Events in the world of eschatology raced in 2013. Here is just a short list of how God's end-time prophetic scenario moved ahead throughout the year:
The potential for a deadly strike on Damascus, Syria, intensified. This would fulfill the warning found in
Isaiah 17:1. Israel has weaponry pointed their way and will act should any deadly gesture come their way from Damascus. The passage points to the annihilation of Damascus.
The further isolation of Israel. With the Geneva deal back on November 24, an Israeli strike on Iran is likely imminent. Even former Defense Secretary Panetta says, "There is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May, or June." She will be the goat of the world although she will do the world a tremendous favor. Iran can produce a bomb in 36 days.
As this article states, now the Twelfth Imam, the Muslim Messiah, can return. Shi'ite tradition says he must return to a world of turmoil and violence.
America's complete betrayal of Israel. As Rep. Louie Gohmert says, "It was intentional and they had been putting pressure on Israel not to defend themselves. I'm told by people in Israel that you wouldn't believe the pressure that this administration has brought to bear on Israel not to defend herself."
I stand by what I wrote on November 20 in my e-newsletter that many in the current U.S. administration are cheering for Israel's annihilation. No, that's not too strong of a comment.
The predicted "perilous times" of II Timothy 3 have escalated. David Horowitz's FrontPageMag
asked in a headline on September 12, "What If Islamists Took Control of the White House?" On September 12, 2001, that was inconceivable. Today it is a reality.
We have seen the rise of lawlessness starting with the highest leaders in the land. Laws are broken with the stroke of a pen. The U.S. Constitution is ignored by American leaders acting in a totalitarian manner. Such leadership lawlessness inevitably leads to the lawlessness of the people under them.
Charles Krauthammer writes an insightful article about the "breathtaking lawlessness" of our times
here. Matthew 24:12 refers to the rise of lawlessness in the last days.
It was open season on Jews and Christians in 2013. Neither were safe. And the facts and truths of these stories were hidden by almost all media outlets except the Internet and Christian radio. The media will report perceived offenses to Muslims but not to Jews or Christians worldwide. In many countries, there is but a pile of ashes where once stood a church.
This article calls the global war on Christians the "unreported catastrophe of our times."
Christians in the military were banned from sharing their faith (later rescinded). Such outfits as
The American Family Association were
called a "hate group." The IRS asked Christian groups applying for non-profit status what the content of their prayers was. Such marginalization is predicted for the last days.
If we are to look for signs in nature then we cannot dismiss the significance of one of the deadliest storms ever -- Typhoon Haiyan that struck the Philippines late in the year. It will take years for the region to recover. There was "perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves with hearts fainting for fear . . . " (Luke 21:25-27).
Many are asking if Gog is rising? Vladmir Putin has made a resurgence in world influence thanks to the decline of America and her current weak leadership. Putin is viewed by some as a savior in the Middle East for holding off an invasion of Syria. Putin smells blood in the water and is in the process of seizing global leadership away from President Obama. Ezekiel 38-39 refer to Gog of the land of Magog, a national force that will invade Israel in the latter years. Magog is the land to the uttermost north of Israel.
Joel Rosenberg speculates on Putin being Gog
The Antichrist system is now in place. We learned in 2013 that
spying was big business, even on American citizens. You are never alone! There is always somebody snooping over your shoulder! There is more info on you than you could imagine. Thus, the Antichrist system is being installed today. It will be ready to go when he arrives and he is crowned as a temporary king.
Hating God became a passionate sport. Atheist churches are springing up around the world complete with sermons, songs, and offerings. They proclaim the "mock of ages," not the "rock of ages." God as the source of absolute truth and moral authority has to go! They have a "form of godliness" but deny its power (II Timothy 3). Their motto is, "I believe in life
before death."
Signs in the Heavens: The amazing Comet Ison. It's called
"the comet of the century" with a tail millions of miles long. It introduced itself to us in late 2013.
Cash isn't dead yet but it is on life support. Even plastic could go by the wayside. The path is being made easy for an Antichrist system of global economic opportunity. Dr. Mark Hitchcock addressed this at "Understanding the Times 2013." It appears that
Israel will be the world's first cashless society.14)
The further decline in man's character as men and women in high places, who should be setting a high standard as to morals and behavior, displayed abysmal character traits. The highest leaders of our land are proud liars, cheaters, and workers of iniquity. And they never even blush about their seared consciences.This is foretold
in many places but most obviously in
II Timothy 3. 15)
The longing for a "man with a plan," a "Mr.Fix-It," grew more intense this year. Even actor Mel Gibson
said, "Someone must rise from the ashes and save us." He was referring to government instability and dysfunction. He does not know that the man waiting in the wings known as the Antichrist, will talk a good game but will set the world on its final deadly course.
The great end-time apostasy marches on. While not all churches are dysfunctional,
one study concludes nearly 150,000 America churches are nearly terminal. That's almost 40% of U.S. churches. Frustration and conflict lead to a revolving door of pastors and apathy reigns within many. Folks will flock to false teachers and to seeker-sensitive churches where the true gospel is never preached.
I could go on but you get the point. We've all been busy watching and waiting in 2013. And listening. Listening for a trumpet sound that tells us it's time to leave this fractured world.
Stay tuned in the new year. It will be tumultuous. Watch it with an open Bible and with this ministry!
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Saturday, April 26
New to Our Program!
Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman will be present as we introduce the new
documentary produced by WND Films based on her experiences. She is the subject of Jan Markell's book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell." We will show a portion of the film.
Other guests:
Grace Church, Eden Prairie, MN
(suburb of Minneapolis)
No Cost * No Registration