MCAA National Update
MCAA National Update for December 22, 2014
This Week
Legislative Update
Management Methods Committee Announces Newly Revised Bulletin on Joint Ventures
Make Sure You're Ready to Help in a Medical Emergency-Sign Up for Safety Directors' Pre-Conference First Aid and CPR/AED Courses
MSCA Sales Leadership Symposium is Your Key to Developing Your Sales Team
Exceptional Safety Achievements Deserve Recognition
Achieve Greater Customer Satisfaction through MSCA Dispatcher Training
Get the Latest Safety and Health Rules, Regs and Information at MCAA's 12th Annual Safety Directors Conference
Utah MCA Contributes to MCERF
Legislative Update

With enactment of The Multiemployer Pension Plan Reform Act of 2014, Phase One of the Solutions Not Bailouts reform initiative is complete. The MCAA and the UA are now beginning the process of explaining the new law's complex provisions. Excellent explanatory material, from the O'Donoghue law firm and the NCCMP, is already available at We thank the UA for making these memoranda available to the MCAA membership.


Phase Two is of our pension reform effort is already being planned as well, as MCAA and the other NCCMP coalition members will now work to dispel the many mischaracterizations of the measure that were leveled in the heat of the legislative battle - chief among them the false claim that the law permits, or even requires wholesale benefits cuts for retirees.


Now that the heat of legislative debate has subsided, responsible press outlets are coming around to a far more balanced assessment of the new law. For example, The Washington Post reports that, "In this mess of a mega-bill, there was one piece of bipartisan farsightedness.  Reps. John Kline (R-Minn.) and George Miller (D-Calif.) crafted a provision that should help to ensure the sustainability of large, decreasingly solvent multiemployer/union pension funds that might otherwise fail and confront Congress with a choice between bailing them out or leaving retirees with nothing.  The measure, which allows pensions to trim existing benefits, was the least painful option - as several key labor unions that supported it recognized.  Looking at the bill as a whole, we'd call this fair and responsible provision the exception that proves the rule." 


Our efforts on Phase 2 will begin in early January, with a goal of enacting the remaining, less controversial part of the SNB proposal - the alternate plan design options for trustees and bargaining parties that decide to restructure their plans in different and more sustainable ways. 
Management Methods Committee Announces Newly Revised Bulletin on Joint Ventures
Get the Latest Management Methods Bulletin Today!
MCAA's Management Methods Committee has just released its newly revised Management Methods Bulletin, Joint Ventures (JV 1). With more and more companies entering into joint ventures on construction projects, the committee focused on this bulletin (last revised in 2009) to ensure its content was accurate, current and complete. The bulletin provides guidance to contractors who enter into a joint venture with another contractor, either on a horizontal or vertical basis to, complete a project. The bulletin explains when and why a contractor should consider a joint venture, the advantages and disadvantages of such agreements and what cautions to use when negotiating with a potential co-venture. The revised bulletin is now available free to MCAA members, as a benefit, in the private section of the MCAA website at

Make Sure You're Ready to Help in a Medical Emergency - Sign Up for Safety Directors' Pre-Conference First Aid and CPR/AED Courses

Medical emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone, so it's important to know how to help. If you are attending the Annual Safety Directors' Conference in San Antonio, TX (January 27-29, 2015) and want to get trained in or brush up on your first aid and CPR procedures, four courses are available before the conference begins. Two courses are for instructors in those procedures and the other two train those who will render the services. The First Aid Instructor and CPR/AED Instructor courses will take place on January 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on January 27 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The First Aid and CPR/AED courses will take place on January 27, from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Both sets of courses will take place at the same location as the conference. To sign up for a course, please contact Beth Miller at or call 800-556-3653.

