The Constellation
School Calendar 
Attention: Used uniforms are now on sale in the PA Room.

Saturday, January 25

8:30 am  ISEE Testing, Open Session

10 am Enrich Annapolis Winter Recital 


Wednesday, January 29

8:15 am Kindergarten to First Grade Transition Meeting 

9 am Winter Open House

6 pm - Eighth Grade parent meeting 


Friday, January 31

Last Day for our Food Drive 

Seventh and Eighth Grade Leadership trip  

9:30 am to 11 am Second and Sixth Grade trip to the Water Treatment Plant for Buddy Day 


Beginning of February 

Re-enrollment packages arriving soon. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Belli, Director of Business and Finance.


Friday, February 8

8:30 am - ISEE Testing, Open Session


Monday, February 10

8:30 am Instructed Eucharist for Middle School 


Tuesday, February 11

8:30 am PA Meeting

9 am Annapolis Twos Breakfast  

10:30 am Grandparent Book Club 


Wednesday, February 12

9 am Annapolis Twos Breakfast


Thursday, February 13

School Closed, Professional Day

Provisional Snow Day 


Friday, February 14

School Closed, Presidents Day 


Monday, February 17

School Closed, Presidents Day


Tuesday, February 18

EC Closed; Admissions Screenings


Wednesday, February 19

Spirit Night at Barnes & Noble with JoAnn Deak book signing


Thursday, February 20

Parent Education Series with JoAnn Deak


Friday, February 21

Dress Day: Class Color Day

8:15 am Fourth to Fifth Grade transition meeting 


View the School Calendar>>     


Monday, January 27

4 pm  Girls Burgundy @ Holy Trinity
5 pm  Boys Burgundy @ Holy Trinity

Tuesday, January 28
4 pm  Boys Gold vs Summit
5 pm  Boys Burgundy vs Summit

Thursday, January 30
4 pm  Boys Gold vs Incarnation
5 pm  Girls Gold vs Incarnation

Monday, February 3
4 pm Girls Gold @ St. Martin's in-the-Field
4 pm Girls Burgundy vs Holy Trinity
4 pm Boys Burgundy vs Holy Trinity

Tuesday, February 4
4 pm Boys Gold vs Calverton
5 pm Boys Burgundy vs Calverton

Wednesday, February 5
Picture Day for all basketball teams

Thursday, February 6
4 pm Girls Burgundy @ Key
4 pm Girls Gold vs Indian Creek

View the Sports Calendar>>

Boys Basketball Results>>

Girls Basketball Results>>


Volunteer Spot 
Lunch Volunteers: 

Please sign up to be a school lunch volunteer. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:


  1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot
  2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
  3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone.  
If you prefer not to use your email address, please email Amy Shields to be signed up manually. 

Thank you for supporting the St. Anne's School Parents Association.


Food Collection
for January -
due next week! 
Peanut butter (or soy butter) & jelly and anything to keep you warm!


The theme for this month chosen by Third and Fifth grade students is peanut butter (or soy butter) and jelly and anything to keep you warm. All canned goods and non-perishable items are welcome. Please bring food items in by January 31st. Thank you!

Vol. 9, Issue 20
January 24, 2014
Admissions Corner
Please spread the word about our
Winter Open House
Wednesday, January 29 at 9 am    
Do you live in a community with a newsletter or Facebook page? Are you a member of a mom's group? We hope to spread the word to area families that might be interested in learning about St. Anne's School. See our Spread the Word section below for more details.  
Open House January
Open House (January 29,
9 - 11:30 am):
Our Winter Open House is right around the corner. Spread the word to your friends and colleagues who want to learn more about our wonderful school community. Nothing is more successful in school promotion than parent word of mouth. Tour your friends yourself or join in another group. It is a great way to showcase our program, meet new friends and learn more about our school. For more information email Caroline Aras. 

Siblings, Annapolis Twos, & Admissions: A quick reminder for families with siblings and/or Annapolis Twos currently not enrolled who may be considering applying for Fall 2014... we make admissions as easy and streamlined as possible for our current families. Contact Caroline Aras to discuss the sibling and Annapolis Twos admissions process. The earlier the better!

Spread the Word!: We have Open House flyers and road signs for any parents interested in supporting our Admissions Office by distributing these around town over the next few weeks. Contact Caroline Aras if you are interested and she will send the materials home with your child. To obtain artwork for electronic posts visit our website, right click, and download. When posting on social media feel free to tag us in your posts.
Thank you! 


How far do guest speakers travel to talk with St. Anne's School students? 
Pretty far if Middle School Spanish teacher Patty Kerwin is involved. Ms. Kerwin arranged for her father, Carlos Villamil, an engineer and historian from Bogot�, Colombia to visit with Fourth through Eighth Grade students. Mr. Villamil shared lessons on tourism and the economy in Colombia. Thank you Mr. Villamil, it was a privilege to have you at our School.



The Sixth Grade participated in the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland Poetry Contest. This competition enables youth to embrace their creativity through the art of writing. Tim R. won the competition at the state level for his poem, Natural Feelings. His poem now moves on to the Central Atlantic Region competition, results for this competition will be available at the end of the month.

 Congratulations Tim! 



The Annapolis Twos Breakfast with the Head of School Rescheduled for 
February 11 and 12

The Annapolis Twos Breakfast with Lisa Nagel, Head of School, has been rescheduled until February 11 and 12 at 9 am. Annapolis Twos parents, join us for breakfast with Lisa Nagel, head of school. This event will include talks about the St. Anne's School advantage, curriculum, community and alumni successes as you consider the next steps after the Annapolis Twos for this coming fall or in the future. Lisa will also conduct an intimate campus tour, discuss significant and defining aspects of our School, and answer your questions. 


Leadership Award   

Lisa Nagel, Head of St. Anne's School of Annapolis, has been awarded a fully-funded fellowship to the Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership's 2014 Heads of Schools program at Teachers College, Columbia University. This distinguished award, granted to just twentyheads of school annually, provides independent school leaders with an opportunity for focused professional enrichment, read more >>> 



 Student Diversity Leadership Conference 

Several Middle School students will attend the Metro DC Middle School Student Diversity Leadership Conference on January 27. The conference emphasizes student leadership, diversity skill building, and productive interaction... read more >>> 


 Provisional Snow Days

As per the email sent earlier today, with our recent closures, St. Anne's School of Annapolis has expended the number of inclement weather days built into this year's academic calendar. If we have additional inclement weather closings this year, the following provisional days will be used as needed in this order:


Thursday, February 13 - half day for students; professional day for staff

Monday, April 21 - full day for students and staff

Friday, June 6 - half day for students and staff


Please keep this in mind for planning purposes.