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Michael Diaz
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From the East Dear Friends, Brothers and Ladies of the O.E.S,Michael Diaz, Worshipful Master


And Spring shall soon come upon us...
First I want to give my congrats to Michelle Guest on her election and I wish her all the luck in the world. Also my thanks to all the brothers who came out to both Harbor City Lodge and the Rusty Nail degree at Mokanna, it was a long day and drive I know. Also to all the brothers and sisters who came, attended and especially those who helped prepare and serve at the BBQ last week, without the help from these people, the BBQ would could not have gone on and for that we thank you. I must say how proud I am of the Lodge as of late, with all that may have happened, we have persevered. A certain someone once said about man, "That nothing they do together, will be impossible for them". Tis true, and in that spirit let us strive to continue in the utmost sincerity towards our goal of helping out not only those who may be in need, nor those in the community or even just those within the Lodge, but ourselves. For what is man, then just a small part of a greater whole and he who helps his brother, helps himself and in turn the world at large. Crude and imperfect as we are, the blessing is that we have each other, to aid our Reformation, assist us in our failings, heal us when we are sick, extend a hand when we have fallen to assist in our arising and to assure us that in this strange world, we shall see familiar faces. For what is life, if we have no one to live it with.



Michael Diaz, Worshipful Master
From the West
John Miles, Senior Warden


If you were to ask me what I get out of being a Mason, I would say that it is a sense of pride that I am actively participating in an organization with a great history and is positively affecting my community, my country and the world.  As Masons, we do a lot for each other and a lot for the betterment of society.  I also enjoy the friendships I have gained through my association with the fraternity, both within our Lodge and within our District.


I would like to ask the Brethren of Pine Castle a few similar questions and I am really interested in hearing from all of you via my email address [click to email] or by regular mail via the Lodge's mailing address and send it to the attention of the Senior Warden.  What I want to know is:
  • Why did you seek membership in Freemasonry?
  • What did you expect to get out of it and have you received it?
  • What do you enjoy most about Freemasonry now that you are a member?
  • What do you want out of your Lodge and are you receiving it?
These are questions whose answers, as the Officers of your Lodge, we should constantly be seeking to ensure that all Brothers of the Lodge are having their needs met to a fair extent.  Without knowing this information, we can only assume that we should keep the status quo and, sometimes, what has been the status quo, is not necessarily meeting the needs of the Brothers.


Now is your opportunity to speak and to let us know what you think.  Without your feedback and your input, an incomplete picture of what our Lodge needs to be will be formed, so please be sure to send in your responses. I will collect the responses and review them with W:. M:. Diaz and report out on the findings in the near future. 




John Miles, Senior Warden  
From the South
Tom Kinsella, Junior Warden
Greetings Brothers,

I would like to thank everyone that showed up for the barbecue in March. My first barbecue went better than expected. As a note for our upcoming meals we will be having pork sliders for our first meeting in April. For our second meeting we will be having chicken Alfredo and for the first the first meeting in May we will be having catfish. Thanks for all the support from my Brothers and the OES in the last month.




Tom Kinsella, Junior Warden  
Calendar of Eventsmasonic calendar


Pinecastle #368 Events
Mon. April 1 - OES Meeting, 7:30p
Wed. April 3 - Stated Communication, 7:30p, Dinner 6:30p
Sun. April 7 - Rainbow Connections (pledges) Meeting, 1pm
Sun. April 7 - Rainbow Assembly 6, 2:00p
Mon. April 15 - OES Meeting, 7:30p
Tues. April 16 - Officers Meeting, @ Lodge, 6pm
Wed. April 17- Stated Communication, 7:30p, Dinner 6:30p
Fri. April 27 - Masonic Family Breakfast, 8:30a till 11am.
Mon. April 29 - Masonic Leadership Training Class, 7pm
Tues. April 30 - Officers Meeting, @Lodge, 6pm


Catechism class every Tuesday & Thursday 7pm unless otherwise informed.  


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