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IMPORTANT: Transitional Reinsurance Fee - Corrected
The reinsurance fee will begin to accrue January 1, 2014. Every covered person (including spouses and children) in the medical plan must be counted. Plans must report enrollment counts and other data to CMS by November 15, 2014.
Insurers will track enrollment and file the reports for insured plans, however self-insured plans are on their own. In cooperation with Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP, BSG has prepared a guide to the reinsurance fee requirements. It includes an explanation of which plans must comply, which are exempt, how the counting options work, and links to websites for additional resources.
Click here to view or download the report.

The preceding is not intended to be and is not offered as legal advice. We are prohibited from the practice of law. Compliance is the responsibility of the employer or Plan sponsor and affected employees who should seek their own legal counsel regarding questions about information presented in this news alert. Copyright� 2013
The Benefit Services Group, Inc.
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