Corrales International School Newsletter
March 31, 2013
In This Issue
PTA News
7th Grade Parent Meeting
Quality of Education Survey
Club News
MYP Tutoring Schedule
Quick Links
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Congratulations to CIS 3rd grader and Chess Club member, Oliver Cremeens, for placing 3rd in his category in the NM State Chess Championship!! Way to go, Oliver C.!
oliver c chess champ  
Did you know that field trips, after school clubs, before testing snacks, positive parenting workshops, book fair, jogathon and tons of other great events are all coordinated by the PTA? We need you!! We know everyone can't make it to the meetings and some people may be confused about how to get involved. We are searching for one representative from each class to agree to communicate PTA info to other parents. Please contact Megan Walsh to get involved. This responsibility will fulfill the required three hours of volunteer time per family. Email or call 505-934-4875.


Have you met your required 3 hours of service to CIS for the school year?  If you have not, don't worry!  There are still opportunities to participate in making CIS the best it can be for your children! 
Volunteer to help out in the classroom or to help with the upcoming Book Fair, Jog-a-thon, Picture Day, The CIS Foundation's Kids Triathlon Event or the Silent Auction Dinner!  Help out with any of these fantastic events left this year and YOU will be doing your part to make a difference in your child's school!

International Baccalaureate

Learner Profile


What are these "Learner Profile" qualities?

Inquirers-I am curious and know how to discover answers to many of my questions . I love to learn!


Thinkers-I use my thinking skills to make good choices and solve problems.

Communicators-I understand and share ideas in more than one language.


Risk Takers-I try new things, love to explore, and confidently share my experiences.


Knowledgeable-I explore big ideas that are important. I know and can do a lot of important things.


Principled-I am fair and honest. I can make good decisions about what is right and wrong for me.


Caring-I am concerned about other people's needs and feelings. I believe it is important to help others.


Open-Minded-I am comfortable with differences. I welcome and respect other people's points of views and ways of doing things.


Balanced-To be healthy, it is important for me to balance the needs of my mind and body.


Reflective-I think about and discuss my learning, skills, and products.

PYP: Primary Years Program (K-5)


MYP: Middle Years Program (6-10)






Students who are REFLECTIVE know their strengths and weaknesses. They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and consider their personal strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner.

How can parents help to develop students who are Reflective at home?

  • Spend time looking at work samples and journals. Ask them to talk about what they have learned and how they could apply that knowledge to the real world. Do they see areas that could be improved? Do they have areas that they feel confident in?
  • Spend some time reviewing your child's report card with them. They should have the opportunity to look at this document and consider it as well. Discuss it with them and truly consider their thoughts on their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Consider the goals that your child could set for the next term. Make a list not only of the goals, but of specific actions that can be taken to achieve these goals. You might want to list action that your child will take independently as well as action parents will take to support them. For example, if one of the goals your child sets for herself is to improve her writing, her action might be to keep a journal and write in it for at least 10 minutes each night. As a parent, you might decide that the two of you will participate in shared writing, for 30 minutes each week and produce a book of narratives together.


Wednesday, April 3
EARLY RELEASE Parent/Teacher Conferences
4:00 p.m.
7th Grade Parent Meeting
5:00 p.m.
SAC meeting at CIS
The proposed budget for the 2013-14 school year will be discussed at this meeting.
Thursday, April 4
EARLY RELEASE Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, April 5
EARLY RELEASE Parent/Teacher Conference
Director's Coffee
Wednesday, April 10
GC Meeting
Corrales Senior Center
Friday, April 12
Spring Picture Day
Monday, April 15 to Friday April 19
Book Fair at CIS
Friday, April 26

Dear CIS Families:

As we approach the last two months of the school year, it is important that we continue following our school policies.  



Every day counts in April and May.  Please make every effort to ensure your child is present and on time.  


Early Morning Drop-Off/After school Activities

MYP students may be dropped off at 7:45 a.m.  and PYP students may be dropped off at 8:00 a.m.   Students dropped off earlier than their designated time will be sent to before care with Ms. Gaby Escobedo.  There is a fee for before care through the CIS PTA.  

We have had incidents of students hiding in the bathrooms because they do not want to go to before care.   Please help us keep your child safe by encouraging them to go to before care if they arrive earlier than their designated time.  

Similarly, students not in a club or tutoring within 15 minutes after school releases will be sent to the fee-based, PTA-run Permaculture Club. 


Dress Code

As you know the dress code policy has been modified with the help of the Student Council and the School Advisory Committee.  Please take the time to review the dress code policy with your child by clicking on this link: Dress Code    Beginning this week, the dress code will be enforced and students will be assigned detention for not conforming to the uniform policy.


