, equal and consistent approaches to variances in care while promoting a safe/fear-free environment and celebratory mechanisms to highlight success, " teamwork will become the norm (Wood, 2012).  If it doesn't, management and staff must work collectively to spur a change.  Although this may seem like a daunting task, the return on investment is high, including higher levels of employee job satisfaction and less missed nursing care. 




"Semi-Invisible" Sources of Strength

My mother was a nurse, the old-fashioned kind without a college degree, first in the class of 1935 at the Lenox Hill Hospital School of Nursing in New York City.



Seasoned Nurses Help Mentor New Nurses, Promote Growth for Industry

If you ask any student nurse to name a person who has made a significant impact on his or her career, chances are you will hear the name of a nursing mentor.



Study: Nursing Grads Find Jobs with Relative Ease

About a month after passing his state licensing exam, Arthur Greenbank was cashing a paycheck in his field. The University of Akron graduate is not alone: Of all the majors that students can choose, it is nursing that offers the best chance for employment. 



Nurse Bullying: An Ongoing Problem in the Health Care Work Place

When children repeatedly torment other children at school, it's called bullying, and it's deemed a significant problem. Research shows that children who are bullied tend to experience increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, bullying doesn't stop at the playground gates, and children aren't the only ones who engage in bullying behavior. 


Teamwork in Nursing
(Please click on title for program information)