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Up-to-the-Minute News on Issues and Activities
USA Rice Federation is the global advocate of all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
Friday, June 20, 2014

International Trade Commission Tells RMA Convention: 'Rice Study is Underway'     


Bonarriva and Ward
USA Rice's Ward (r) shares a light moment with USITC's Bonarriva

LAKE TAHOE, NV - Earlier this week, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) announced that it has started a major assessment of competitive factors impacting the U.S. rice industry.  This morning, ITC Lead International Trade Analyst Joanna Bonarriva gave attendees at the USA Rice Millers' Association (RMA) Convention an overview of the assessment process, including a timeline of events.


Bonarriva explained that the USITC is an independent, non-partisan, quasi-judicial agency that provides the President and Congress with research and analysis on international trade but does not make policy or negotiate trade agreements.  She said USITC assessments follow a strict procedure starting with a review of relevant literature, followed by a public hearing in Washington, DC, and then, depending on the data collected, use of economic modeling or other statistical methods.  The USITC also does outreach, visiting domestic and international industries, and conducting interviews with both U.S. and foreign government sources as well as industry representatives, including individual firms, trade associations, marketers, exporters, and importers.  For the rice industry assessment, Bonarriva said USITC plans to visit production facilities in Arkansas, attend the Outlook Conference in December, and travel to India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia to complete the international fieldwork.


The final report, due to the House Ways & Means Committee on April 14, 2015, will be a comparison of the competitive strengths and weaknesses of rice production and exports in the United States and other major exporting countries.  Committee members will get a comprehensive look at factors such as producer revenue and costs of production, industry structure, input prices and availability, processing technology, product innovation, exchange rates, pricing, and marketing regimes, as well as government policies and programs that directly or indirectly affect rice production and exporting.


"Subsidies to foreign producers by their governments are behind substantial competition in traditional U.S. markets," said Mark Denman, chairman of the USA Rice Federation.  "Ms. Bonarriva's presentation today couldn't have been timelier, getting our members up-to-speed on all the details of the assessment process.  We look forward to the USITC investigation to provide information that the rice industry can use to educate the administration and Congress."


"I'm pleased this investigation is finally getting underway, and must acknowledge the support we received from leaders in Congress such as Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA)," said Betsy Ward, USA Rice's president and CEO.  "It should be noted that during the course of this investigation, the USITC will contact USA Rice members for information.  I can't urge strongly enough - if they ask for your input, please provide it in a timely manner." 


Ward added that the industry plans on hosting USITC representatives at rice field days this summer as another means of showing investigators  how the U.S. industry works.  

Contact:  Deborah Willenborg, (703) 236-1444

Rice and Ducks Take Center Stage at RMA Convention


Al Montna and Betsy Ward
Duck and Rice Advocates
Al Montna (l) and Betsy Ward
LAKE TAHOE, NV - Earlier today, USA Rice President and CEO Betsy Ward and California producer Al Montna provided a program update to RMA Convention attendees on the USA Rice - Ducks Unlimited Stewardship Partnership.


Ward explained the partnership was formed in 2013 so the groups could pool energy and resources and work collaboratively to conserve three critical natural and economic resources that are common to both groups: working rice lands, water, and waterfowl.


Montna, who also chairs the USA Rice-Ducks Unlimited Conservation Stewardship Task Group, spoke of the many successes the partnership has achieved in a relatively short time.


"We commissioned a major study to scientifically demonstrate the very real and positive link between rice and ducks and other waterfowl," he said. "A DU research team, led by Dr. Mark Petrie, showed the overlap of rice lands and waterfowl habitat in the California Central Valley, the Mississippi Alluvial Valley,

Press Conference
May 2014 Press Conference on
Rice and Ducks

and the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast and put a price tag on how important working rice lands are for the birds."


Montna added that the study is so important, and was so well done, the Chief of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Jason Weller, asked to be a part of the study's unveiling at a press conference at USDA headquarters earlier this year.


"Our partnership with Ducks Unlimited is vitally important as all segments of our industry work together to ensure working rice lands remain working rice lands," said Ward.


Contact:  Michael Klein, (703) 236-1458

House Agriculture Subcommittee Calls New NRCS Interpretive Rule into Question


Represetntative Rick Crawford
Representative Rick Crawford

WASHINGTON, DC - The House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy, and Forestry Chairman Glenn "GT" Thompson (R-PA) held a hearing yesterday on the interpretive rule on the Clean Water Act introduced by USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS).


