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Understanding the Times 2013
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Grace Church
Eden Prairie, MN
SW suburb of Minneapolis

One day only.

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
See a quick review of Understanding the Times 2012 We had nearly 7,000 in attendance over two days.

No cost and no registration necessary. 


 Baymont Inn & Suites 

7740 Flying Cloud Drive

Eden Prairie, MN  55344



Ask for the Olive Tree Ministries special group rate of $74/night

A NEW Book by Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack

This book, written by a former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat, is an insightful presentation of the changes that have been taking place in America's culture since 9/11, but  especially recent events that are "transforming" America so as to make it almost unrecognizable. 

Walid writes about news no one is reporting: Obama's heritage and Islamic leanings;  the troubling Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin connection; Benghazi and the Internet video debacle & much more.  One of the most insightful sections of his book are the chapters that look at Islamic infiltration into the church.

Purchase this book
for $22 + S/H today!

Hear Jan and Eric's chilling interview of Walid from last weekend here. 

Now you can download the One Place app and you will find our current program available for on-demand listening, as well as an archive of many past episodes.  Just click on the picture above to get started today!

Jan Markell
  Check out all our products! 
Order by Mail

You may mail an order to us at:

Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
 Maple Grove, MN  55311

If in the U.S., include $5 S/H.  If out of the U.S., contact us for shipping costs.

Order by Phone

If you would prefer to call in your order, we accept Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.  To order by credit card, dial: 


Our suburban Minneapolis office is open M - F, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST.

10 booklets for $12 discussing:

* The Jesuit Agenda

* Understanding the New Age, Meditation, and the Higher Self

* How to Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging Into Your Church

* The Truth About Energy Healing

* Lectio Divina: What it is, What it is not, And Should Christians Practice it?

* Five Things You Should Know About Contemplative Prayer

* The Labyrinth Journey: Walking the Path to Fulfillment?

* Israel: Replacing What God Has Not

* When Hitler Was in Power

* Who Really Killed Jesus?


Order individually or as a package here. Call us if this sounds confusing: 763-559-4444. 



The End-Game Has Begun
By Jan Markell
 June 13, 2013

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A secular talk show host I enjoy opened his program yesterday saying, "The end-game has begun." Even the unbelieving world knows things are coming apart. Even non-Christians know that serial lying, scheming, and back door deals are not right. Men and women acting with seared consciences -- blatantly mocking truth-telling -- is the norm with some today. And it troubles some of us that many Americans hate God, America and Christians in that order. In fact, they are obsessed with blotting out all three. Millions of people of all denominations or no denomination do not want a secular-humanist socialist utopia in America. 


Another secular talk show host who is most often an optimist said this week that he fears America will not last until the next election. At least, will not last in the form it has been in for a couple of centuries.


Here's a quick review that lets you know we're in an Alice-in-Wonderland world. Sadly, you haven't fallen down any hole; rather, everyday events are just bizarre thanks to the hastening of an end-time clock.


We have seen political bullying and in-your-face appointments that are going to further tear America down. The recent appointment of Samantha Power as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. is stunning. She once advocated the hostile invasion of Israel by the U.S.! Talk about wicked foreign policy. It's not popular policy with God either and that is the real tragedy!


The truth about Benghazi may never come out. Was it hostage-taking run amok as some say? Was Chris Stevens going to be traded for the blind sheik? It wasn't a consulate in Benghazi. It really resembled a weapons-transfer outpost, running guns from Libya, through Turkey, to Syrian terrorists. It's more than bizarre. And now we learn that Chris Stevens was in love with the mystical side of Islam. Hear my current radio program about this featuring Walid Shoebat here. 


A member of the U.S. Army band who said he was reprimanded for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his personal car, serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at a party, and reading books written by conservative authors like Sean Hannity or David Limbaugh, is now facing charges. He was cautioned that his "Nobama" bumper sticker was causing "workplace tension."


