MCAA National Update for March 16, 2015
This Week
MCAA 2015 Focused on Building Future Success
MCAA 2015 Business Sessions Focused on Building for Future Success
Approximately 2,200 members and guests came to Wailea, Maui, HI and MCAA 2015 last week to celebrate the association's best. The program featured an exceptional line-up of distinguished and accomplished speakers from a variety of vocations who gave us new ideas about how to prepare for current and future challenges, particularly the emergence of new technologies and the recruitment of talented young people for professional positions. On Wednesday, educational sessions featured: CNA's Jason Oswald and Mike Farrington who explained the pitfalls that face companies not adequately insured against pollution and professional exposures; FMI's Gregg Schoppman who discussed strategies that savvy owners can use to secure their long-term market position and success and how to transform project managers into effective business managers; NCPWB consultant Walt Sperko discussed the latest welding trends and how they can help a company's bottom line; Robert Wendover discussed ways to connect with and manage effectively young millennials; social media expert Perry Monaco explained why today's businesses must develop a social media strategy and how to develop and put one to work; and John Koontz, Greg Fuller and Robert Beck of the Project Managers Education Committee led a discussion about ways to prevent costly disruptions in work flow in the office and in the field.  Entertainment events included the Annual Dessert Party, featuring Espresso, and the Wednesday evening gala featured Oscar and Grammy winner and international superstar Jennifer Hudson.  From the opening session to the closing program, attendees experienced MCAA's best, as they learned of and honored their industry's accomplishments. And so much more...
MCAA Honored Achievement, Welcomed CBS Sportscaster James "JB" Brown
The Annual Awards Breakfast on March 11 honored members' sports achievements, exceptional safety performance and celebrated the winner of the 2014-2015 Student Chapter Competition. Following the announcement of the winners of the golf tournament, tennis tournament, and Fun Run/Walk, MCAA President Chuck Fell announced the winners of the 2014 Safety Excellence Awards: J.F. White Contracting Company - Mechanical Division (Framingham, MA) (Category I); Beacon Piping Company (Canton, MA) (Category II); Armistead Mechanical, Inc. (Waldwick, NJ) (Category III); MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions (Seattle, WA (Category IV); and P1 Group, Inc. (Lenexa, KS) (Category V).  And, the winner of the 2014 E. Robert Kent Award for Management Innovation is Air Masters Corporation (Fenton, MO) for its Stationary CNC Pipe Fabricator.  President Fell presented the award to Gary Tidwell of Air Masters. President Fell and Career Development Committee Chairman Troy Aichele awarded trophies and cash prizes to the finalists of this year's Student Chapter Competition: first prize and $10,000 went to the team from McMaster University and the $5,000 prize for second place went to the University of Washington team. The teams from the Wentworth Institute of Technology and Colorado State University each received a check for $2,500. The MCAA Student Chapter at the Milwaukee School of Engineering is the 2014 Student Chapter of the Year, and Prof. Maureen Weidner of Southern Polytechnic State University was honored as the 2014 Educator of the Year. CBS Sportscaster James "JB" Brown, three-time Emmy winner and's "Best Studio Host of the Decade," shared life lessons he's learned from being a college basketball player, an observer and broadcaster of major league sports and a person deeply committed to strong personal values.
Steve Dawson Becomes New MCAA President as 126th Convention Closes
SMCAA President Steve Dawsonteve Dawson of Harrell-Fish, Inc. (Bloomington, IN) became MCAA's new president at the closing session of MCAA 2015And, Michael Brandt of Smith & Oby Company (Walton Falls, OH) became the newest member of the Executive Committee, where he will serve as vice president/assistant treasurer. Outgoing President Chuck Fell delivered farewell remarks after presenting plaques of appreciation to retiring Board of Directors members Michael R. Cables, Brett Christiansen, Peter Comeau, Robert Lake, Richard Perosa and Adam Snavely. Joining MCAA's Board of Directors are Robert Beck of the John W. Danforth Co. (Tonawanda, NY); Robert Bolton of Arden Engineering LLC (Pawtucket, RI); Dennis Corrigan of Corrigan Company Mechanical Contractors (St. Louis, MO); Robert Hightower of Apollo Mechanical Contractors (Kennewick, WA); Brian Hughes of Hughes Environmental Engineering, Inc. (Montvale, NJ); and Jody Ralston of High Purity Systems, Inc. (Manassas, VA). United Association Assistant General President Mike Pleasant updated attendees on the latest developments concerning workforce training, market recovery efforts, and apprentice recruiting programs. Rounding out the program was world-renowned oceanographer Dr. Robert Ballard, best known for finding the ill-fated
in 1985 along with discovering ocean treasures and other historic vessels dating from ancient times to World War II. Videos of his explorations and discoveries displayed the oceans' beauty and fascinated and delighted attendees. President Dawson ended the program by inviting all to attend MCAA 2016 at Grande Lakes, Orlando, FL, March 20 - 24. See you there!

