Network Update 
Anthroposophical Socie
ty in Canada
Vancouver Island
November 2013

If you are not a Society member:


"Community" is a very important word.  We all want it, but it's elusive. We can find the first level of community through bonding experiences with family and friends.  But how do we build bridges with others - with people who are not part of our everyday personal networks?  In this Network Update, we learn about several community projects that are reaching out - often with surprising results.

Enjoy the stories, and use the button below to pass the newsletter along to friends.


Creating Community -
A Hub of Social Service projects
Click image to see video

NICOLETTE GENIER operates a thriving organic food store, bakery and caf� on Vancouver Island.  Their motto: we are a place to meet and be met. Nicolette's humble and ongoing pursuit is to collaborate with the invisible and come to a deeper understanding of how anthroposophy fuels everything.  She is meeting and connecting with many forward thinkers, and finding ways to help shift cultural directions in the community.  Community Farm Store website,
Once Upon A Day In Cowichan
Click Image to see video
GLENORA FARM is devoted to meeting the needs of people with special needs.  At the same time, they understand that their life and work is part of a larger community organism.  Click on the image above and enjoy the video.  See how the Bell Choir provides the climactic moment!
Glenora Farm website
One World - One Community

"Song is a vehicle for spreading community spirit,
growth and positive energy"  -  CARI BURDETT

100 Voices - Shaw TV Duncan
100 Voices - Shaw TV Duncan

Joy Through Music website
Redefining Community

NIELS VON MEYENFELDT lives in Creekside Commons in Courtenay.  (Photo Gallery).  This is an inclusive and sharing community of thirty-six families making conscious choices about how to live with each other in an ecologically and socially responsible manner. Niels, along with other local members, has periodically hosted evenings introducing anthroposophy and the arts to community members.

The faculty of the nearby Saltwater School includes several graduates of the Rudolf Steiner Centre in Thornhill.   Click here to read an interesting article by WARREN COHEN about how the school is developing an inclusive approach to spirituality.

Mark McAlister
416-892-3656 (Toronto area)
Quick Links

Bite Me Treats
Salt Spring Island

Opportunities to Study Anthroposophy

West Coast Institute For Studies In Anthroposophy

Study Group Contacts:
Colin Price
Yiana Belcher
Josef Graf
Jocelyn Bachelu (Victoria)

Telephone Studies:
Ann Watson 250-653-4184

Anthroposophical Society




Canadian membership enquireis: EMAIL
Vancouver Update

Three Monday evening conversations in N. Vancouver, sparked by the words and work of Rudolf Steiner:
November 11, 25,
and December 9.  

Report on the November 11 Conversation, by Philip Thatcher:  

...We worked through conversation out of the sentence for the evening and then Susan introduced a group artistic activity with coloured crayon that gave a process for picturing possible interaction between the spirit of untruth and the spirit of truth...It was a fine confirmation of the kind of interaction we had hoping these three evenings would make possible.       



Contact Philip Thatcher:


The Motto Of
Social Ethics

It is only wholesome when

In the mirror of the Human Soul

the whole community takes shape

and in the community

lives the strength of individual soul

♦ by Rudolf Steiner

♦ Translated by James Gillen