November 2015
Agreement Signed to Expand Dow's Facilities at KAUST


The Dow Chemical Company has signed an agreement with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to expand its facilities at the KAUST Research & Technology Park with the construction of a new Dow Middle East Research and Development (R&D) Center.

"This expansion demonstrates Dow's strategic commitment to innovation by strengthening R&D to better serve our customers and support growth in the region," said Markus Wildi, president of Dow India, Middle East, Africa and Turkey. "It underscores our mutual objectives to deliver science-based solutions for some of the world's biggest challenges, especially those related to water, energy, and infrastructure." Read more.
MIT is Opening an Innovation Center in Honk Kong

Hong Kong is to be the location for a startup accelerator-style center of innovation from famed tech-focused U.S. university MIT.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (better know as MIT) announced that it will open its first ever "Innovation Node" in the Asian city-state next summer. The center will be a startup incubator of sorts which MIT said will "[combine] resources and help students learn how to move ideas more rapidly from lab to market."

That's much like an incubator program but, beyond that, it will provide research opportunities with Hong Kong universities, a platform for events and community activity, and internships. There are also plans to open a makerspace for prototyping and testing new hardware and technology, which would be closely aligned a similar facility that MIT is currently building in the U.S. Read more.
Trajtenberg Touts Building of Marine Research Center in Eilat
Jordanian scientists are eager to see a new research center built in Eilat and to cooperate with it, MK Manuel Trajtenberg told the Knesset Science and Technology Committee.

The lawmaker, who is an economist by training and former chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education, said that "Eilat is a unique place." The Canadians, who established the largest marine science research center in the world, would love to see a center built in Eilat, he said.

Trajtenberg, who was speaking in honor of the committee's marking of Eilat Day and discussed a plan to build a Red Sea research center there, said he knows a philanthropist who is willing to invest "a lot of money" in such work but that NIS 50 million in Israeli matching funds are missing. "When we are fighting the BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] movement, there is nothing that would empower Israel more than a marine biology research center in Eilat," he said. "I call on the government to discuss the matter."generations. Read more.
UIUC Just Got A $100K Grant To Support Women And Minority Founders
From ChicagoInno
It's one thing to talk about getting more underrepresented groups starting businesses. It's another to put $100,000 to drive that idea beyond a conversation.

That's what happening in Urbana-Champaign. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Research Park just announced it is launching a pilot program to support more women and minority startup founders, thanks to a $100,000 National Science Foundation grant. The Accelerating Women and underRepresented Entrepreneurs (AWARE) program will support networking, entrepreneurship training, and counseling resources, with the goal of increasing startups and small businesses launched by underrepresented groups, particularly in central Illinois.

"The ultimate goal of this program is broad-based, sustainable economic development in the region," said Andreas Cangellaris, dean of UIUC's college of engineering in a statement "As with most engineering and entrepreneurial programs, there are too few women-led teams. We are developing a model that can be used in central Illinois and elsewhere to train and support a pipeline of women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from other underrepresented groups." Read more.
2016 Calendar 
April 11-15th
June 5-6th
San Francisco
September 27-30th
Oklahoma City
Career Opportunities

Marketing/Commercial Real Estate Manager
West Virginia Regional Technology Park
The West Virginia Regional Technology Park (WVRTP) Corporation is seeking a Marketing Commercial Real Estate Manager. This position manages a wide array of marketing projects from inception through completion with attention to strategic planning. For a complete job description please visit

Dean of the College of Engineering 
University of Akron 
The University is looking for a Dean of Engineering with the passion, plan, and track record to continue the COE's upward trajectory.

Director of Real Estate Development 
University of Delaware
The University of Delaware has retained WK Advisors to assist them in locating a pivotal position for the University: The Director of Real Estate Development, reporting to the Vice President of Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services. 

Learn More About These Opportunities

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