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February 2014

In This Issue

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Ready for Spring? 

We are! It's been a busy winter and we are looking forward to an even busier spring. Check out some of the things happening at Healthy Waltham and around town. Hope to see you at an event, or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter!

The Waltham Farmers' Market is a great place to shop for fruits and vegetables. It's coming back in just a few short months! Hang in there! 


March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Healthy Waltham is helping to spread the word about the connection between a healthy lifestyle and cancer prevention. Did you know that cancer is now the leading cause of death in Massachusetts? And that there is now a clear link between being overweight and risk of certain cancers? But the good news is you CAN reduce your risk with a healthy diet, active lifestyle, and by maintaining a healthy weight. 
During the month of March, Healthy Waltham will be raising awareness about colon cancer in particular. Find out why colon cancer is called "Preventable, Treatable and Beatable." We're put up a new Prevention page on our website, and here's where you can find more information:
  • Check out our recent Waltham News Tribune article by Kaveri Roy discussing the link between healthy diet, physical activity and cancer prevention. The Spanish translation of the article is also available here.
  • Watch our recent segment on Sally Collura's "Around Town" show. Check WCAC-TV for the schedule or to view online.
  • Display at the Waltham Public Library - we will have a display at the Waltham Public Library during the month of March.
  • Presentations - Healthy Waltham has conducted several workshops on the link between lifestyle and cancer precention. Contact us at info@healthy-waltham.org if you would like to discuss a presentation for your group.

Helping to raise awareness: talking about colon cancer prevention with Sally Collura on the Waltham Channel, WCAC-TV. L-R are Sally, Kaveri Roy, RN, graduate intern with Healthy Waltham, Judy Fallows, Healthy Waltham, and Mary Johnson, RN ONC, Mount Auburn Hospital and board member of Healthy Waltham.
Introducing Reva 
Welcome Reva (center), our new chef instructor! Here she is making a healthy snack with some middle school friends.
Healthy Waltham is pleased to introduce our new chef instructor, Reva Haselkorn! Reva is a graduate of Princeton University and the Cordon Bleu School. Reva is currently teaching several nutrition education and cooking programs in the Waltham middle schools and the Waltham 
Family School, among others

Last month Reva led an activity with local kids at the MLK Day at the Waltham YMCA. The MLK Day event brought kids from local homeless shelters to the Waltham YMCA to enjoy a great day of healthy fun. Healthy Waltham's activity was making healthy kabobs by cutting out shapes from fruits and vegetables. The kids loved it! You can read all about it in the Waltham News Tribune. Please join us in welcoming Reva! 
Train to be a Family Hike Leader

The Appalachian Mountain Club's new program, Outdoors Rx, is providing free training for volunteers who may want to help lead family hikes and walks in Waltham. Outdoors Rx is a product of the collaboration of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) and Mass General Hospital for

Children, and is designed to help children and families get healthy by being active in the outdoors. Outdoors Rx connects families to local parks and green spaces by providing free, public, family-oriented outdoor programs. The goal is for doctors to be able to "prescribe" activity by referring their patients and families to these programs, but the events are free and open to everyone!


If you are interested in becoming a volunteer leader, or just want more outdoor leadership experience, join us on Saturday, March 8th for a one-day training (training takes place in Framingham). This training will cover topics such as trip planning, safety considerations, and group management, and we will practice some fun outdoor games to engage children of all ages. For more information please click here! You can also contact Susan at sbrown@outdoors.org.

You're Invited: Waltham Interagency Council Presentation
Community Health Assessments
Wednesday, March 19
9:30-11:30 AM
Waltham Public Library Lecture Hall
735 Main St., Waltham
  • Community data comes from a variety of sources, such as US Census data, YRBS data, and other health indicators. Learn how to access this data and how to collect it to promote community health. 
  • Presenters are: Jhana Wallace, CHNA 18, Beth Toolan, Waltham Partnership for Youth, and Allison Reynolds-Berry, REACH. 
The presentation is free, and please bring a friend! Presented by the Waltham Interagency Council. For more about the Interagency Council, please click here.
Stanley School's Mrs. Larsson and two of her students.
PTO Wellness Committee Meeting
This past fall, Healthy Waltham launched the PTO Wellness Committee for Waltham elementary school PTOs. Our first meeting brought together PTOs for a presentation on some of the ways parents and teachers are keeping kids active, as well as opportunities in the community. Our next meeting will focus on school learning gardens - what are they, how can they be used, and how would a school go about starting one. 
Wednesday, March 26
TOPIC: School Gardens
If you are a PTO member in Waltham and would like more information, please contact us at info@healthy-waltham.org. Check out this great video about the Stanley school garden!
Save the Dates
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events! 
  • April 23 - Waltham Food & Wine Festival
  • April 26 - Waltham YMCA Healthy Kids Day
  • April 26 - Sheepshearing Festival at Gore Place
  • May 4 -  Moody St. 5K
  • May 7 - MA Walk & Bike to School Day