Jesuits were commissioned by the Pope to do whatever it took to end the Protestant Reformation. While most Christians think that the Counter Reformation is a thing of the past because we are not seeing Inquisitions today, this movement continues with renewed effort through various avenues of the evangelical/Protestant church. In a way, it is more insidious than the Inquisitions because now it has infiltrated Christianity and is being disguised as the "new" Christianity.
But disguised or not, it is the Jesuit Agenda, and it is bringing about ecumenism and a one-world religion.
God's adversary does not want mankind to understand the
simple message of the Gospel. His plan is to deceive the world. If he can blind people from the Gospel or convince them that they believe the Gospel when, indeed, they do not, his plan has been successful. And therein lies the danger of The Emerging Church.
If it continues unfolding at its present pace, the Emerging Church will reinvent mainstream evangelical Christianity and the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Scripture will be considered too narrow and too restrictive. In other words, the narrow way to Heaven that Jesus proclaimed will eventually be abandoned for a wider way. Forever.
Israel: Replacing What God Has Not
A growing number within the church are holding to the position that Israel -- as a people and a nation -- has no further place with God, and that Israel is eternally cast off for their rejection of the Messiah. At a time when a clear and biblically-sound understanding of Bible prophecy is most important, we find the church, paradoxically, having less knowledge of it, especially as it relates to Israel. This pamphlet will provide a biblically-sound crash course on God's agenda for His people, Israel, and how the church has been grafted into that agenda.
Understanding the New Age, Meditation, and the Higher Self
The term "New Age" is based on astrology. Earth is allegedly entering into the "Age of Aquarius" within the
cosmic, Astrological age cycles -- a time when the human race will supposedly come to the understanding that man is God. Many occultists have long heralded the Aquarian Age as an event that would be significant to humanity.
The New Age and Christianity clash on the answer to the question of human imperfection, the New Age espousing the doctrine of humans becoming self-realized and uniting with the universe, while Christians embrace the gift of salvation from their sinful state through the death of the God-man, Jesus Christ, on the cross to bring us into fellowship with the one-and-only divine one: Jehovah, God Almighty, the Lord of all.
Take ten minutes to read through this pamphlet and understand the stark differences between the New Age and Christianity, and how the New Age is, through many means, making inroads into today's evangelical churches.
Five Things You Should Know About Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative prayer is being accepted by an increasing number of evangelical leaders, often based not on their own experience and understanding, but rather on the word of other respected leaders who, in turn, may not have fully researched this subject. This pamphlet provides that needed research information.
Warning: The purpose of contemplative prayer is to enter an altered state of consciousness in order to find one's true self, thus finding God. Christian proponents of contemplative prayer teach that all human beings have a divine center and that all people should practice contemplative prayer.
This is vital information for today's discerning Christian in order to be able to spread the word about the dangers of this New Age practice that has infiltrated the church.
Lectio Divina: What it is. What is is not. And should Christians practice it?
Some people think lectio divina simply means to read a passage of Scripture slowly. That can be part of it. And what's wrong with that? Well, that's not all that's involved. It also involves focusing on and repeating a word or small phrase from the Scriptures (in mantra-like fashion) to facilitate going into "the silence." This is the insidious danger.
Lectio divina is, at its core, a bridge to eastern-style meditation which is demonic. It will lead Christians away from the message of the Cross and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is important information for the discriminate child of God to research and this pamphlet, with numerous quotes from contemplative mystics, makes that research easier.
Who Really Killed Jesus?
Who Really Killed Jesus? provides a short, readable history on anti-semitism - from John Chrysostrom (considered a saint and church father who lived in the 4th century) to the libelous pamphlet, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It also provides ample scriptural proof as to who was ultimately responsible for Jesus' death. Tony Pearce says, "The people who called for the death of Jesus were responsible for the miscarriage of justice that took place. However, they were ignorant of the spiritual meaning of it, hence Jesus' words, 'They know not what they do.'"
As the church lost its understanding of the Jewish people, it became cut off from its roots. Therefore the fruit it produced was not the fruit of the Holy Spirit - 'love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance' - but the works of the flesh manifested in the cruel and corrupt church of the Middle Ages and beyond. This pamphlet will set the record straight and provide impetus for a correct attitude toward the Jewish people.
To this day, the Nazi Holocaust continues to prevent many
Jewish people from believing God. Satan uses it as the biggest stumbling block for the numerous Jews who can't accept that a loving, all-powerful God would allow such a horrible thing to happen. Granted, millions perished, yet God also allowed millions to survive.
This pamphlet is an extract of Anita Dittman's biography, Trapped in Hitler's Hell, written by Jan Markell. If this whets your appetite, you can purchase the entire book in our store.
Carl Teichrib's first experience with a labyrinth was when he found one toward the back of the property of the Theosophical headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois. Today, labyrinth walks and "prayer journeys" are being promoted by many so-called evangelical churches, but heretofore have been endorsed and used by Rosicrucian groups, at New Age festivals and celebrations and throughout the neo-pagan New Age world. In fact, one of America's largest witch, shaman, and neo-pagan assemblies, the Pagan Spirit Gathering at Wisteria, OH, holds a nighttime Summer Solstice Labyrinth ritual annually.
Take 10-15 minutes to read this short pamphlet and discover the origin of labyrinths and why the practice of labyrinth prayer walks is antithetical to biblical Christianity.
The Understanding Deception Package
Finally, it's possible that you would just like to have a sample of each of these pamphlets to read over and see if you want more of one or two. If so, then purchase, The Understanding Deception Package, that provides you one of each of the ten pamphlets to read for $12.
Here's an easy and quick way to hit the high points on a number of false -- even demonic -- practices permeating the church at large.
We are providing these materials as a means to help you