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October 2013   
Issue #70


2010 Lincoln Arts Festival
The thirteenth annual Lincoln Arts Festival is history, and it's easy to say that it was one of the best ever. To our delight, the $1 gate admission turned out to be more of an opportunity to greet everyone than a barrier to attendance. And world music in the entertainment tent was a definite hit. The sound of close harmony from the gospel choir warming up nearly brought the festival to a happy halt, and Klezmer music on a sunny morning was amazingly refreshing. Also new to the festival were noodle and shave ice vendors who refreshed us as well. Our Festival Patron Program was the largest and most fun ever, and the artists definitely noticed, with thanks from many. When you add in all the smiles from the crowd around the Children's Activities tent it's clear that all the fun surrounding the artists maintained the festival ambiance we've come to love.



Thanks for Another Great Arts Festival!

The weather was nearly picture-perfect for the 13th Annual Lincoln Arts Festival at SouthPointe Pavilions September 28 and 29. (We had some wind to contend with, but it is Nebraska after all!) In spite of all the program offerings about town, there was bustling activity and robust art sales at the festival. Many attendees commented on the great mix of mediums represented, the variety of price-points offered and the great distances some of our vendors traveled to take part in the Lincoln show. Both artists and festival-goers told us how much they enjoyed the diversity represented on the World Entertainment Stage. The kids activity tent offered five different free craft stations this year!


This was the first year for our emerging artists booth to be sponsored and we were able to feature three local artists who were new to showing in a festival setting. This was also the first year for us to charge admission providing attendants the opportunity to support the Lincoln Arts Council at $1 each for ages 13 and older. Total attendance numbers are still being tabulated at the time of this writing, but the gate proceeds total $5,000. THANK YOU to all of our sponsors, our volunteers, our presenters, our artists and our patrons who came together to create Lincoln's largest art show.


Please  visit our sponsors and let them know how much their support means!

We could not pull off an event of this scope without their assistance.



2013 Lincoln Arts Festival Sponsors   

Thank You To All the Festival Volunteers!   


Lincoln Arts Festival Volunteer-in-training

We want to sincerely thank each and every volunteer who donated his or her time to making the 13th annual Lincoln Arts Festival a huge success. Without dedicated volunteers, the Arts Festival could not exist. From set-up Friday morning to teardown Sunday night, every volunteer position has a vital role in making the festival run smoothly, and we are so proud to say that every volunteer accepted responsibility for their positions and performed their assigned tasks admirably. Every one of you took volunteering seriously - you showed up on time, followed directions, interacted positively with festival attendees and artists, and even enjoyed doing it! Thank you so much for donating your time to our cause and making our event a fun and fantastic weekend of art in Lincoln!

If you would like to be included in the contact list about future volunteer opportunities, including volunteering for the 2014 Lincoln Arts Festival, please email your contact information to our full-time AmeriCorps member Alma Cerretta at


The Legend of Doug Smith   


The Legend - Doug Smith
There comes a time in the course of human events when advancing age bends one's thoughts to retirement and a life of relative ease.  That time has come for Doug Smith. And relative ease in this case means the pursuit of kinetic sculpture rendered in wire.
So, after four years at the Lincoln Arts Council supporting artists he'll become one. He says he'll miss us, but we suspect he's lying.

As for the rest of us at the Lincoln Arts Council, Doug's absence will certainly be felt.  He has given a great deal of expertise and heart in an effort to build a stronger community through the arts.  He has helped artists of all disciplines, and we are so excited to return that support in his new endeavor.  One thing that I can say about Doug is that he can fix anything, and I know his ability with gadgets, wires, and various stuff will result in amazing sculptures. WE will miss you, Doug!

The Lincoln Arts Council Welcomes New Board Members


Artist Residencies

The Lincoln Arts Council is in a season of board growth and expansion. We are adding leadership over the next three years to get our working board up to full capacity of 27 directors. We are diversifying our representation to better reflect Lincoln's dynamic demographics and to reach out to previously untapped communities for more arts involvement. We are grateful for their service and look forward to working together to keep the arts a vibrant aspect of our shared lives. Our newest board members are:


  • Tarik Abdel-Monem, Research Specialist with the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center
  • Pam Duzik, CPA with Deloitte and Touche
  • Nettie Grant Sikyta, Youth Suicide Prevention Program at The Lincoln Indian Center
  • Joanne Morgan, Marketing and Public Relations Strategiest at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Katie Pocras, founder of Nebraska Home Sales
  • Elizabeth (Libby) Raetz, VP of Nursing/Chief Nursing Officer at St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center
  • Lynn Sunderman, General Manager of Duteau Chevrolet Subaru
  • Christine (Christie) Wilcox, attorney with Union Bank and Trust



Call for entries: Greater Nebraska, a two-part showcase of Nebraska artists.


The Lux Center For The Arts in Lincoln has selected Journal-Star arts writer L. Kent Wolgamott and artist Craig Roper to curate two shows for the Lux Center, one in May-June 2014, and the other in Sept-Oct. 2015.


Their objective is to showcase a variety of the best talent that resides in Nebraska.

Called Greater Nebraska, the exhibitions are open to all artists working in Nebraska, regardless of medium, style, experience or any of the typical qualifiers attached to art shows.  More... 

October Art Events

Check out the events below from each of the art organizations on our calendar.  And before you head out for First Friday on October 4th, be sure to check out our interactive First Friday Guide.

Thursday, October 3

Friday, October 4

Saturday, October 5

Sunday, October 6

Monday, October 7

Tuesday, October 8

Wednesday, October 9

Thursday, October 10

Friday, October 11

Saturday, October 12

Sunday, October 13

Monday, October 14

Thursday, October 17

Friday, October 18

Monday, October 21

Friday, October 25

Sunday, October 27

Monday, October 28

Tuesday, October 29

Thursday, October 31

Don't see your art organization's event here?  That's because we need a profile created on our website,  Fill out a bio, add events to our calendar by the 25th of this month, and get your contributions to Lincoln's art scene noticed! Call us at 402-434-2787 and we'll help you get started. 

And Now, Your Moment of Artistic Zen.

Moment of Zen - October 2013

We're looking for something a bit closer to home too!  What inspiring acts are you up to?  Send your videos to, and you could be in our next newsletter!

The Lincoln Arts Council Published by the Lincoln Arts Council

1701 South 17th Street, Suite 1A
Lincoln, NE 68502

Phone: 402-434-2787
General Email:
Events Email: