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Experience Life Through the Eyes of the Law

Sign up today for the Citizen's Police Academy (CPA).  The CPA, which is hosted jointly by Bayside, Fox Point, and River Hills, is funded through a federal grant.  Unfortunately, this is the last class being offered under the current grant.  That means it's time to get signed up!


pd badge

The Spring class will be held on Thursday nights from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm. It begins on April 25, 2013 with graduation held on June 6, 2013.  The CPA offers hands on experience in the life of a police officer, including:

  • Traffic/High Risk stops
  • Use of Force - firearms (simulated)
  • Drunk Driving enforcement

Participants need to be at least 21 years of age.  Those interested should e-mail Officer Eric Miller, or call 351-8800. 


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