News from the Juneau Economic Development Council  |
Wednesday August 28, 2013 

What visitors love - and don't love - about the Capital City.


JEDC releases the 2013 Visitor Satisfaction Survey.  Find out how perceptions have changed since 2009.  


Willoughby District stakeholders invited to discuss future.

Business and property owners will discuss current development and future plans for the district.   

August 29 | 4:30-6:00 PM


Path to Prosperity is underway. Apply by September 16th.

Business ideas for Southeast get a big boost in this sustainable business development competition.  

2013 Business & Legislative Session Visitor Satisfaction Survey
JEDC, in partnership with the Alaska Committee, conducted a survey of visitors to Juneau specifically traveling for business and government purposes. The results are published for use by any organization and intended to help determine how to best serve these important guests to the Capital City. Some highlights of the results include:
    • High satisfaction with Juneau's airport facilities, walking & sightseeing.
    • Downtown parking continues to be a source of dissatisfaction.
    • Repeat visitors find Juneau equally appealing (51%) or more appealing (39%) than on
      their first visit.
    • 96% of those surveyed express overall satisfaction with visiting Juneau.
Excerpt from 2013 Report


Read and print the 21 page document here.


Are you a member of JCVB?  See the presentation at the Membership Breakfast August 29th, 8:00 AM at the Westmark Baranof Gold Room.



JEDC invites Willoughby District business and property owners to a gathering to discuss the development of the district. Learn about current development, future plans and join in the conversation.


Development is happening in the district. With planning and coordinated effort we can create a thriving district that serves varied needs and works to solve some key issues our city faces. 

A layout of the proposed arts and culture complex.
(Image courtesy of James Bibb/North Wind Architects)




Willoughby District 

Development Meeting


Thursday, August 29  

4:30-6:00 PM


Prospector Hotel

Douglas Room




The Juneau Economic Development Council is committed to Downtown and Willoughby District revitalization efforts, understanding how important a vibrant downtown is to Juneau's economy and for the livability of its residents. 


Keep up to date on JEDC's revitalization efforts here.

Economic Indicator:
Job gains and losses in Juneau over the past three years by industry

Juneau's highest paying sector, natural resources and mining, are employing more people than ever, gaining 285 jobs since 2010. Meanwhile the second highest paying sector, the Federal government, lost 11 jobs. However, both are small components of the total employment picture in Juneau. Leisure and hospitality had the second biggest gain at 97 jobs. Local government lost the most jobs, 158.  


Job gains and losses in Juneau over the past three years are shown by industry in the graph below. Here is how the graph works:

  • The size of the circle represents the average number of jobs in each industry in 2012.
  • The circle's position on the vertical axis shows the number of jobs lost or gained between 2010 and 2012. Circles above zero gained jobs while circles below zero lost jobs.
  • The circle's position along the horizontal axis shows average monthly wage for workers in 2011.

Assisted Living for Juneau Seniors - update

Earlier in August JEDC participated in the planning and hosting of two executives of the Retirement Housing Foundation on a visit to Juneau.  The three-day visit successfully engaged numerous stakeholders including CBJ assembly members. JEDC provided economic insight, an overview of Juneau's economic indicators and helped lead a tour of several potential sites to locate a facility in Juneau.  Read KTOO's report on the visit here.


Statistics show that by 2030, 1 in 4 Juneauites will be over 60 and Alaska has the fastest growing senior population in the U.S.  Housing for our aging population is a concern to Juneau's economy and livability.


There is a lot of work still to be done. The task force is looking to engage experienced facility operators and suitable location options.  For more information or to get involved please contact [email protected].  

Take the Path to Prosperityp2p

Entrepreneurial dreams come true! The application deadline for this Business Development Competition is September 16th.  12 finalists will get hosted in Juneau for a business Boot Camp, gaining key entrepreneurial skills and assistance with developing a winning business plan. 2 winners receive up to $40,000 of technical assistance to help launch or grow their business. 


Find out more at  If you missed the informational webinar you can watch it here.



ASMI Releases Economic Value Report


Today the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute released the Economic Value of the Alaska Seafood Industry report which measures the impact of Alaska's seafood industry on the U.S. economy.  


ASMI logo  

Read the full 104 page report here.  


The Southeast section features Salmon Hatcheries and the Ketchikan Shipyard. Download the Southeast section of the report here. 

Shop Barnes & Noble and support FIRST� in Alaska


Print and post the promo poste

The FIRST� Robotics season is gearing up. Help support JEDC's efforts in supporting the statewide program by purchasing books online September 7th. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to JEDC's statewide FIRST� Robotics program. Shop for books, toys or Lego building kiits.

