Citizens Project

Freedom Watch Online

                                              July 2013

 Building Cooperative Communities  


By RoMa Johnson


I sat down to write an article about giving and gratitude for all of the people who have been such staunch supporters of Citizens Project. Prior to writing, of course, I had to caffeinate.  As I sipped my quadruple latte, I came across an article in the Harvard Business Review of July-August 2011 entitled "The Unselfish Gene," which posits that "people behave far less selfishly than most assume," and that there is "evidence of a human predisposition to cooperate." This runs contrary to what we have been taught to believe for well over a century.  We have built systems and organizations "as though we are selfish creatures [and] by assuming the worst of everyone."  Organizations and systems were "built around incentives, rewards, and punishments to get people to achieve public, corporate and community goals."  Now we know that these old assumptions no longer serve us in our evolving communities-if they ever did.


Citizens Project was created under the new paradigm that assumes that cooperation generated from a common sense of purpose and identity achieves results.  For over twenty years we have worked together without "incentives, rewards or punishments" to build and maintain a more diverse and vibrant community through dialogue, engagement and cooperative action.  


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 March with Us in this Year's Pride Parade


Join us on July 21 to march in solidarity with the PrideFest Parade! This is a great opportunity to connect with other Citizens Project supporters and engage with the community.

The parade will begin at 11 am, and we would like to have everyone meet up at 10:45 beforehand. We'll have Citizens Project banners to carry, but feel free to bring anything else or wear fun flair to show your Pride!


Click here to join the event on Facebook! 

 Citizens Project Welcomes New Summer Intern, Lia Bentley



Lia Bentley is a senior Religion major at Colorado College. After months of travel as a student of social justice movements in Central America, she is thrilled to be working with Citizens Project . Her relationship with several North American indigenous communities has compelled her to engage with projects that heal through reconciliation, collaboration and empowerment. Though raised in New Jersey, she has developed a strong love for Colorado. She looks forward to deepening her connection to the Colorado Springs community throughout her final year as an undergraduate student.


Please join us in welcoming Lia to CP, we are very excited to have her help this summer!

 Get Involved 




Citizen Outreach Group:

The Citizen Outreach Group, composed of county residents, advises the Board of County Commissioners on topics of concern, reaches out to citizens and facilitates communication between the Board of County Commissioners and its constituents, and coordinates outreach events and activities to build citizen confidence in El Paso County Government.


The group consists of 11-15 members: maximum of ten regular representatives, no more than two from each of the county's five commissioner districts, and remaining members designated as at-large representatives.  District and at-large members serve for three-year terms, with terms limited to three consecutive terms.


Meetings are held at various county facilities and locations are posted with each agenda in the lobby of Centennial Hall, 200 South Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903.

More information here

Seminar: Inclusion 2013 


When: Thursday, August 8 at 5:30 PM

Where: Epicentral Coworking

409 N. Tejon Street Suite 106

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

For more info or to RSVP, contact Jody Alyn at 719.385.0211 or 


Jody Alyn works with organizations that want to bridge gaps, become more effective and improve their results.  Learn more at



Seminar:  Inclusion and Equity in Ecuador


Ecuador is experiencing a social change process under a new constitution that is built on inclusion. Join us for a one-of-a-kind seminar in the Andes near Otavalo to learn how this came about and some of the history that shaped the process.  You will also have an opportunity to discuss what is happening in the U.S. regarding diversity and inclusion, and to discover ideas from the Ecuador experience that might apply to your own organization or community.
In this seminar, we will combine lecture, discussion, activities and first-hand experience in the region to broaden understanding and anchor your learning. You will meet with and learn from Ecuadorian officials and local leaders. You will have informal time to contemplate and integrate new information. Because this is a pilot program, you will also have an opportunity to provide input on the development of future seminars.
When: October 11-18, 2013    
Where: Casa Mojanda, a mountainside inn and organic farm near Otavalo, Ecuador     
Who:  Executives and decision-makers who seek new thinking about inclusive policy and practice; educators interested in customized learning experiences; professionals who want to expand their understanding of culture, inclusion and equity.
Email or call 719.385.0211 for more information

In This Issue
Building Cooperative Communities
March With Us at Pride
Citizens Project Welcomes Summer Intern
Get Involved!
Articles of Interest
The word 'religion' has fallen from grace with many Americans
July 11, 2013 
The Washington Post 
In U.S., More Relate to Democrats Than GOP on Immigration
July 15, 2013
Gallup Politics
History of Gay Marriage in the United States Infographic
July 15, 2013 
Huffington Post
Recent CP Blog Posts
Join the Conversation 

Bulding Cooperative Communities
 learn more

What Will Your Community Investment Be?
Read here

Upcoming Events

Rev Barry Lynn of Americans United to Speak
July 18th at 7:00 pm
Colorado Springs Pride Fest
Colorado Springs Pride will be hosting Pride Fest July 20th and 21st at America the Beautiful Park
Saturday: 10am - 8pm
Sunday: 10am - 6pm
Parade: Sunday at 11am


Colorado Springs Diversity Forum's Everybody Welcome Festival
August 11th-17th
Check out the schedule of events here!
2013 Breakfast Donations in Honor and in Memory Of
Mimi Cavanaugh
Bill Stoner
Brittany McDonald's Mother 
Pat Abbott
Troy Davis' Family
Barbara Foster
Walter E. Stark
Bill Yoelin and John Carroll
Rori Johnson
A. Lucille McLeod
Shirley and Vern Mollan
David and Marguerite Dempsey
Kristin Holzwarth
Inez J. Cooper
Matthew Vines
Donald Denham
Pam Hartman
Wayne Bland's Daughter
Andrew Schwab
Stephen Holland
Isaac Green
Jeanne Williams
Jeremy Calderaro
Pam and Jeane
The Atheist Community of Colorado Springs
The Students of District 11 
Anyone who has been a victim of discrimination 
The Mission of Citizens Project
All of us
A Better Community 
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