Your News for September 21, 2015
WebLEM Password Change

As a user of WebLEM, remember that the password changes every three months, and the next scheduled change will be on or about October 6. We will send the new password by email to your company's primary WebLEM contact. If you are concerned that it might land your spam filter, please ask your IT Department to add, and the MCAA LEM Committee [] to your spam filter's "accept" list to ensure that you continue to receive these and other important communications. The password is only sent to the primary contact, so please share it with the other WebLEM users in your company to ensure uninterrupted access to this valuable and free member benefit.
View the Schedule for MCAA's Safety Directors Conference
Make Time for the MCAA Safety Directors Conference

The best resource for the latest information about safety and health regulations, issues and best practices is the MCAA Safety Directors Conference. The annual conference that will take place January 26-28, 2016, in Tempe, AZ, is a forum of our industry's top safety professionals featuring keynote speaker Daniel Rodriguez - decorated combat veteran and football star - an exhibit showcasing the latest safety technologies, topical breakout sessions and workshops that cover the latest developments from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other safety-related information. Networking opportunities with your peers from other MCAA member companies add considerable value to this increasingly popular conference. Registration opens later this year; watch this publication for the announcement.
Register for the AIPM Today!
AIPM Makes Great PMs Even Greater

Your most experienced, seasoned project managers have an opportunity to raise their knowledge and skills to an even higher level at the Advanced Institute for Project Management (AIPM) (January 17-22, 2016, University of Texas in Austin, TX). AIPM is where graduates of the Institute of Project Management or seasoned project managers with considerable project management experience learn how to take on and address efficiently, effectively and successfully issues that typically arise on a jobsite and threaten to disrupt productivity. AIPM's Class 12 will be taught by top industry experts who will cover: 
  • Team building
  • Keeping customers for life
  • Legal issues
  • Staying on top of schedules and productivity impacts
  • Avoiding litigation
  • Operational management
  • Insurance and bonding
  • Goal setting
  • More 
This class is offered only once each year and it fills quickly.
NFPA Safety Training Webinars Are Open for Registration
Last Chance to Sign Up for Next Arc Flash Training

The next Arc Flash Safety Training Webinar is on September 24, 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. If you have employees who work with or around electricity and have not yet taken the training, have them sign up now. The webinar provides training and information specifically designed for mechanical and service employees who are exposed to electricity from HVAC work, electrical maintenance, troubleshooting, voltage testing, fuse testing, verifying a zero energy state, infrared imaging, etc. It is also designed for those employees who manage or supervise electrical workers and safety/engineering professionals who manage the company's Electrical Safe Work Practices program. Presented by the Hilgeman Group, the session covers all applicable OSHA and NFPA requirements (including the revised NFPA 70E requirements), best practices and provides participants with real-world accident information to reinforce the training.
Registered Yet for Next Green Webinar?

If you're planning a sustainable building in the near future, you should sign up for the next Green Webinar (September 24, 1:00 p.m. Eastern time). The webinar will focus on standards and green building codes and how they may impact the sustainable building market. Courtney France of France Sustainable Solutions will explain how voluntary green certifications are stacking up, or lagging behind, recent developments in green building codes and standards. You'll find out how and where sustainable building design and construction standards are gaining strength in specific markets and regional areas across the U.S. She will also tell you how green building codes and standards are pushing sustainable building into our mainstream building delivery process throughout the country. This webinar is free as a benefit of MCAA/MSCA membership.
Push for Pension Reform Phase 2 Resumes

With the summer recess over, MCAA and the UA are back meeting with several key members of the Senate Finance Committee and other Congressional offices to determine a path for Pension Reform Phase 2 during the final months of this session of Congress. MCAA members from Michigan, Maryland, Delaware, and Colorado are travelling to Washington, DC, or to legislators' home offices to advocate for the reform legislation on behalf of constituents who contribute to the 150 UA/MCA employer plans nationwide.
Learn More About MCERF
MCAA President Steve Dawson Contributes to MCERF

Stephen R. Dawson II, MCAA President and President of Harrell-Fish, Inc. (Bloomington, IN) recently contributed $2,500 to the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF). Dawson said that an investment in MCERF will yield returns for years to come with better educated, experienced and skilled employees who benefit from the Foundation's educational programs. The MCERF Board of Trustees is very grateful for the support.
Legislative/Regulatory Action Update

MCAA continues to seek administrative reform to the Administration's Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order (EO 13673) requiring agencies to use a sub-bid naming procedure to eliminate the many pitfalls of allowing the prime contractor to evaluate a subcontractor's legal compliance throughout the course of the job. MCAA is also seeking amendments to the Portman/Hirono Construction Consensus Procurement Reform bill that would reconcile the name of the proposal with the substance of the provisions by adding a sub-bid listing provision to that measure's proposed anti-reverse auction provisions. MCAA is also working on comments to oppose the Administration's latest Executive Order requiring federal contractors to offer paid sick leave to employees on direct federal projects. MCAA will seek an exemption for construction projects based on the unique characteristics of construction industry craft employment, project schedule requirements and project execution. On questions of productivity, MCAA and the UA will file written testimony to the National Institute of Building Sciences' upcoming hearing on construction industry productivity, highlighting the industry-leading MCAA and UA collaboration on new technology, Lean Construction, BIM and related project digital technology, and other new technology training provided by MCAA and the UA International Training Fund.
The MCAA National Update is a weekly publication of the 
Mechanical Contractors Association of America.
Questions? Contact Ann Mattheis, Editor, or call 301-869-5800.
Copyright © 2015 MCAA