An ongoing study group exploring innovative ideas around money and economics. The focus will be mostly on ideas arising from the work of Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy. Ongoing at Hesperus in Thornhill.
Institute Rudolf Steiner Quebec
Laurie Harper-Burgess has joined the Society (Thornhill).
Simone Iafolla has joined the Society (Edmonton).
Alexandra MacKinnon has joined the Society (Ottawa).
The eNews is published 10 times per year for members of the Anthroposophical Society In Canada. Please send correspondence to the editor.
BACK ISSUES are available in our eNews Archive. Click the button on the sidebar of the Members' website.
Contact Info
Anthroposophical Society in Canada
# 130A - 1 Hesperus Rd.
Thornhill, ON
L4J 0G9
Administrator 416-892-3656
School For Spiritual Science |
As we move toward the final week of February the sun's steady northern climb brings longer and lighter days. This reflects in a slow enlightening not only of the outer landscape, but also of our inner landscape of thinking. Already we are closer to Easter than the Christmas we have left behind and closer to begin manifesting from the seed of 'spirit birth' of mid winter and the Holy Nights.
By now you will have received the annual letter from the treasurer and your contribution form. This event must have prompted someone to send the following little ditty:
There is a dear man at number 317
Whose job we really shouldn't demean
His task is to collect from the members
To make sure their dues are remembered!
When reminded, we are so willing
To send him even a shilling.
To send him our annual dues
How could we possibly refuse?
A bit for this, a bit for that
Please put a penny in the dear man's hat!
If you haven't got a penny a ha'penny will do
If you haven't got a ha'penny -
Saint Michael will bless you.
So wearing my Sherlock Holmes deerstalker hat I deduce the following: This person clearly knows my personal address; they use an old English ditty when no contemporary person would know what a ha'penny is. Ergo! This is a senior who lives in Hesperus Fellowship Village. OK neighbour I'm on to you.
For the rest, enjoy your eNews and please do not be shy about sending in something for publication. Share your news, views and events with our members.
Jef Saunders
Michaelmas Lecture at Hesperus
October 1, 2015 by Rosemary Tayler
The Michaelmas lecture presented by Joan Sleigh at Hesperus in Thornhill on Thursday October 1 was truly heartfelt and very insightful. Joan Sleigh was a Waldorf teacher in South Africa and she is now a member of the Executive Committee at the Goetheanum in Switzerland. She has been touring Canada including British Columbia and Toronto. Earlier that day she met with parents of Waldorf School children as well as their teachers, and then in the evening she delivered her lecture to a variety of community members, some of whom were new to anthroposophy.
Full article
A North American Anthroposophical Conference
Dear Friends,
Here is a description of the remaining workshops of the artists at the August Conference in Ottawa. The previous six appeared in the January issue.
Workshop 7 - English
The Foundation Stone in Eurythmy
with Maria Helms
Workshop 8 - English
Between Hardening and Dissolving
with Donald Hall
Workshop 9 - Bilingual Opening the Door to our Own Poetry with Denis Schneider & Michel Bourassa Workshop 10 - English The Becoming "I" The Mirror of our Destiny Groups with Bert Chase Workshop 11 - Bilingual Icon and Mood An Exploration of the Mood of Icons-Past, Present, and Future with Jean Balekian & Herb Walsh Workshop 12 - English Speech and Storytelling with Patricia Smith Workshop 13 - English Steps Towards Discovering the Intrinsic Nature of Water: Seeing Phenomena as Footsteps of the Spirit with Jennifer Greene Workshop 14 - English The Language of Metamorphosis in Rudolf Steiner's Architectural Impulse with Marianne Schubert
 Invitation from the Visual Arts Section
Digital (JPG only) images of paintings, sculpture, mixed media, multi;media and architectural work created in the last two years (architecture in the past 15 years) may be submitted by March 1, 2016 to the email addresses below. Final selection will be made by March15,2016 for works to be included in a virtual slideshow that will run during the "Encountering Our Humanity" conference venue, La Cit� Coll�giale in Ottawa, Canada, August 7;14, 2016. From these works,a further, smaller selection of pieces will be made for actual exhibition in a gallery space (to be announced) for the same period of time. (It is hoped that this selection may provide the basis for possible future shows.)
