David Stockwell Evangelistic Association 

Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nations


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April 11, 2013 
Dear :


What an incredible beginning to 2013! God is doing great things and drawing people into a saving knowledge and relationship with Christ! We are thankful for open doors and myriad opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with precious souls in so many countries.


As you receive this email, Amy and I are headed to Guatemala City, Guatemala for an outreach project with great possibilities of reaching many people with the Gospel in secular settings.  Second Baptist Church of Houston, our home church family, helped to connect us with partners who have a great vision for reaching all of Latin American with the Gospel!  We are glad to be able to serve in Guatemala City, and look forward to this wonderful opportunity to GO and TELL people about Jesus!


My son, Steven, and I, along with our NEST (National Evangelist Support Team) Zimbabwe evangelists, were honored to preach the Gospel to more than  Steven and students in Zim   43,000 people in Zimbabwe on our recent mission; during our evangelistic outreaches in Bulawayo and Steven's extended mission in Mutare, more than 29,000 of those people prayed to receive Christ with one of our team members and indicated their desire to be a Christ-follower.


Please pray with us that these new believers will begin their new life in Christ with a deep heart's desire to know and serve the Lord Jesus, and that they will GROW under the Lordship of Christ. Pray for those who have the responsibility of teaching and training them in their faith, and that they will grow to become mature believers who will WIN and TRAIN others!


Your generous and faithful giving is deeply appreciated. Thank you for sending us and supporting us. Pray with us that God will continue to send us forth into the harvest fields!


Your friend and partner in the Gospel,




David Stockwell


Romans 1:16 ~ "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes."


David Stockwell, President

David Stockwell Evangelistic Association

P. O. Box G, Katy, Texas  77492 USA





A Word From Amy Stockwell

What a wonderful time of ministry I enjoyed in March, while attending the Conference of Texas Baptist Evangelists' Retreat and the Empower Evangelism Conference of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention!  While David and Steven were ministering in Zimbabwe, I traveled to the Dallas area, and was so encouraged and challenged during my time together with other evangelists and those serving in full-time traveling ministry...the fellowship was sweet! 
I was honored to have the opportunity to sing several times, not only at the Convention and Retreat, but also in a Sunday evening service at Hillcrest Baptist Church of Cedar Hill, where my dear friend, Donnie Page, is the Minister of Music.  Donnie and his wife, Sheryl, and the Page Family were very involved in the ministry of our home church and school, Second Baptist Church of Houston, back in the 1990's.  They are like family to me, and it was wonderful to see them again!
The Lord is doing something very special this year...David and I have really experienced some incredible times of worship and ministry, and the Lord is opening doors for us in ways we have never seen before.  Thank you for praying for us, and for sending us to the nations, to lift up the Name of Jesus, and to tell people how good it is to know Him!
Your prayer covering will mean so much to us as we minister in Guatemala.  I have been working on my Spanish, and will be singing "Via Dolorosa," "How Great Thou Art," and "You Deserve The Glory," in Spanish during our time there!  My dear life-long friends, Blanca and Jose Garza, were so wonderfully helpful in teaching me and helping me to get the phrasing and the articulation correct on these beautiful songs.  I am so grateful for their help!
Pray with me that the Lord Jesus will use my singing and our times of worship, and David's powerful and anointed preaching of the Gospel, to draw people to Himself.  I am honored and humbled to have the joy of singing of His beautiful life, death, burial and resurrection...and also, to have the joy of traveling with my beloved husband, and serving the Lord together with him in the harvest fields.  I praise God for the great things He has done!
Much love in Christ,
Amy Stockwell

Mrs. Amy Stockwell, Vice-President

David Stockwell Evangelistic Association

P. O. Box G, Katy, Texas 77492 USA



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The mission of David Stockwell Evangelistic Association (DSEA) is to fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ internationally, and by assisting local leaders in equipping believers for effective ministry.

Evangelist David Stockwell



David Stockwell has proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ as a full-time evangelist for over forty years. David and his wife, Amy, have had the privilege of ministering internationally in many countries in Africa, Central and South America, Asia and Europe. Together, the Stockwells are committed to the clear, uncompromising communication of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



David Stockwell  

Evangelistic Association

Proclaiming The Gospel Of  

Jesus Christ To The Nations

P.O. Box G, Katy, Texas 77492 USA 281-391-8777




David Stockwell Evangelistic Association

Proclaiming The Gospel Of Jesus Christ To The Nations

P.O. Box G, Katy, Texas 77492 USA 281-391-8777




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