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USA Rice Federation is the global advocate of all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
Monday, July 14, 2014

USA Rice Promotion in Turkey Coincides with Ramadan      

Fan favorite Ricky Rice 

ISTANBUL, TURKEY -- The USA Rice Federation recently partnered with two of Turkey's major hypermarket chains, CarrefourSA and Kiler, to promote their private label U.S. rice brands "Kilerim" and "Carrefour."  The five-day promotion included installation of outdoor and indoor billboards featuring the two U.S. rice brands and inviting consumers to visit the hypermarkets to taste test the products.  The campaign was scheduled during the time just before and at the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which started on June 28, as this is the highest rice consumption period throughout the year.


The hypermarkets provided space for the U.S. rice product displays within the stores free of charge.  USA Rice booths were decorated with balloons and posters, and the Ricky Rice mascot created buzz and attracted consumers while handing out recipe booklets and informational material.  Special radio announcements invited customers to taste healthy U.S. rice recipes cooked and presented by the famous gourmet chef Elif Korkmazel.


Contact: Eszter Somogyi, 011-49-40-4503-8667

Crop Progress:   2014 Crop 24 Percent Headed  

WASHINGTON, DC -- Twenty-four percent of the nation's 2014 rice acreage has headed, according to today's U.S. Department of Agriculture's Crop Progress Report.  Seventy percent of this year's crop is rated good to excellent.
Rice Headed, Selected States 
Week Ending
July 13, 2013  
July 6, 2014  
July 13, 2014  
2009-2013 average
Six States
CME Group/Closing Rough Rice Futures   
CME Group (Preliminary):  Closing Rough Rice Futures for July 14

Net Change
July 2014$14.380
- $0.120
September 2014$12.895
- $0.310
November 2014$13.125
- $0.315
January 2015$13.315
- $0.330
March 2015$13.485
- $0.355
May 2015$13.625
- $0.355
July 2015$13.805

In the News

Around Washington

Debate Over School Lunch Nutrition Standards Delays Agriculture Spending Roll Call

Republicans in the House and Senate want to use the fiscal 2015 Agriculture spending bill to delay - or allow waivers from - rules aimed at putting more fruits, vegetables and whole grains on school menus and reducing sodium, sugar and fat.


Washington Week Ahead: Focus on International Trade Talks Agri-Pulse

Look for trade issues to make headlines this week as U.S. efforts continue to forge two major commercial treaties, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with 11 other Asia-Pacific nations, and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) with the European Union. Agricultural issues are among the major obstacles in both negotiations.



Around the Country

On the Road to the School Nutrition Association Conference USDA Blog

This annual event provides an opportunity for stakeholders in the school nutrition community to network, gain ideas, and learn from one another.



Science and Technology

Core Truths: 10 Common GMO Claims Debunked Popular Science

So what, exactly, do consumers have to fear? To find out, Popular Science chose 10 of the most common claims about GMOs and interviewed nearly a dozen scientists. Their collective answer: not much at all.

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USA Rice Federation is the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
About Us
Editor: Michael Klein,
(703) 236-1458,

Fax (703) 236-2301

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 610
Arlington, VA 22201

This report is time-sensitive, based on information available at press time. Content is derived from facts and sources believed to be reliable. Reprinting and/or distribution may be done with permission of the USA Rice Federation

Copyright � 2014. Please direct comments or questions to the editor or contact name listed for each story.