Your News for November 2, 2015
Learn How to Manage Mobile Devices
Learn How to Manage Mobile Devices

Contractors are issuing tablets and smartphones to their field personnel, project managers and senior management. While these devices enhance productivity, they also increase the risk of exposing sensitive company information and private information. On November 17 (1:00 p.m. Eastern time), the Construction Technology Committee will host a webinar with Rob McKinney, the ConApp Guru, to discuss mobile device management strategies that you can use to protect your company. He'll cover corporate policies to reduce loss, hardware options and device management software that can locate and shut down the devices. You will also learn about using a "bring your own device" policy and ideas for protecting the devices of employees who have access to corporate or project information.
Learn How to Cultivate Your Team
Learn How to Cultivate Your Team

Steve Thomas, a two-time presenter at MSCA's 2014 and 2015 educational conferences, continues The TEAM Thing webinar series on November 4 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. In this fifth session of the six-part series, Thomas will discuss Characteristics of an Effective TEAM - Part I, a deep dive into specific characteristics of effective teams that you can develop as a leader with your team. In Characteristics of an Effective TEAM - Part II (December 2 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time), he will identify what separates "great" qualities from the "good" ones. He will also recap all six sessions to illustrate how all the concepts work together to form an effective team. These webinars are free to MSCA and MCAA members as a benefit.
Change Readiness Webinar Scheduled

Why do more than 70% of organizational change efforts fail to become sustained within the capital projects industry? On November 12 (1:00 p.m. Eastern time), a webinar will provide data-driven background into the behaviors and attributes that directly impact Change Readiness, that is the ability of an organization to successfully achieve innovation adoption. The Construction Technology Committee will team up with Dr. Brian Lines of the University of Kansas to explore the realities of resistance to change, spotlight common barriers to innovation adoption and identify pathways for creating positive change readiness outcomes. Results of a recent industry benchmarking study will be presented highlighting innovation trends in the current capital projects market.
MCAA Board of Directors Nominations Requested

The call for nominations for MCAA's Board of Directors for 2016 was sent to affiliated association executives on October 29. Vacancies will be filled at the 2016 MCAA Convention in Orlando, FL. Board members will be chosen for their commitment to the industry, their capabilities, their willingness to serve the association and their involvement in local and national activities. All nominations should be mailed, faxed or emailed to Taj Homayouni by January 9, 2016 at 1385 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850 or 301-990-9690.
Safety First
Safety First

We know jobsite safety is at the top of your list of priorities, which is why we schedule MCAA's Annual Safety Directors Conference early in the year. The 2016 conference will take place January 26-28 in Tempe, AZ, and will feature leadership keynote speaker Daniel Rodriguez - decorated combat veteran and football star - an exhibit showcasing the latest safety technologies, topical breakout sessions, workshops and educational sessions that cover the latest developments from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other safety-related information. The conference draws safety directors from across the country, adding to the networking opportunities and the depth of information. Registration opens later this year; watch this publication for the announcement.
Sales Institute Programs Improve Profitability
Sales Institute Programs Improve Profitability

The MSCA Sales Institute is now accepting applications for all 2016 programs. The Sales Leadership Symposium (for sales leaders/managers seeking to build an elite service sales team) will be held January 26-27 (Phoenix, AZ). Two offerings of Sales Basecamp for entry-level employees are available on February 1-2 (Orlando, FL) and May 2-3 (Chicago, IL). The two-week Sales Masters program for intermediate- and advanced-level personnel is scheduled for April 17-21 (Week I) in Oak Brook, IL, and November 13-18 (Week II) in Houston, TX. Space is limited for all classes, so be sure to sign-up today. (Note: Service sales leaders are required to attend the Symposium for their teams to be eligible for Sales Masters.)
Learn More About MCERF
MCA of Cleveland Contributes to MCERF

The Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation received a $5,000 contribution from the MCA of Cleveland, raising its total contributions to $101,000. The Foundation's Board of Trustees is very grateful for the contribution which helps continue support of education and research activities that enable our industry to advance and thrive. And, if an MCERF contribution is on your to-do list for the end of the year, consider designating up to 50% to the Scholarship Program. Your support will help a deserving future professional cover his or her educational expenses.
MCAA to Comment on Paid Sick Leave EO
MCAA to Comment on Paid Sick Leave EO

The Obama Administration's Executive Order 13706 requires direct federal prime contractors and subcontractors on projects of $2,000 or more to provide one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked by an employee on covered contracts, up to a minimum of seven paid sick leave days annually. MCAA has requested a meeting with the Department of Labor on the development of regulations implementing the EO. (Proposed regulations are not called for until September 2016, with final regulations affecting covered contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2017.) MCAA will advise the Department of Labor of the significant inefficiencies inherent in applying the EO to construction industry craft workers on direct federal construction contracts. Tight project schedules and complex work sequencing demand precise and reliable workforce deployment and project staffing, already compounded by the vagaries of weather, site logistics and the conformance of other trades schedules. In some states and localities where this issue has surfaced, construction employers and labor organizations have gained collective bargaining exemptions for paid sick leave based on the unique features of construction project management and the unique nature of health and welfare and vacation benefits accrual available through jointly administered benefits programs. The EO does give the Secretary of Labor the authority to provide exclusions where necessary.
The MCAA National Update is a weekly publication of the 
Mechanical Contractors Association of America.
Questions? Contact Ann Mattheis, Editor, or call 301-869-5800.
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