April 2015
Network, Collaborate and Discover at AURP BioParks 2015
Make Your Plans to Attend: June 15 | Philadelphia
Hosted by The University City Science Center
Held in advance of the BIO International Conference 
You're invited to join research park executives from around the world for an in-depth look at biodistrict startups.  
  • Network: BioParks 2015 offers the opportunity to build a system of invaluable connections you can rely on throughout the year.
  • Collaborate: Find out how your colleagues are thriving in the face of new challenges and how their successes can partner with yours.
  • Discover: Biodistricts from across the U.S. and abroad will share their triumphs and obstacles during a round of flash presentations. The day will wrap up with a tour of the latest developments on the campus of The University City Science Center. 

Report: UW-Madison's Research Park Economic Impact to Wisconsin Over $701 Million Annually  

Photo Credit: Bryce Richter
University of Wisconsin-Madison alum Patrick Heaney, founder of NCD Technologies, uses a microscope to quality check a tray of diamond-coated cutting tools at the company's lab at UW's Research Park. Spinoff businesses like NCD contribute to the university's $15 billion economic impact on Wisconsin.
By Greg Bump, University of Wisconsin-Madison News
The University of Wisconsin-Madison continues to be one of the state of Wisconsin's greatest economic engines, accounting for $15 billion in economic impact statewide according to a new report. University Research Park's total impact is over $701 million with 7,926 jobs contributed.

The report shows that UW-Madison, UW Hospital and Clinics and the university's affiliated organizations ----  including the University Research Park ---- and startup companies support 193,310 Wisconsin jobs and generate more than $847.5 million in state and local tax revenue. That's up from 128,146 jobs and $614 million in tax revenue the last time a similar study was completed in 2011.

Univ of Tennessee Making Progress with Cherokee Farm Innovation Campus 

The centerpiece of Cherokee Farm Innovation Campus is the 142,000-square-foot Joint Institute for Advanced Materials building, which is nearing completion and should be ready for use by the end of the year, said Cliff Hawks, who is CEO of Cherokee Farm Development Corp.

Cherokee Farm is a joint project of the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, using $87 million in capital investments and incentives. The 188-acre campus is to include the advanced materials building plus 16 other building sites, a hotel, surface and structured parking and other features.

Purdue University Announces Plans for 980 Acre Aerospace Tech Park

Purdue University President Mitch Daniels announced plans on April 21 to create a 980-acre Purdue Research Park Aerospace District in West Lafayette housing public and private aerospace research facilities that will provide jobs for Indiana residents and learning opportunities for Purdue students.

Plans for the aerospace district, which encompasses the Purdue University Airport, Lafayette Aviation and the Maurice J. Zucrow Laboratories, include opportunities for aerospace companies that wish to collaborate with Purdue to build research and development facilities. The site has already been named an Indiana Certified Technology Park by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.

$5 Million in Cash Prizes Up For Grabs in 43North Business Idea Competition

As part of New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's Buffalo Billion initiative, the 43North competition calls for businesses from around the globe to pitch their most innovative ideas in an attempt to win $5 million in prizes. In addition to cash prizes, 43North finalists receive free incubator space in Buffalo, New York, for one-year, guidance from mentors in related fields, and access to other business incentive programs such as Start-Up NY. 43North is open to applicants ages 18 and older in any industry, with the exception of retail and hospitality. The deadline is June 24.


NC State's Centennial Campus Breaks Ground on the StateView Hotel

By Amanda Hoyle, Triangle Business Journal
NC State University's Centennial Campus has broken ground on a five-story hotel and conference center, called the StateView Hotel. The new complex, which is expected to be completed in 2017, will be part of the Marriott Autograph Collection and will have 164 rooms. The hotel and conference center will be privately developed by Noble Investment Group and Concord Eastridge, Inc.
Mark Your Calendar

June 15, 2015 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hosted by The University City Science Center   

Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 2015
Buffalo, New York
Hosted by the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus     



March 7-11, 2016

Tempe, Arizona

Tempe Mission Palms


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Innovate ABQ
Posted April 20, 2015

Vice President of Research and Sponsored Programs
Kent State University 
Posted January 20, 2015 


Are you starting a new innovation community ---- a new park or an innovation district? Perhaps you have an existing park or a district facing challenges ---- one that could benefit from a repositioning.

 AURP's Creating Communities of Innovation is an on-site workshop that brings together your most important stakeholders to learn from AURP's successful park and innovation district creators and partners exactly how to make your university's community of innovation as successful as it can be ---- whether your innovation community is in its beginning stages or needs to reposition itself as it moves through time. Each program is custom designed to address your unique questions and concerns.

If you'd like to find out more information, please email Eileen Walker at eileenwalker@aurp.net.


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Association of University Research Parks | 6262 N. Swan Road Suite 100, Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: 520-529-2521 | Fax: 520-529-2499 | info@aurp.net | www.AURP.net