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Understanding the Times Fall 2014 Conference CDs and DVDs

Five distinct messages from our speakers on October 4: two by Dr. Ed Hindson on the lateness of the hour; one by Pastor Jack Hibbs on our times including Islam in prophecy; one on Mideast-related issues by Pastor Steve Khoury; one by Jan Markell on U.S. Presidents and their blessing or cursing of Israel and the consequences.
Because of valuable PowerPoint and video used within messages, we recommend the DVDs.
These ship mid-November.
CDs are $25 + shipping and DVDs are $35 + shipping. They are in a lovely case suitable for gift-giving.

Order here.

Now you can download the One Place app and you will find our current program available for on-demand listening, as well as an archive of many past episodes.  Just click on the picture above to get started today!

Jan Markell
  Check out all our products! 
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Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
 Maple Grove, MN  55311

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Our suburban Minneapolis office is open M - F, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST.

Catch Jan Markell and Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman on the Jewish Voice TV program, now posted online here. There are two programs. Anita gives snippets of her story and Jan warns of what happens when a nation allows government to become god. Germany did that and America follows in her footsteps.

Find the products talked about here and here.
Complete trailers of the DVDs are there for you to watch.

Dr. David Reagan calls the book, Trapped in Hitler's Hell, "Mesmerizing, fascinating, inspirational, and God-exalting...and a masterpiece of writing."

Journalist Jim Fletcher calls the book and films, "In every sense of the word extraordinary."   
Why Barack Obama Uses the Term ISIL

by Jan Markell


October 27, 2014

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In my conference message at the Fall 2014 "Understanding the Times", I looked at many Presidents of the United States and their blessing or cursing of Israel. I am a strong believer in the Genesis 12:3 blessing and cursing. God

does bless the nation, denomination, church, ministry, business, etc., that blesses Israel. He likewise curses those who hammer her or betray her.  


The daily reports about the carnage of ISIS in the Middle East are disheartening. The terrorists actually call themselves the Islamic State or IS. The media calls them ISIS. Barack Obama calls them ISIL. What's behind this?


The "L" stands for The Levant. This is a geographic region that today includes Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, parts of Saudi Arabia, parts of Turkey, a part of Egypt and all of Israel. The Levant is a crossroads of Western Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean, and northeast Africa.




Understand that ISIL, ISIS, or IS, has made it clear that Jerusalem is the final destination for the formation and declaration of  global domination. The goal line is Israel; the goal posts are Jerusalem.


The Islamic State wants much greater domination by 2020 but the heart of the Caliphate is to be Jerusalem...God's holy city. The city to which Jesus will return some day. The heart of the Caliphate is the entire Levant but they are marching towards Israel.


So why does Barack Obama insist on calling the Islamic State ISIL? Some suggest he is sending a signal to the terrorists that he is okay with this idea. We don't know that for sure but when one looks at his overall policies against Israel, it makes sense.  


We don't know if the Islamic State senses they have the U.S. President in their back pocket. It seems obvious. In his speech to the U.S. back on September 10, he said "ISIL is not Islamic." To defend blatant, ruthless terrorists indicates some sentiment for them and their cause. Of course they're Islamic. They call themselves Islamic. 


Obama has come under fire for underestimating the threat of this "jayvee team" wreaking havoc across the Middle East and threatening the western way of life, and yet he continuously refers to them as ISIL. A "jayvee team" doesn't go after an entire region -- in fact, have ambitions of a global Caliphate. And he and his State Department know their ambitions are The Levant. 

We have a weak, ineffective air campaign in that region. A lot of air strikes are at night which limit some terrorist casualties.  Are some of our highest leaders on the wrong side of this battle? Or are some just forced into silence?  


Israel knows what is going on and she is further reminded that her long-time ally has seemingly switched sides. She senses the betrayal.  But this is playing into the predicted biblical scenario that must play out, since according to Zechariah 12, all nations will turn on Israel. If you look at things through the lens of Bible prophecy, you will lessen your despair as the world deteriorates. Admittedly, church pulpits won't help you do this. 


Is it any wonder that America is more problem laden than at almost any other time in her short history? There are consequences for coming against God's covenant land which He declares as His in Leviticus 25.  


"I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you, I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed" (Genesis 12:3). 


Take it seriously. Look at history. Have you ever seen a Hittite or a Jebusite?  Civilizations who come against Israel are no more.  


America is engaged in risky behavior. The behavior has consequences. They are in our daily headlines.   


(This article is in our year-end print newsletter which comes out five times a year and is free the first year. Sign up here if you would like to receive it.)  


This topic is also addressed in depth and with sound bites on our current radio program heard in over 650 markets and posted online here and here. My guests and co-host also address the social justice gospel of Jim Wallis and others, who put "equality" above the cross. 



 Several thousand came from across America to "Understanding the Times Fall 2014" October 4. Speakers included Dr. Ed Hindson, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Pastor Steven Khoury, and Jan Markell. Find a conference review here. Order CDs and DVDs here. There were 5 distinct messages on our times. 


 "Thank you, Jan, and all involved with this outstanding conference. My husband and I have come to every single event but this one was truly wonderful! Thank you for telling us the truth. Few do. We need to know what perilous times we are living in. The return of Christ could be any second."--Annie & Wayne 


NOTE: We surf the Internet and post current headlines each morning. Find them here. Look for this RSS symbol, enter your e-mail, and have them in your inbox by 10 a.m. CT.

We read all e-mails but due to volume, we cannot reply to all.


Find complete syndication for "Understanding the Times" radio on 650 radio outlets here. They include American Family Radio Talk Network, CSN Network, HOPE-FM Network, Bott Radio Network, Sirius Satellite Network, Salem Communications, OnePlace.com, and individual radio stations. We are live Saturdays, 9 a.m. CST out of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. You can listen live here or here.

You can download onto a listening device here. You can just listen online here or here.

Find the RSS feed at OnePlace.com or iTunes.

Find upcoming guests here.

Find info on listening devices such as iPhone, Android, iPad here.

Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

You may pass on these items or have people sign up on  our Web site.  You can access our radio programming from the last two years on Complete Archives.  Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, "Understanding the Times."

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Also, we truly appreciate those who remember us prayerfully and financially.   Donate on our Web site (gifts are tax-deductible with receipts sent out in January). 

Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291