Your News for November 30, 2015
Join Us at the Orlando Grande Lakes resort for MCAA 2016!
Plan to Spend an Awesome Week in Orlando at MCAA 2016!

The time is NOW to make arrangements for your family to enjoy an awesome week at MCAA 2016! Our convention site, the Orlando Grande Lakes Resort, is a world-class destination in and of itself. Plus, it is close by those world-famous attractions your family so looks forward to experiencing, such as Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and SeaWorld. And, we'll provide the transportation! Awesome rooms with awesome views are available at the J.W. Marriott and the Ritz-Carlton. Early Bird pricing is still in effect for convention registration and plane fares are at their best. So, act NOW to make your plans for an awesome week at MCAA 2016!
Do You Understand the Reporting Requirements Under the Affordable Care Act?

Join us for a comprehensive yet concise summary of what MCAA members of various employment levels have to do now for Affordable Care Act reporting and notice requirements to both workers and the Internal Revenue Service. To assist you in understanding and dealing with these reporting requirements, MCAA and the Groom Law Group will present a webinar on December 9, 12:00 p.m. Eastern time. Topics to be covered include: 
  • How to determine if your company is subject to the ACA employer mandate, and if so when.
  • Who counts as a full-time employee?
  • If your company is subject to the employer mandate, what are the penalties that could apply?
  • What special rules apply to employers that participate in a Taft-Hartley health plan?
  • Which of the new IRS reporting requirements are the obligation of the employer - and how much of that burden can be shared by the multiemployer health and welfare plan?
This webinar is free as a benefit of membership to MCAA and MSCA members.
Learn How to Cultivate Your Team
Don't Miss Part II of The TEAM Webinar

If you participated in Part I of The TEAM Thing Webinar, then you must catch Part II. MSCA presenter Steve Thomas will continue his discussion of Characteristics of an Effective TEAM on December 2, 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. He will identify the "great" qualities that your team should have and explain how to distinguish the "good" qualities from the great ones. He will also recap all six sessions to illustrate how the concepts work together to create an effective team. It's the last TEAM webinar of the year, so be sure to sign up. These sessions are free as benefit of membership to MSCA and MCAA members.
Safety Directors_ Conference is Open for Registration
Safety Directors' Conference

MCAA's 2016 Safety Directors' Conference (January 26-28 in Tempe, AZ) is "one-stop-shopping" for all the latest information about safety regulations and practices to keep your employees safe from accidents and injuries while working on a jobsite. Keynote speaker Daniel Rodriguez - decorated combat veteran and football star - will open the conference which also features: an exhibit of the latest safety technologies, equipment and software; topical breakout sessions; workshops and educational sessions on the latest developments from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration; and other safety-related information. Industry safety directors from across the country attend this conference every year, adding to the networking opportunities and the range of information.
Build an Elite Service Sales Team
Your Sales Team Will Benefit from Sales Institute Courses

A crack sales team is key to the success of your service business, so make sure your sales employees have all the tools they need to be the best. MSCA's Sales Institute courses provide training for all levels of service personnel. The Sales Leadership Symposium (January 26-27 in Phoenix, AZ) is a two-day program for the sales leader. The Sales Basecamp is for entry-level service sales staff, and two programs are offered-February 1-2 in Orlando, FL, and May 2-3 in Chicago, IL. The Sales Masters program, a unique two-week program for intermediate- and advanced-level personnel, will take place April 17-21 (Week I) in Oak Brook, IL, and November 13-18 (Week II) in Houston, TX. Space is limited for all classes. (Note: Service sales leaders must attend the Symposium before their team members can participate in the Sales Masters program.)
Learn More About MCERF
Arista Air Conditioning Corporation Makes MCERF Contribution

Arista Air Conditioning Corporation (Long Island City, NY) made a $2,500 contribution to the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) last week, bringing their total contributions to date to $25,000. Arista's Scott Berger (President/COO) said he, "...especially appreciates the job MCERF is doing underwriting student internships." The Foundation's Board of Trustees is very grateful for this generous support which allows MCERF to continue its education and research activities that help our industry grow and thrive.
The MCAA National Update is a weekly publication of the 
Mechanical Contractors Association of America.
Questions? Contact Ann Mattheis, Editor, or call 301-869-5800.
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