WHY 50 and Free? 
With the elders and the ministerial staff I want to invite you on a stewardship journey beginning at Hope Evangelical Free Church. We are calling it "50 & Free" because in 2018 our church will celebrate its 50th anniversary, but also because we want to be free from the burden of a current mortgage debt of just over $800,000. But this is way more than a debt reduction campaign; in reality this is a campaign for ministry expansion. This stewardship journey is focusing on reducing the debt that confines us in order to increase the ministry to which God calls us.
   Let me put this stewardship journey in context. A loan for the sanctuary started in 2004 for $1.5 million. By the time we are done paying our regular payments in 2029, we will have paid the bank over $3 million. Such debt has a major impact on our ministries. For example, each year we budget $90,000 for paying the mortgage, nearly 10% of our annual budget, but only $60,000 for all our combined ministries, from our youngest children to our senior saints. From a different perspective, over the past 6 years we have paid $551,000 to the bank, but only $293,000 to our ministry efforts. These numbers reveal the shackles a building debt can place on our church and its ministry.
     The goal of our "50 & Free" stewardship journey is to raise $1 million. The result in numbers is obvious: the mortgage paid in full with $200,000 for necessary projects, as well as saving $90,000 in our annual budget for the next 13 years. But our goal is aimed well beyond dollars. Our goal has always been "50 & Free so that...," with three clear "so that's" in view. First, that Hope Church would be free to reinvigorate our ministries. The first part of our mission statement is "to build a community that loves Christ." Scripture commands us to make

disciples from toddlers to seniors,
that love and serve Christ. This campaign will give us the freedom to expand our investment in people, paying forward a gospel investment rather than paying back a building loan. Second, that Hope Church would be free to reach our community. The second part of our mission statement is "to reach a community that needs Christ." We are an embassy for Christ in our community and ambassadors of the gospel in the world. This campaign will give us the freedom to expand our investment in gospel ministry both locally and globally. Third, that Hope Church would be free to restore our facility. Our mission and its ministries require a place to worship and work for the Lord, and our facility is in need of improvements. This need is most evident in our children's wing, which needs modernization and increased security. This campaign will give us the freedom to provide the kinds of ministry space needed to reach, teach, and send.    
     Hope Church wants to be faithful stewards as we enter the second half-century of our ministry in the Stateline area. But don't think for a moment that this campaign is about money; it is first and foremost about people. While our financial goal is to raise $1 million for ministry advancement, our real goal is aimed at you in two ways. First, that there would be wide participation in this campaign, reflecting the fact that this is your concern, your service to God, and your church. Second, that your participation would be marked by joyful giving, reflecting that your participation is rooted in service to the Lord himself. I would ask that we all begin this journey toward "50 & Free" with prayer, seeking to honor the Lord and follow his guiding every step of the way - and by God's grace for another 50 years.

For God's glory, Pastor Mickey
As God is leading us through this exciting time at Hope, we need to be in prayer for each other as we seek God's direction for our lives.
He may encourage some to just add a little to what you are already giving. He may encourage some to give generously. He may encourage some to give sacrificially.
Our job is to be sensitive to God's leading and trust Him to provide. God will never ask you to give and not enable you to do what He asks.
We encourage you to step out in faith and watch God work!
Ephesians 3:20 says: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!"
Pray with us this week for:
~Hearts sensitive to God's leading to grow in our faith
~Pray for unsaved people we rub shoulders with in our daily lives, that our witness will be strong and loving
~Pray for the needs of the Children's Ministry at Hope
We are praying for you and anticipate God doing great things in our midst.




 Becoming Good Stewards & Cheerful Givers
  As Pastor Mickey has described, we are about to embark on an exciting
journey. A journey that has the potential of stretching and growing each
of us in very unique ways. In order for us to reach the goal of setting
Hope Free Church free from debt, we will simultaneously be on a stewardship journey that will hopefully stretch each one of us.
  I know that some of you have already started to think of how much you might give. Others may have recoiled a bit at the thought of giving more than you already do. That is why we ask you to begin to pray, not about how much or how little you will consider giving, but for the Lord to give you direction in this matter of stewardship. For some the concept of tithing and gift-giving is old-hat. To others, the concept is familiar but untested. And to others it is a relatively new or totally unheard of concept. It isn't always easy to be generous with the money we have worked so hard to acquire. My prayer is that we will all listen to the Lord as he speaks to each of us about stewardship and cheerful giving.
   Most of you are familiar with Matthew 25:14-30, the parable of the talents (a lesson in stewardship). In The Treasure Principle: Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving Randy Alcorn explains "A steward manages assets for the owner's benefit. The steward carries no sense of entitlement to the assets he manages. It's his job to find out what the owner wants done with his assets, then carry out his will." It is our desire to become debt free[1] so that we can be more effective in carrying out the Lord's will for Hope's ministries, community and facilities.
Randa Noble, Campaign Leadership Chair

"The seven characteristic of debt free people are wise, patient, confident, goal-
driven, responsible, non-materialistic and willing to make sacrifices" Dave Ramsey

                                                             PRAYER WALK
                                                  August 31, 2016 6:30-7:30 p.m.
    "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20
Come join us as we walk through Hope and pray over all the rooms of our church and the ministries that happen there. We will begin at 6:30 in the Sanctuary for a brief time of prayer and explanation of how we will proceed. We will break into several groups (so no one has to walk very far) and each group, led by a member of the 50 and Free Prayer Team, will pray over specific areas of our church. For those who aren't able to walk, you are invited to remain in the Sanctuary and will be led in prayer for the ministries and events that take place in the Sanctuary. We will all end the evening in Fellowship Hall for a time of prayer and refreshments.

                                                  DON'T MISS THIS EXCITING EVENT!
From the "50 and Free" Prayer Team
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
Thank you for praying for the "50 and Free" campaign. Please be in prayer for the 50 & Free campaign team leaders and committee members...for wisdom and discernment of God's leading. Continue to hold our congregation up in prayer to be sensitive to God's moving in each heart.
Please pray this week for:
    A spirit of excitement and unity in our midst as we watch God move
    Kids of Hope ministry outreach into our community: pray for the students involved 
          and the adults from Hope working with them
    Pray for our Pastors - for strength for the needs of the ministry, quality family time,
          rest and health

                                                    JOIN US ON AUGUST 31st
                                         FOR A PRAYER WALK THROUGH HOPE
50 & Free Committee Members
Ruth Kipp (Prayer Chair)
Carolyn Scherrer (Communications Chair)
Chuck Hundt (Special Events Chair)
Ed Titcomb (Advance Commitment Chair)
Pastor Brad (Stewardship Education Chair)                                                                          
Neal Neyer (Elder Board Representative)                                                                            
Pastor Mickey (Senior Pastor)                                                                                               
Randa Noble (Committee Chairperson)                                                                               
   Hope Free Church,  5656 Elevator Rd,  Roscoe, IL  61073       815.623.6545       www.hefc.net