-------------------------Testing Reminders---------------------------

This week we continue testing students in grades 3rd - 8th, and 10th on the New Mexico Standards Based Assessment (NMSBA).  Testing will continue until April 3rd.  Students in grades 6th - 10th  need to be at school by 7:50 during to ensure testing can start on time.   Some students require extra energy during testing, so we encourage you to send an extra snack with your student to eat before testing.


-----------------------Parent/Teacher Conferences-----------------

This Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are all Early Release Days in order to facilitate Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Please make sure to sign up for a time to speak with your child's teacher about his/her academic progress.


Warmest Regards,

Dr. Elsy Diaz

Head Administrator


7th Grade Parent Meeting
Dear 7th Grade Parents:
We need to meet with you on April 3rd at 4:00 p.m. This is an important meeting where we will discuss the progress of the 7th grade class this school year and the requirements for next school year. 
Quality of Education Survey

IF you have not yet returned your quality of education survey, please do so!  If you have more than one child in the school, just fill one out, but make sure that when you return the survey, you email your children's teachers and let them know so all of them get credit for returning the survey.  


The first two classes that return 100% of the surveys will have a pizza party.  All others that return 100% of the survey will have popcorn and jean day!  

Club News

Fencing--Please contact Tara at if you might be interested in a fee-based fencing club on Wednesdays at CIS.  Duke City Fencing will hold the first Club meeting on Wednesday, April 3rd after school.


The class is for children 9 years and older only and the cost is $12 per student per week. The 8 week class costs $96 and there is a 25% sibling discount. There is no charge for tthe first class, should your child choose not to continue after this class. Full payment is due by the second class and should be given directly to the instructor of the class.


Math--All PYP slots for the Math Club are filled. 


The school newspaper, The CIS Edge, has an online presence!  Please take a moment to check out what this great bunch of students has been working on during the school year. 


Challenge Club--Challenge Club is cancelled and will not meet for the rest of the school year. 


Taekwondo--The final session of Taekwondo offered by Blackman Taekwondo Academy will begin this Tuesday and will run until the end of the school year. 



MYP Tutoring Schedule Spring 2013


There is NO tutoring during lunch, or on Wednesdays.





rm 13


SBA prep



rm 10

Math / Science


Comp Lab



rm 11

Math / Science


Groff / Luna

rm 12




rm 10

Math / Science



Comp Lab



rm 11

Math / Science














rm 14





Comp Lab


rm 10

Math / Science







rm 10

Math / Science





Dear CIS parents, friends and family,


We are fast approaching our big fundraising efforts and we need your help to be successful! In the next couple of weeks, we are asking the teachers and staff to help give each family a request for help with our fundraising efforts. We are asking each family to assist where they can. This can be through donations, selling or buying a ticket to our exciting silent auction event, donation of goods or service to our silent auction event or volunteering your time.         



The "Producers" with ALT and CIS

SAVE THE DATE! Thursday, May 23, 2013 we will be having an evening of wine, silent auction and theater. We need your help with any of the following:

-Silent Auction items

-Ticket sales
go to for more information!




            Our goal is to raise $50,000 with this project for our future building. Dedicate a brick for your student, family, loved one that will be placed forever at our building. Bricks will be displayed at our school in a non permanent location for everyone to enjoy. Please go to


            Thank you to those families who have donated to date and I know that many families are still planning to!

            -The family of Che Fox

            -The family of Aubrey Broderick



May 11, 2013

Rio Rancho Aquatic Center

745 Loma Colorado Dr. NE

The Kinds-Only triathlon is New Mexico's only triathlon event dedicated for children ages 13 years and younger. Kids will participate in a traditional swim-bike-run course with varying distances based on age and ability level. For more information contact the race director, Joe Marino at



Remember, as we continue to identify a permanent location for our school, we are looking to raise $400,000! The Foundation is also under United Way so if you contribute through your company and they match your gift, remember to put CIS Foundation! All donations are tax deductible!


We will be holding our Annual meeting for the Foundation on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 where we will be electing new board officers. Also, check out the CIS Foundation Website made possible by Tammy Spatz! 




CIS Foundation Board


Please email Katie Hutchinson at with any questions!



Dear CIS parents, friends and family,




May 11, 2013

Rio Rancho Aquatic Center

745 Loma Colorado Dr. NE

The Kinds-Only triathlon is New Mexico's only triathlon event dedicated for children ages 13 years and younger. Kids will participate in a traditional swim-bike-run course with varying distances based on age and ability level. For more information contact the race director, Joe Marino at



CIS Foundation Kids Triathlon 


If you need financial assistance for your child's lunch, please contact Dr. Diaz at


april 2013 hot lunch 

pta summer program! Don't forget that all CIS parents/guardians have agreed to volunteer a minimum of 3 hours to better CIS!