Family Worship Center
Daily Devotionals
"Yet preaching the Good News is not something I can boast about. I am compelled by God to do it. How terrible for me if I didn't preach the Good News!"
1 Corinthians 9:16 (NLT)
Paul said he was compelled by God to preach the Gospel. That means God was moving in Paul in such a dynamic and over-powering way that he couldn't help but go forward with the Mission God had entrusted to him. Have you ever felt like Paul, as if you were compelled to do something? Have you felt a pull from God to embark on a task you wouldn't have chosen for yourself? God will often grab ahold of our hearts and move us in a way we had not previously considered. And, He will do so in a way that won't allow us to ignore Him or rest until we follow through. When God tugs on our heart, leading us in a specific path that He alone has called you to, it is impossible to ignore Him and have peace at the same time.
Perhaps today you feel the tug of God at your heart. Perhaps you feel compelled to do something for the Kingdom of God that seems so far out of your comfort zone you can't understand why you're even considering it. If you find God compelling you to take action on something new, or to serve Him in a manner you're not necessarily comfortable with, let go of your inhibitions, trust God, and allow Him to lead you into paths of righteousness for His name sake!
"He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake." Psalm 23:3 (NIV)

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Family Worship Center is a Great Commission church dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, and making and strengthening disciples to lead the charge of the Great Commission!

Santa Fe Family Worship Center
13601 FM 1764
Santa Fe, Texas 77517