May 16, 2012

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In This Issue
Wages increasing in North Dakota
Drilling in the Badlands Impacts Medora Business
Oil Impact on Tourism
Crime caseload rising in southwest North Dakota Oil patch
N.D. becomes No. 2 oil producing state
Build Baby Build:
Diesel refinery planned near Dickinson
Dickinson gets $300K fed
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Wages increasing in North Dakota

The highest-paying jobs in North Dakota are to be found in the medical, management and engineering professions, according to Job Service's 2011 Wages for North Dakota Jobs report.

Drilling in the Badlands Impacts Medora Business

But that billion dollar industry is also impacting the land and the landscape of western North Dakota.


Housing: Dickinson may be home to thousands of oil workers by end of 2013


Dickinson is on its way to getting its first crew camp. 


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Oil`s Impact on Tourism


There are pros and cons to the oil growth in North Dakota, but certainly more pros. That`s the message the Convention and Visitors Bureau is trying to send. The bureau held a CVB Conference in Bismarck, and today`s topic was oil impacts.


Crime caseload rising in southwest North Dakota oil patch


Attorneys and judges in several counties in North Dakota's oil patch are struggling to keep up with a climbing caseload.

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N.D. becomes No. 2 oil producing state, trailing only Texas



North Dakota passed Alaska in March to become the second-leading state in crude oil production, trailing only Texas, according to figures released Monday by officials from Alaska and North Dakota.


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Build Baby Build: Speaker at housing summit says 7,000 homes needed in Williston


In the Bakken, the latest slogan is, "Build, baby, build."

Diesel refinery planned near Dickinson

Local policymakers and business officials from Stark County received a better look at plans for a $250 million to $325 million diesel refinery that would pump up to 10,000 barrels of fuel or kerosene per day into the region, MDU Resources Group Inc. representatives said Tuesday.


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Dickinson gets $300K fed grant for low-income housing


Dickinson has been awarded a $300,000 federal grant to buy land for low-income apartments in the city.


State officials say the money will be used to purchase land in the city for a 40-unit housing development called the Lincoln Park Apartments.


Dickinson is on the southwest edge of the state's booming oil patch. Affordable housing there is increasingly difficult to find.


The money comes from the federal Community Development Block Grant program, which is managed in North Dakota by the state Commerce Department.


Source:  The Dickinson Press

Housing: State to subsidize $3M in law enforcement housing


Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem announced Wednesday he's directing $3 million from the state's share of a lawsuit settlement to subsidize housing for law enforcement in the Oil Patch.


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