Subcommittee Ranking Member Tim Walz (D-MN) opened the hearing with remarks about the need for more certainty for farmers and the need to incentivize conservation.


Among the witnesses called to testify was USDA Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment Robert Bonnie who maintained that compliance with the 56 conservation practices would remain voluntary.


Representative Rick Crawford (R-AR) said, "The NRCS has been seen for many years as a body of technical knowledge and now it seems to be more of a regulatory body. It's very disappointing."


The subcommittee also heard testimony from Don Parrish of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Chip Bowling of the National Corn Growers Association, Andy Fabin a producer from Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Scott Kovarovics of the Izaac Walton League of America. All expressed concern for whether conservation practices would even be possible for farmers and ranchers under this rule.


The comment period is open for EPA's "Waters of the U.S." rule until October 20, 2014 and the comment period for the interpretive rule has been extended until July 07, 2014.


Contact:  Lydia Holmes, (703) 236-1450

Nominations Open for 2014 Rice Awards 


MEMPHIS, TN -  Rice Farming magazine is now accepting nominations for the 2014 Rice Awards. The three categories are Rice Farmer of the Year, Rice Industry Award, and Rice Lifetime Achievement Award.


To access the nomination form, please click here.


It also is helpful to send letters of recommendation for the nominee from other individuals in the rice industry who are familiar with his/her accomplishments.


A panel of judges from across the Rice Belt will select the recipients of the 2014 Rice Awards. The deadline for submitting nominations is July 25, 2014 and the award recipients will be honored at the December 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas.  


The Rice Awards are sponsored by Rice Farming, Horizon Ag, and the USA Rice Federation.


Contact:  Michael Klein, (703) 236-1458
CME Group/Closing Rough Rice Futures   
CME Group (Prelim):  Closing Rough Rice Futures for June 20.

Net Change
July 2014$14.635
- $0.055
September 2014$13.755
- $0.120
November 2014$13.955
- $0.110
January 2015$14.105
- $0.105
March 2015$14.265
- $0.100
May 2015$14.265
- $0.100
July 2015$14.265
- $0.100

Rice News

Around the U.S.

EPA officials attempt to ease farmers' fears on Waters of the United States rules - Delta Farm Press

They're from Washington and they're here to help


Subcommittee Examines Impact of EPA Water Rule on Agricultural Producers - House Ag Committee

Meanwhile, a contentious hearing...


Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise vault into GOP leadership - Politico
CA and LA lawmakers rise in House leadership 

Around the World

New Zealand suggests cutting Japan out of TPP talks - Japan Today

NZ PM urges U.S. to stand firm with Japan, cut them out of TPP if they won't budge


Inspection trips to Taiwan, China - The Nation (Thailand)

Now complaints about Thai jasmine quality


California's rice production on the boil - ABC (Australia)

A medium grain competitor's take on the California water shortage

Science and Technology

'Green super rice' beefs up Pangasinan fields - Philippines News Agency

Dubbed "green super rice" (GSR) the environment-friendly rice variety is said to be resistant to drought, flood, salty water, even pests.

USA Rice Daily Index of Articles, June 16-19
Thursday, June 19
Trade and World Markets, in Theory and Practice at RMA Convention
USDA Announces Mississippi Water Conservation Management Project

Wednesday, June 18
115th RMA Convention:  Trends, Challenges, Opportunities
Marvin "Butch" Baden Honored with RMA Distinguished Service Award

Tuesday, June 17
USA Rice Educates New Orleans "Locavores" on Benefits of Rice
USA Rice Annual Report Wins Excellence in Publishing Award

Monday, June 16
Birds, Rice, Crawfish, and Water: USA Rice Working with Experts to Strike a Balance
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USA Rice Federation is the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.
About Us
Editor: Michael Klein,
(703) 236-1458,

Fax (703) 236-2301

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 610
Arlington, VA 22201

This report is time-sensitive, based on information available at press time. Content is derived from facts and sources believed to be reliable. Reprinting and/or distribution may be done with permission of the USA Rice Federation

Copyright � 2014. Please direct comments or questions to the editor or contact name listed for each story.