For the Selection Committee, Van James:e-mail Sylvie Richard:e-mail
Transformation of National Library collection
For several years now changes have occurred quietly and almost unnoticed. The room that Hesperus had to offer was spacious enough, but it was in the lower, basement level without natural light. That coupled with the general decline of library usage and increased ready availability of Steiner books and Anthroposophical literature led to infrequent usage of the space and the materials.
After long discussions, a plan was formulated and has come to fruition. On Friday evening, February 5, 2016, Arie van Ameringen and Council members Dorothy Le Baron, Judith King, and Doug Wylie along with John Glanzer, incoming council candidate from Alberta, were on hand for the official reopening of the library.
Dorothy gave a short welcoming speech informing society members and guests about the process of sorting out and listing duplicates of books to make them available to Canadian branches of the Society. She thanked Alexandra G�nther for her help with the German collection and Bevan Ballah for digital cataloguing of the current collection. As well she thanked all those who helped sorting books in preparation and subsequently moving the shelves and books from the basement to a lovely bright space on the second floor of Hesperus West on the North side adjacent to the Hesperus library and central elevator. Dorothy also reported that thought is being given to naming the room.
It was a relaxed, social event that allowed for informal conversation over refreshments while small groups toured the new library. As already reported in last month's eNews and everyone agreed, it is a cheery and bright space that will be a welcoming environment for visitors and volunteers.
For the time being access to the library is through Kathy Grant who can be reached at: 905-508-9715 or e-mail
Open House Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto - February 27
Come and visit the Rudolf Steiner Centre and find out more about our Waldorf Teacher Education, Remedial Education and Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy programs. Meet with the directors, our students and graduates. Visit the Waldorf bookstore and tour the Toronto Waldorf School to see what inspiring Waldorf education is all about! All are welcome.
Answer to the trials of our times
�cole Rudolf Steiner de Montr�al
4855 av. Kensington, Montr�al, QC, H3X 3S6
Friday May 20, 7:30pm - 21:00pm, Saturday May 21 9:30am10:30am
Sunday May 22, 10:00am-11:30am, Conversation - Members of the School for Spiritual Science
Faust Festival: 1st - 5th August
August 17-21
Dutch DeLight
Summer School for Biographical Conversation 21st - 31st August
Working-Group/Meeting Announcement
A working-group has been formed to bring together Geology, Spiritual Science and Goethean Phenomenology. A field-work oriented conference will be held at the Water Research Institute in Blue Hill, Maine from August 23rd - 28th, 2016. Attendees/prospective members would ideally have an active interest in the above and have the intention to continue work and study over a number of years. A background in Geology would be helpful.
For more information on program/content, contact:
Goetheanum |
September 2016
Goetheanum World Conference
September 27th - October 1st.
How can we work so that the Anthroposophical Society becomes more and more a space for the development of the Human Being Becoming? A meeting place for recognizing and shaping destiny connections? She will best be able to fulfill her given task of being the bearer of the School of Spiritual Science through a constantly refreshed perception of the questions of our times. In order to achieve this our Society needs to undergo a transformation. This is the work we would like to undertake together.
Italy Odyssey
June 27th - July 12th with Margot Amrine and Gillian Schoemaker
You are cordially invited to join our small group tour of Italy. As on all Odyssey journeys, we will study and honor a unique spirit of place-this time, the Italian peninsula. We will embark on our journey with the spirit of pilgrims, seeking to experience the mysterious pagan dream of the Renaissance humanist. Just as Renaissance mystics, scientists, and artists found inspiration from the ancients, we too can look backward to find our way forward. What does it mean to be human? Brochure
A Kenyan Eco-Safari ... through Goethe's Eyes August 4th -20th
Patterns of Nature in East Africa: A Holistic View
August 4 to 20, 2016
Join Prescott College environmental studies professor and naturalist Mark Riegner, Ph.D., local naturalist, safari manager and guide Anthony Mwaura, and group leader Sarnia Guiton, on a 16-day Safari in Kenya.
This is an exciting opportunity to not only experience wildlife on safari in the East African environment but also to study it in depth. Brochure
Anthroposophy Worldwide - 1-2
***NOTE NEW PASSWORD - Jan 2016***
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