MSCA Sales Leadership Symposium is Your Key to Developing Your Sales Team

Enhance Sales Skills at the MSCA Sales Institute The first Sales Leadership Symposium held during MSCA's 2014 Educational Conference was so successful, MSCA is offering it again for those who missed it and want to attend. This extended two-day seminar (February 23-24, 2015, Philadelphia, PA) will provide anyone who manages service sales personnel with the skills needed to recruit, hire, onboard, coach, and train his or her sales team (even if he/she doesn't have a sales manager job title). Since participation in this session is required by the sales leader before his/her team members can attend the Sales Masters program (for intermediate- and advanced-level service sales staff), the Symposium will ensure that leaders are equipped with the tools needed to successfully guide their teams as they advance through the Sales Masters program. Visit to register for the Sales Leadership Symposium. This is the only Symposium scheduled for 2015 and the class size is limited, so register early. For information about all MSCA Sales Institute programs, visit the MSCA Sales Institute Web page. Contact Sobeida Orantes ( with registration questions.

Exceptional Safety Achievements Deserve Recognition
MCAA members whose 2014 safety and health program performance was outstanding may be recognized for their achievements in two possible ways - the MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards and the MCAA Safety Certificates of Commendation Program. The MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards are the most prestigious safety awards in the mechanical construction and service industry. Electronic applications are available at and the deadline for completed applications is January 6, 2015. All MCAA/MSCA members are eligible to compete. They may submit an application that includes a brief description of the company and its safety program, a statement about why the company deserves a top safety award and a brief description of an innovative safety initiative implemented by the company in 2014. The winners will be announced at the Annual Awards of Excellence Ceremony during MCAA 2015 in Wailea, Maui, HI. The MCAA Safety Certificates of Commendation Program opens on January 15, 2015; go to the link above for an annual report form. Every company that submits a completed report form will receive a confidential benchmarking report that compares their company's occupational injury incidence rates with the aggregate rates of the other participants in the same size category and with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics industry averages for the mechanical construction industry. Members that qualify for a certificate of commendation will receive it in April. Reports are due to MCAA by March 31, 2015. Please contact Pete Chaney with questions at
Achieve Greater Customer Satisfaction through MSCA Dispatcher Training
Service dispatchers are your company's primary representative with the client, serving as the epicenter of great customer service. Investing in these team members is critical to their success and your bottom line. Join MSCA in Cleveland, OH, from March 26-27, 2015, for the Dispatcher Professional Development Training Program. This training will help new and experienced dispatchers understand their true role in the company and advance their careers as they significantly enhance their ability to contribute to your company's success. Register today at Contact Sobeida Orantes ( with registration questions.
Get the Latest Safety and Health Rules, Regs and Information at MCAA's 12th Annual Safety Directors' Conference
MCAA's 12th Annual Safety Directors' Conference There's really only one place to go for the most current, accurate and complete information about Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations and recent developments affecting workplace safety and health issues - MCAA's 12th Annual Safety Directors' Conference (January 27-29, 2015, San Antonio, TX). Once again, MCAA and CNA are co-sponsoring this important conference for those who protect employee health and safety for the mechanical construction and service industry. In addition to the update on OSHA rules and regulations, the conference will feature Dr. Kevin Elko on How to Achieve Greatness at Work and in Life, sessions on the Physical Effects of Fall Arrest and Effective Rescue Planning, changes to NFPA 70E, Health and Wellness for Mechanical Construction Workers, RF Radiation Exposures and Prevention, and much more. Conference details and online registration are available at
Utah MCA Contributes to MCERF
Learn More About MCERF's Programs and Services The Utah Mechanical Contractors Association recently contributed $10,000 to the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF), which raised the association's total contributions to $60,000. The MCERF Board of Trustees is very grateful for the generous contribution which helps support the Foundation's ongoing industry-oriented education and research activities. As the year comes to a close, consider making a tax-deductible donation to MCERF, which the IRS has designated as a 501(c)(3) organization. Find out more about MCERF programs and activities by visiting or contact Dennis Langley at
The MCAA National Update is is a weekly publication of the
Mechanical Contractors Association of America
1385 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850.
Questions? Contact Ann Mattheis, Editor, Phone: 301-869-5800; Fax: 301-990-9690
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