Captured Moments
A Girl and Her Horse
Words of Wisdom
"Do not be satisfied
with the stories that come before you.
Unfold your own myth."
- Rumi
Book Barn
the Power of the Herd
by Linda Kohanov
Much time has passed since we last "spoke" and during that time, there's been much ado about learning here at Chiron's Way. As usual, most of it has been in the company of horses. Chiron in particular has been taking his role as teacher and mentor to heart.
There's lots to share including the launch of Linda Kohanov's new book, Certification Training Programs here and in Australia and music from Chiron's playlist so ... let's begin...
Messages From the Herd:
September has always been my favourite month of the year. It sits like a teeter-totter between summer and autumn, balancing the free days of August with the brimming days of back-to-school. What I didn't know last fall was our paddock would become my classroom - something I can say now only in hindsight - with Chiron as my teacher, guiding me through a lesson I hope once learned never need be repeated.
| Chiron - back to grazing
COLIC. One of those C words we've all grown to fear. My beloved friend had colic. For 4 days and nights it was touch and go. Both Greg and I, and my sister, were exhausted and so was Chiron.
On the afternoon of the 4th day, I decided to bring out my iPad. I dragged a chair close to where Chiron was standing and resumed sitting and walking vigil - no rolling allowed.
Chiron looked at me with heavy eyes. I ached at not being able to do more for him. I breathed into my body to establish a baseline of connection and felt such anguish in my gut that I wanted to check out but I stayed with it and tried to discern whether this was my gut ache or his. Then in a flash I understood that it belonged to us both. The pieces fell into place immediately. A few days before Chiron showed discomfort, something terribly gut wrenching had occurred in my life. Being too busy to deal with it I did what every over-functioning human does and shelved it until "I had time."
Chiron was showing me how truly detrimental this can be to our health and well being - and to his. I immediately began to work with my beliefs around the aforementioned trauma, transforming the stress and coming back into balance emotionally and psychologically regarding the triggering event.
Now here is the amazing part... as soon as I GOT the MESSAGES from the condition (Anguish in my gut), Chiron relaxed immediately, passed wind that almost blew down a neighbouring tree, then leaned his head over my shoulder touching his nose to my stomach. He then began to fidget, and a mischievous gleam appeared in his eye (a telltale sign that he was feeling better), and he touched his nose to my iPad. I must had had my music library open as a song began to play from under Chiron's nose. Bon Jovi. "Thank You for Loving Me."
I hugged his face and thanked him for loving me but having never been one for too much mushiness, he dropped his head to the ground and began to graze - for the first time in 4 days.
I continued to sit in gratitude and wonder, listening to the messages in the songs that played on. Every so often Chiron would walk back over, touch his nose to the screen and make a new selection. I made note of each piece and have begun making him his own playlist in thanks for his patient teaching of this lifelong student of the horse.
Thank you for loving me dear friend,
What's New?
The Power of the Herd: A Nonpredatory Approach to Social Intelligence, Leadership, and Innovation by Linda Kohanov
In her bestselling first book, The Tao of Equus, Linda offered a groundbreaking articulation of "the way of the horse," an experiential wisdom known to riders for centuries but little studied or adapted to off-horse use. In THE POWER OF THE HERD, she takes these horse-inspired insights to a new realm as a guide for creating confident, emotionally balanced leaders and organizations capable of creating solutions and manifesting new visions. A groundbreaking book that turns established leadership theories on their head, THE POWER OF THE HERD will appeal both to those already touched by Linda's previous writing and a new audience of people looking for innovative ways to cultivate visionary leadership
| Linda and Sandra
In October, I spent a week with Linda and an amazing herd of lead mares during her Power of the Herd Training for Eponaquest Instructors. I treasured my time with her and the learning and will offer a POH experience with the Chiron's Way herd later this year. Stay Tuned.
My dear friend Ainsley Beauchamp is looking for someone who will love and cherish WINSTON - another dear friend whom I know very well and cannot speak of highly enough. If you are looking for that once in a lifetime horse partner, who is not only a rock solid mountain horse but more importantly is a rock solid guy with a gentle disposition, a great sense of humour and a heart beyond measure. He's a gentleman, friend and companion who is deserving of someone to love and care for him in kind. Please call Ainsley if you're ready to share your heart. 250 293-6959
| His Handsomeness - Sir Winston |
Upcoming Workshops and Training....
Learn how to add a Horse as Teacher, Coach or Healer to your Wellness Practice - includes the Epona Approach. Exploring Equine Guided Development is a foundational course of study at Chiron's Way, equivalent to the Explorations Training for those of you who are interested in becoming certified through the National Association for Equine Facilitated Wellness (NAEFW). Maple Ridge: May 25-29, 2013AUSTRALIA near Adelaide May 1-5, 2013
Dancing with Equus is an engaging facilitator program for wellness practitioners, coaches, counsellors, educators and equine professionals who want to master the art of partnering with horses in the fields of human or corporate development. *Previous exposure to or training in equine guided work is a prerequisite for this training, such as the Level 1 Exploring EGD Training at Chiron's Way, or equivalent. This course is in keeping with the Focus Training of the National Association of Equine Facilitated Wellness (NAEFW) and will include Carolyn Resnick's Waterhole Rituals as taught by Sharolyn Wandzura, a Resnick supported instructor and a Chiron's Way Art of EQUUS Grad.
Maple Ridge, July 10-14 and July 24-28, 2013
The Epona Approach: prerequisite for study at the Epona Center with Linda Kohanov, author of The Tao of Equus Maple Ridge: May 25-26, 2013
Sacred Rhythms: Hoof, Heart and Drum Australian and Canadian dates. If you want to become more horse conscious, it starts by making changes at the subconscious level of mind. Learn how here. Please check the workshop pages if you're interested in learning more. |
Thank you as always for your kind support. I hope you enjoy a wonderful spring and find yourself in the company of horses, as often as you can.
Warmly, Sandra |