eNews - November 2015     


Anthroposophical Society in Canada 


(♦ ♦ ♦ aussi disponible en francais♦ ♦ ♦)


In This Issue
President's Letter.
Candles for Advent by R. Down
Encountering Our Humanity - Interview
Antthroposophy Worldwide 11
2016 Conference 

Call for Participant Research
Money For A Better World 
An ongoing study group exploring innovative ideas around money and economics. The focus will be mostly on ideas arising from the work of Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy. Ongoing at Hesperus in Thornhill. 
Network Updates


Institute Rudolf Steiner Quebec   

Toronto Branch 
Toronto Branch November Newsletter

Nova Scotia

Membership Update
Ruth Manson (ON) crossed the threshold in October. Date not available 
Editorial Notes
The eNews is published 10 times per year for members of the Anthroposophical Society In Canada.  Please send correspondence to the editor.

BACK ISSUES are available in our eNews Archive.  Click the button on the sidebar of the Members' website.
Contact Info
Anthroposophical Society    in Canada 
# 130A - 1 Hesperus Rd.
Thornhill, ON
L4J 0G9



Douglas Wylie (ON) 
John Bach (BC)

General Secretary

School For Spiritual Science 

For list of Class Holders,
click here.

For a list of Collegium members, click here.

President's Letter 
Council in Ottawa
            Warm greetings to all the members.
            From October 10th to October 12th, the Council had the opportunity to meet and work together in Ottawa. We stayed at the residence on the campus of La Cit� coll�giale, which is the location of the 2016 Conference, Encountering our Humanity. It felt good to experience and warm the space towards the August 2016 gathering. We are excited by the location.
            What is going on in the world around us? What is happening now in Canada? What do we see in the Anthroposophical Society? What are we being asked to do? How do we move from being a "sense organ" to taking action?
            These questions were the starting point for an artistic exercise that had a lot to reveal about how we work together as members of Council and about the capacities we are being asked to develop. We had the experience of needing to let go of what we had planned, to be awake to the moment, and what is emerging in our meeting together. We needed to be in a space of "not knowing"; and to be able to give up our own idea of what needed to happen, for the emergence of the "whole."
            We discovered that when we can work in this way, it is an inspiration. The results spread outward. And we could see in our meeting, that it allowed us to move more easily through items in our agenda, without getting stuck.
            We are sharing this with you as part of our council imagination. It's a picture of leadership "with." It's a picture of a way of working together that is different, that is out of the moment, and that "lets live" what is emerging with the people who are present. This is conscious social work. It reflects the mood needed today.
            It also reflects the change in the Purpose of the Society. This is the Purpose sentence we have arrived at, to now approach Industry Canada, and change it in our Charter.
"The purpose of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada is to foster the life of the soul and a true spiritual understanding of the world, both in the individual and in human culture, based on the path of knowledge brought by Rudolf Steiner."
            During the course of our weekend meeting, we also had a day of planning for the 2016 Conference. This included a larger group than the Council, others who are carrying this important project. We are very grateful for this group of volunteers for all the time, energy, and expertise they are contributing.
            We have been actively searching for a new treasurer for the Council, as Doug Wylie's term will end in 2016. Our way of doing this is to meet with potential candidates, and have a conversation, and work together to see if we can work in a collegial way. John Glanzer from Calgary met us in Ottawa. We are pleased to announce that John has accepted to be proposed to the membership of the Society for the role of Treasurer, at the next AGM in Montreal, May 21 2016.
            Other items we engaged with, that you will hear more about in the near future are the National Library move to a smaller space in Hesperus, the website for the Anthroposophical Society, how the Council engages with members, and questions from the last AGM.
            We wish everyone a warm Advent season, and look forward to our next encounters.
Dorothy LeBaron, on behalf of the Council

Interview with Arie van Ameringen

Encountering our Humanity - Ottawa, summer 2016
by Michel Dongois

A major conference entitled Encountering our Humanity: From Knowledge to Conscious Action will be held in Ottawa from August 7th to 14th, 2016. This conference is the initiative of Arie van Ameringen, General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada. The following is an interview given by him.

According to you, the conference has a threefold objective. Could you please elaborate?

First of all, this event is an attempt to tighten what have become the rather loose connections between the Anthroposophical Society and the various initiatives inspired by anthroposophy. Secondly, we shall underline what anthroposophy has accomplished in its nearly one hundred years of existence. And finally, and most importantly, we shall explore how we can prepare for the future. How can the anthroposophical (universal human) impulse be experienced and put into practice in daily life? Can we find through our work together answers that traditional ways of thinking can no longer supply? How can we bring a humanizing (spiritual) quality to the various fields of daily activity?
These questions are fundamental if human evolution is to lead to a renewed connection with the spiritual world. The ability to enter so deeply into the soul of another human being that I actually suffer his or her pain - this is a quality belonging to the future sixth epoch; and yet I can already begin to prepare myself for this eventuality by cultivating a rich inner life. If I am able to transform myself, I shall be better equipped to help another human being - to begin with by simply learning to accept that being as he or she is. Rudolf Steiner refers to this in the 4
th and 5th lectures of his cycle From Symptom to Reality in Modern History (G. A. 185), stating that in our age of the consciousness soul, life must become penetrated through and through with ideas that have their origin in the spiritual world.

What does our Michaelic era demand of us? Full Interview


IMAGINATION AND COURAGE an evening of Eurythmy: Saturday December 12, 7:30pm. Christian Community, Thornhill. Poster

Encountering Our Humanity
See side panel 

August 2016
GoetheanumAugust, 2016
Newsletter Subtitle Month Year
NetherlandsAugust 2016

Dutch DeLight
Summer School for Biographical Conversation
Biographical Conversation is an art where craftsmanship and creativity, empathy and intuition meet. Knowledge of the Biographical Development is the basis. This gives an understanding of the human being, developmental possibilities and a deep sense of coherence. Skillful biographical conversation is true craftsmanship. It helps someone to find and listen to their inner wisdom, and find their own track again. Brochure

Anthroposophy Worldwide - #11

Click here to read Anthroposophy Worldwide - #11
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