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January 2014

In This Issue
Happy New Year! Thanks for your Support!
Take a Winter Walk
Waltham Family School
Our New Website
Waltham Interagency Council
Save the Dates

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Happy New Year!
2014 is off to a great start! We would like to thank everyone who donated to Healthy Waltham during our annual appeal. This was a first for us since we became a newly registered 501c3 non-profit only last summer. Tax-deductible donations can be made on our website through Paypal or via check. Thank you again, we couldn't do what we do without the support of the Waltham community!
Footbridge across the Charles River and view of Francis Cabot Lowell Mill
Take a Winter Walk in Waltham
The colder winter months are still a great time to get outdoors and explore nature. Why not take a winter hike? We kicked off the year at the Waltham Land Trust's annual New Year's day hike up Prospect Hill. The group of 50 or so hikers were treated to clear views of the Boston skyline from atop Boston Rock.


Our friends over at the Appalachian Mountain Club continue to lead regular, family-oriented walks in Waltham. Check the Waltham Patch Events section and look for "OutdoorsRX", the program designed to get people out into nature for their health and enjoyment! Here are some of the upcoming walks:
  • Jan. 17, 9:30 AM - Stroll along the Charles River
  • Jan. 17, 3:30 PM - Animal Exploration at Prospect Hill Park
  • Jan. 18, 10:00 AM - Family Forest Hike at Prospect Hill Park
  • Jan. 18, 1:00 PM - Winter Outdoor Play Party
  • Jan. 19, 11:00 AM - Hike to the top of Prospect Hill
  • Jan. 19, 2:00 PM - Letterboxing adventure at Prospect Hill Park (South Entrance)
Enjoying the view of the Boston skyline from Prospect Hill on New Year's Day
Waltham Family School Gives Thanks - Latest Tribune Article 
Fresh local produce for the Family School
Our work with the Waltham Family School is one of our favorite collaborations. The Family School offers a program designed to help immigrant parents and their young pre-school aged children adjust and thrive in our community as they get ready for their children to enter the Waltham Public Schools. Healthy Waltham has been distributing local produce at the annual Family School Thanksgiving Feast for the past 5 years as part of our Healthy Eating Unit at the school. The produce was donated by the Waltham Fields Community Farm, another frequent collaborator. Read about this in our latest column by Maria DiMaggio and Britta McNemar in the Waltham News Tribune here. The Waltham Family School is also on Facebook here.
A New Website for 2014
Healthy Waltham recently upgraded the look of our website and we think you will agree, it looks great! We owe a big thank you to our part-time office assistant and webmaster Rory Ives! Why not check out our new and improved look at www.healthy-waltham.org.
Do you use Facebook or Twitter? "Like" or "follow" Healthy Waltham to join the conversation and find out about health-related information and events in Waltham.
Overview and Tour of Waltham Boys & Girls Club
Please join us for the next Waltham Interagency Council event on:
 Friday, January 24
9:30-11:30 AM
Boys & Girls Club
20 Exchange St., Waltham
Learn about the programs offered by the Boys & Girls Club as well as recent improvements to the building including a commercial kitchen. The program is free and open to the public. Bring a friend! Presented by the Waltham Interagency Council. For more about the Interagency Council, please click here.

Save the Dates
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events! More details will be available as we get closer to these dates:
  • April 26 - Waltham YMCA Healthy Kids Day
  • April 26 - Sheepshearing Festival at Gore Place
  • May 4 -  Moody St. 5K
  • May 7 - MA Walk & Bike to School Day