As I talked about on this week's radio program, people who should know better are lauding Islam and demeaning Christianity. You can offend and even persecute Christians but don't you dare try to do that to a Muslim! Taken internationally, the Muslim Brotherhood is a protected species and Israel is going on the endangered species list. FBI training manuals are now scrubbed of negative Islamic references.


Our elected and appointed leaders are engaging in skullduggery, calling kingpins of evil good such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Even the Syrian "rebels" are those good-old freedom fighters again, rather than brutal terrorists. 


The same corruption has been behind the spying on millions of righteous Americans. Educated fools have even tried to monitor the prayers of Christians and keep them from getting tax-exemption status.


In April, soldiers were told they would be court-martialed if they shared their faith. Because of an uproar, the Pentagon backed down, but for how long? A Pentagon consultant calls that establishment the "Pentacostalgon" because it claims too many Christians. I write about this in my current print newsletter available here and free for one year.  


A story broke today that Barack Obama will veto a bill about to be passed that will protect the free speech of members of the military. In other words, Obama says he will veto any bill that forbids his appointees or officers from telling a soldier that he  cannot mention Jesus during prayer or have a Bible on his desk, or that keeps those appointees from telling a chaplain what religious teachings he is allowed to give in worship services, or what spiritual counseling he can give to another soldier.  


I hope I am spelling tyranny properly. 


While millions of Americans struggled to pay their tax bill last April (if they were lucky enough to have a job), hundreds of IRS agents stayed in rooms costing $3,500 a night so they could party and make humorous DVDs. Life to this bunch is one big frat party. Let the good times roll. Happy days are here again! Except for the families of four dead Americans in Libya and millions of unemployed Americans.


Just as the war on terror was declared to be over, it apparently began on the American people, although our stellar leaders insist the spying is for national security reasons.


Our leaders' only comment to all of this is to tell us to trust them!  And the classic line, "What difference does it make?"


Indeed, the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Doesn't that take on new meaning to Americans? And the fact is that the predicted evil is waxing worse and worse (II Timothy 3). Another day, another offense and outrage. 


Becky Gerritson spoke for millions of freedom-loving Americans when she testified on June 4 about IRS intimidation. She is terrified that the America she grew up in is slipping away. Her voice trembled. She struggled to keep her composure. She had no idea how her testimony would impact righteous Americans.


The Bible predicts a globalist system. The Bible does not use the phrase "one-world government" or "one-world currency" in referring to the end-times. It does, however, provide ample evidence to enable us to draw the conclusion that both will exist under the rule of the Antichrist in the last days. It's just hard for us to grasp the concept that it could be around the corner. That it could happen tomorrow.


It could. It must happen and soon.


The insanity of our times cannot be grasped apart from a last days' perspective. No matter how desperate the times get, the issues outlined in the Bible for the end-of-time will not be proclaimed from 90% of today's pulpits.


They've got one thing right: We're longing for a theocracy -- the rule and reign of Christ on earth. No other government run by either the Left or the Right will get it right in the meantime.

Christ's return will be right on time. The blessed hope (Titus 2:13) will happen at the appointed time.


He is coming soon! That assurance, along with your salvation, may be the only things the powers-that-be can't take away from you. Look around and be depressed; look up and be encouraged. Ultimately what lies ahead is too glorious for words.   


NOTE: We surf the Internet and post current headlines each morning. Find them here. Sign up for the RSS-feed and have them delivered to your in-box by 9:30 a.m. CDT each day. Look for this symbol:

We read all e-mails but due to volume, we cannot reply to all.


Find complete syndication for "Understanding the Times" radio on 650 radio outlets here. They include American Family Radio Talk Network, CSN Network, HOPE-FM Network, Bott Radio Network, Sirius Satellite Network, Salem Communications, OnePlace.com, and individual radio stations. We are live Saturdays, 9 a.m. CST out of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. You can listen live here or here.

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Join us this fall, Saturday, October 5, for "Understanding the Times 2013." The above photo is of our packed-out auditorium for our 2012 conference. The event is free. See left side bar for details or go here.
Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

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Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291