Now is the Time to Hire Student Interns for Summer Work
Now is the Time to Hire Student Interns for Summer Work If you're looking for well-qualified college students to fill internship positions this summer, go to The Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) is sponsoring Student Internship Grants for $1,500 each, and the grant applications are online at  As of March 13, $154,500 in grants had already been distributed to MCAA member firms! So far, more than 200 students have posted their resumes, profiles and photos on the website as a first step in building their great future.  Please contact Ann Mattheis at for more information.
Spaces are Going Fast for ALI-Graduates (ALI-G) Program
Spaces are Going Fast for ALI-Graduates (ALI-G) Program MCAA's Advanced Leadership Institute's (ALI) ALI-Graduates program is off and running and proving to be as popular as the original.  ALI graduates are applying fast and furiously in hopes of getting a seat in this new and exciting program. The new offering for ALI alumni was meticulously crafted by MCAA's ALI Committee in consultation with the academic leaders of Babson Executive Education, and the faculty members were hand-picked for the program. Attendance will be strictly limited to 30 ALI alumni, and attendees are honored on a first-come/first-served basis. ALI-G takes place June 17-20 at the Babson Executive Education Center in Wellesley, MA.  Please contact Dennis Langley at for a flier, curriculum schedule and registration form. And, if you have not attended the ALI, MCAA's foremost educational and leadership program, and are planning to apply, only a few spots remain for Course 15 as well.  ALI 15 will take place September 27-October 2 and November 8-13 at the Babson College Executive Education Center.  To obtain an application for Course 15, contact Dennis Langley at the link noted above.
Boost Field Supervisors' Performance with MSCA Training
Service Supervisor TrainingMSCA's Growing and Developing Service Supervisors will help attendees understand how to coach, mentor, manage, and motivate their technicians. To complement the skills learned during the seminar, each participant will also receive a manual with more than 100 forms and worksheets that will help them meet the challenges of day-to-day responsibilities in the office and in the field. This two-day course will take place April 23-25 at MILWAUKEE TOOL headquarters in Brookfield, WI. Register for this program at Contact Sobeida Orantes at with registration questions.
Are Your Company's Safety Achievements Exceptional?
If you believe your company's safety record in 2014 merits recognition, then send your 2014 safety data to MCAA.  You'll receive a Safety Benchmarking Report and, if your company qualifies, we'll also send you an MCAA Safety Certificate of Commendation in recognition of your company's commitment to safe work practices. To receive the certificate, your company must have achieved a Lost Workday Cases Incidence Rate of zero or one that is 25% or more below the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics industry average for mechanical construction in 2014. The benchmarking report allows you to confidentially compare your company's incidence rates with the aggregates of others in your size category and with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' averages for the mechanical industry. Please visit and complete a short, simple form using your company's 2014 OSHA 300A form as a guide. The completed forms are due to MCAA by the close of business on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. The certificates will be delivered during April 2015.
Benicia Plumbing Contributes to MCERF
Learn More About MCERFThe Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) recently received a $2,000 contribution from Benicia Plumbing, raising its total to $64,000. The MCERF Board of Trustees greatly appreciates the contribution which enables the Foundation to continue its education and research programs that help our industry advance. Find out more about MCERF and its programs by visiting or contact Dennis Langley at
The MCAA National Update is is a weekly publication of the
Mechanical Contractors Association of America
1385 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850.
Questions? Contact Ann Mattheis, Editor, Phone: 301-869-5800; Fax: 301-990-9690
Copyright � 2015 MCAA