Fact 100% Photo

March 29, 2013


Dear Friend  



Here are some facts: the high school drop-out rate for African-American males is more than 50%. The leading cause of death for young Black males is homicide. Only one in forty Black boys who start in a Chicago public high school will end up earning a bachelor's degree by the time he is twenty-five.  


These are the facts and they are indisputable. But I want to share another indisputable fact about some young Black men that I happen to know.


Fact: For the fourth year in row, 100% of the graduating seniors at Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men have been admitted to a four-year college or university.    


Yesterday, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel joined me and over a thousand students, parents, alumni, educators, and community supporters to recognize this incredible achievement. It was a particularly special assembly because, for the first time, we had seniors from Urban Prep's West Campus also celebrating their admission to college. This year, Urban Prep's more than 160 seniors, have been admitted to over 120 colleges and universities and have earned over six million dollars in scholarships and grants.  


Another highlight of the assembly came when Helen Hammond Redding, Senior Vice President & Illinois State Director of Citi Community Development announced a grant in the amount of $150,000 from the Citi Foundation to support Urban Prep's Project GOLD  (Getting Our Lions Degrees). This program provides support to Urban Prep alumni as they pursue their college education.  


Mayor Emanuel, a longtime supporter of Urban Prep, said that the success of our students defies the cynics who doubt the power of a community committed to the success of young Black men.  We couldn't agree more.  The Urban Prep community of students, parents, teachers, staff, and supporters made this achievement possible. I am incredibly grateful to you for your commitment to our students.   


Words cannot express how proud we are of our seniors. These young men are the exception that inspires a new rule. That's a fact.


We Believe, 

Tk Signature red 


P.S. To see a summary of the assembly including pictures, video, and media coverage, please click here  



Tim King

Founder & CEO

Urban Prep Academies

420 N Wabash, Suite 300

Chicago, IL 60611

T:  312-276-0259, Ext. 1111

F:  312-755-1050

