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Up-to-the-Minute News on Issues and Activities
USA Rice Federation is the global advocate of all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
Friday, September 26, 2014

Global Rice Fortification Conference Endorses USA Rice's Position   

Fortification for all
BANGKOK, THAILAND - The rice fortification conference held here last week, (see "Rice Fortification Conference Update," USA Rice Daily, September 17, 2014), concluded with the decision that rinse-resistant coating technology would be accepted for global food assistance programs - a positive development for the U.S. rice industry, and in line with the official position of the USA Rice Federation.


The conference focused on the diverse technologies available that will allow for a global scale up of rice fortification to address persistent micronutrient deficiencies across the globe.  After analyzing the technologies against critical factors for effectiveness and nutrient retention, it was determined that two technologies are appropriate for scaling up rice fortification: extrusion and rinse-resistant coating. 


While USA Rice supports the inclusion of all nutritionally similar rice fortification technologies, rinse-resistant coated rice is already in production in the U.S., and is less expensive than the extruded rice product - which could be a determining factor for food aid agencies going forward.


The U.S. donor community is optimistic about the addition of fortified rice to food aid programs and its impact on reducing micronutrient deficiencies.  Endorsement of fortified rice for use in U.S. government and WFP feeding programs could result in a significant increase in the use of U.S. origin rice in traditional and innovative food aid programs.  


"This outcome is a win/win situation for the U.S. rice industry and global nutrition," said Jamie Warshaw, USA Rice Federation's Food Aid subcommittee chairman. "With multiple fortification technologies available, U.S. government enthusiasm, and the fact that all fortification technologies will require fortified kernels to be blended with milled rice, we are prepared to help deliver maximum nutrition to those in need."


Contact:  Sarah Moran (703) 236-1457

USA Rice Cohosts Trade Seminar with Rice Packers and Distributors in Turkey 

Bring on the pilav...
with U.S. medium grain
ISTANBUL, TURKEY -- The USA Rice Federation hosted a trade seminar here last week in collaboration with the country's major packer association, PAKDER, representing more than 40 major rice packers and distributors.


USA Rice Regional Director Hartwig Schmidt gave an overview of the current U.S. rice supply and demand situation, crop status, and yield expectations.


PAKDER President Ismet Aral presented a new action plan, coordinated with the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, that requires clear identification of variety and country-of-origin information on rice packages, and establishes significant penalties for companies that blend differing varieties or origins or rice without clearly informing consumers.  This is a clear benefit to U.S. rice which enjoys a quality image advantage over alternative sources.


A representative from a retail research company discussed the many changes taking place in the retail sector as more and more rice is sold in smaller consumer-sized packages, as well as under private labels at major supermarkets.  Rapid urbanization and GDP growth has led to increased per capita consumption of rice and greater reliance on shopping in modern supermarkets which comprised 57 percent of retail food sales in 2013.  Consumers are also showing a growing preference for branded products.


Samples of medium grain rice were distributed, and, after the program, attendees were treated to a buffet lunch featuring several rice dishes using Jupiter and Calrose rice from the United States.


"Seminars like this where we get to communicate directly with the trade are invaluable," said Jim Guinn, USA Rice's vice president of international promotion.  "Turkey is a growing market for U.S. rice and we count on opportunities like this to overcome market constraints and maintain that positive momentum."


Contact:  Eszter Somogyi 011-49-40-4503-8667

Japan Announces Results of 3rd Ordinary Import Tender in FY 2014 


Country of Origin


Number of Importer

Quantity (MT)

Participated Bidders

Amount of Bids (MT)








Non-glutinous milled rice (medium grain)






Non-glutinous milled rice (long grain)





Grand Total












Avg Price for Successful Bids


JPY 85,234/mt


JPY 92,053/mt

(tax excluded)


(tax included)



CME Group/Closing Rough Rice Futures   
CME Group (Prelim):  Closing Rough Rice Futures for September 26

Net Change
November 2014$12.815
+ $0.110
January 2015$13.015
+ $0.120
March 2015$13.210
+ $0.135
May 2015$13.390
+ $0.130
July 2015$13.570
+ $0.130
September 2015$13.000
November 2015$13.000

In the News 

Around Washington

Vilsack: New Tools Help You Pick Your Farm Program Plan Agri-Pulse

These new safety net programs are much more complicated and producers will not have the option of switching in and out of them as crop prices or conditions change. Instead, producers will have through a yet-to-be-determined date in 2015 to select which program works best for each individual farm and that decision will apply to the 2014-2018 crop years.



Around the Country

Ducks Out of Luck in Water Scarce Rice Fields Appeal-Democrat

The symbiotic relationship between rice fields and migratory waterfowl will be tested this winter, as the drought will force some farmers to either employ methods not ideal for habitat or to roll the dice on a chance of winter rain.


How Dust Might Make Drought Worse (Or a Bit Better) in California National Geographic

A love-hate relationship between dust and snow may affect the state's water supply.


Producers Sets New Single Day Record for Second Time This Month  

Stuttgart Daily Leader

The new single day unloading record of 607,747 bushels of green rice set on Tuesday breaks the previous daily record set only 15 days ago by 6,413 bushels.


Rice Month Rice Parfaits KATV

Miss Arkansas Rice, Madison Coleman, serves up delicious chocolate rice parfaits in celebration of National Rice Month.

US River Freight System Near Breaking Point as Huge Harvest Looms Reuters

With a record U.S. harvest just coming in, the river transportation system that is at the heart of the nation's farm economy is overstrained by rising demand for shipping capacity, a low barge inventory, and a dilapidated lock system.

USA Rice Daily Index of Articles, September 22-25
USDA Today Announced Key Farm Bill Details for PLC and ARC Programs
2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference Registration Now Open
Special Hotel Rates Offered for USA Rice Outlook Conference
USA Rice Helps High School Sports Fans Think Rice!

Wednesday, September 24
Missouri Heads to the Front of the Class
National Rice Month Promotional Item of the Week!

Tuesday, September 23
Canada Foodservice Professionals Tour Southern U.S. Rice Country
New Materials Released on Conservation Compliance
Japan Announces 3rd Ordinary Import Tender in FY 2014

Monday, September 22
USA Rice Attends North Carolina Rice Festival
Application Deadline for Rice Leadership Program Nears
Crop Progress:  2014 Crop 46 Percent Harvested
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USA Rice Federation is the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
About Us
Editor: Michael Klein,
(703) 236-1458,

Fax (703) 236-2301

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 610
Arlington, VA 22201

This report is time-sensitive, based on information available at press time. Content is derived from facts and sources believed to be reliable. Reprinting and/or distribution may be done with permission of the USA Rice Federation

Copyright � 2014. Please direct comments or questions to the editor or contact name listed for each story.