Dear Friend,
I am writing to share news from Tanzania. Our Project's remarkable leader in Tanzania, Maasai Warrior and Project Manager ![Robert V. Lange]( Kisioki Moitiko, will be coming to the U.S. this fall.
I hope you will come and meet him. He will speak at events in the northeast. If you are in the Boston area, please save Sunday, October 25 in the later afternoon. I'll share details soon.
So much is happening here in East Africa. I invite you to read about our work , check out the latest news, and view a video below.
Twende, the name of our newsletter, means, "Let's go!" Your interest, participation, and support keeps us moving forward. Thank you!
With warm wishes,
Expanding to three new villages with the help of ADRA
Three new Project villages and 300 new homes
Through a grant from the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) our Project is coming to three new villages in new Monduli district areas. Each village will receive 100 stoves, improving 300 homes over the next two months.
Our experienced trainers have already prepared the 45 new members of the Women's Installation teams in Meserani, Mbuyuni, and Mongere who are very happy to be joining the Project. Installing stoves without supervision, inspection of their work shows that they are already master fundis.
New fundis straining sand
The members of the Monduli Pastoralist Women's Organization (MPWO) devised a plan to welcome new installers into the organization. After paying a reasonable entry fee, the new women become full and equal members.
We send a big thank-you to ADRA Germany, ADRA Tanzania, and all participants for helping us to take this big step forward.
Science study arising right out of community need
Educators seldom have strong student motivation for physical science study coming straight out of community needs and experiences.
With the new training, each boma can handle its own repairs
Although our boma micro-grid electrification system is relatively simple, members of the community have difficulty diagnosing and solving issues when they arise, because most of the people have not had the opportunity to learn about energy and electricity in school. As we scale up boma electrification, one of our tasks is to continually use engineering to bring down costs while increasing service. To strengthen his leadership in meeting engineering challenges, Project Manager Kisioki Moitiko is quickly absorbing online courses from the Solar Energy Institute in Colorado, and will be visiting Colorado in October to attend an intensive week-long laboratory-based course. With this preparation, Kisioki will take charge of mounting our new education program. He will start with teaching a ten-day class of our design for representatives from each electrified boma. These representatives will then become the electricity fundi for that settlement, assessing and solving issues as they arise. We thank the National Academy of Sciences and USAID Power Africa for supplementing our electrification grant making it possible for Kisioki to make the trip.
Chickens, Cows, Computers, and Kira
Thank you to Kira Levin who accomplished so much this summer through a Davis Grant from Brandeis University. Together with Kisioki, she conducted training sessions for the Maasai women in business management, and the use of computers and cameras for business communications.
Kira Levin and Monduli Pastoralists sharing photography
Through her efforts, the Maasai Pastoralist Women's Organization (MPWO) added two new chicken ranches to their livestock businesses. Read more about the MPWO.
Joyce Oloitai in the chicken ranch she will oversee at her boma
Chickens will move into the Rift Valley boma in the village of Losirwa any day now. Maasai leader Joyce Oloitai will watch over the ranch at her boma and the women are eagerly anticipating egg sales.
The leaders of the MPWO met to decide which of their cows to sell. After much discussion, they plan to sell just a few, and use the money to buy food supplements so that they can keep the rest of the herd healthy and fat through the dry season. Later, when they can get a better price, they will sell them.
Kira, the Maasai women ask about you and we are glad to tell them you are continuing to work with the ICSEE leaders back in the states,along with your full-time college studies.
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For a better life for the rural world, and a cleaner environment for all
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81 Kirkland Street, Unit 2, Cambridge, MA 02138
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