September 7 - 14

Use Book Fair ID #11155942 



And join us for FTC/FLL Kick-Off Events September 7th:


Fairbanks: 10 AM - 2 PM

Anchorage: 3 PM - 7 PM


View this year's courses, meet teams who participate and see the robots they have built.

JEDC Workshop: Financing Your Growing Business

Margaret O'Neal, JEDC's Director of Operations, presents this 45 minute workshop held at the Alaska State Library as part of the Money Smart Week series. The presentation is a great primer on business loans and lays out current financing options available for Southeast entrepreneurs. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and learn!


View the workshop here


JEDC offers business consulting and referral services for new and existing businesses.  Contact Margaret O'Neal at 523-2326 or email her here for more information.


2014 Innovation Summit - save the date


January 29-30, 2014   |   Centennial Hall 


The Innovation Summit is about inspiration and collaboration - It's a forum to spark new thinking for individual and collective economic success in Southeast Alaska. 


In 2014 Alaskan business leaders will share stories of innovation and success and world-class presenters will give outside perspectives. The Southeast Cluster Initiative groups will conduct their annual meetings and winners of the Path to Prosperity business development competition will be announced.    


Save the date and stay tuned for more information!


JEDC Board of Directors Openings


The Juneau Economic Development Council annually has openings on its Board of Directors. JEDC Board members are recommended to the Assembly by the current JEDC Board and then appointed by the CBJ Assembly based upon their experience and expertise in fields relating to economic development, including but not limited to large and small business, entrepreneurship, natural resource development, tourism, banking and finance, engineering and construction, and government. 


Interested parties should contact JEDC Executive Director, Brian Holst here or at 523-2333.  You will need to complete an application form and we request that you also submit a brief letter of qualifcations or interest.  Applications can be sent to the City Clerk or to JEDC (here).  Deadline for applying is Friday, September 20. 

JEDC Around Town


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August 21 More good news for Willoughby area development! It's official. Coppa is coming to The Flats in September! 


August 6Michael Penn from the Juneau Empire visited our Kitchen Chemistry camp yesterday. Kids are spending the week learning the science behind cooking, from bread dough to making yogurt, curing meat, making candy and more. JEDC extends a big thank you to Gourmet Alaska for helping sponsor this camp!


July 30 A property owner invests in some interactive art for Downtown Juneau. Before I Die Wall. A big gold star for the Goldstein Family and Daniel Gildmann for this creative addition to our downtown.


July 24 We were invited down to Taku Fisheries today to watch the mother lode of halibut being delivered by the historic F/V Lindy. If your business or organization is positively impacting Juneau's economy, please invite us in. We would love to hear stories of your success and of your contribution to our community!



Get up to date JEDC news - join us on Facebook!        Like us on Facebook 

JEDC in the News

Juneau Empire, August 18

JEDC Events

Events take place in the Juneau Economic Development Council's Conference Room at 612 West Willoughby unless otherwise noted. 

JEDC presents the 2013 Visitor Satisfaction Survey to JCVB Members
Thursday, August 29, 8:00 AM

Willoughby District Development Meeting
Thursday, August 29, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM, Prospector Hotel

Research & Development Cluster Meeting
Friday, August 30, 3:00 PM

JEDC Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 4, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Fisheries Development Committee
Thursday, September 5, 6:30 PM

Saturday Thing 
starts up September 7

FTC/FLL Kick Off Events at Barnes & Noble
Saturday, September 7  |  Fairbanks: 10 AM - 2 PM, Anchorage 3 PM - 7 PM

Juneau Coalition on Housing & Homelessness
Thursday, September 19, 12:00 - 1:30 PM, Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority

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We welcome your feedbackIf you find JEDC News to be of interest and value, please forward the newsletter to your friends and colleagues.


Executive Director
Juneau Economic Development Council

In This Issue
Quick Links
Like us on Facebook
JEDC Board of Directors

Kurt Fredriksson, Chair

John Pugh, Vice Chair

Kevin Ritchie, Treasurer

Beverly Schoonover, Secretary

Mayor Merrill Sanford

Corey Baxter

Greg Fisk

Lauren MacVay

Jill Ramiel

Tony Yorba

Loren Jones and Randy Wanamaker, CBJ Assembly Liaisons

2013 JEDC Investors






AK Communications

Wells Fargo Logo



Bartlett Logo

AK Pacific Bank

AK Litho Logo  

First Bank Logo 





MRV Architects

AK Miners Logo

Get published in the JEDC 2013 Economic Indicators report.
Invest by September 10th. 

Download the 2013 Investor Brochure here

Contact us to learn about the benefits of becoming a JEDC Investor

Download Investor Trifold Brochure

Juneau Economic Development Council | 907-523-2300 | [email protected] |
612 West Willoughby Avenue, Suite A
Juneau, AK 99801

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