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Understanding the Times 2013
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Grace Church
Eden Prairie, MN
SW suburb of Minneapolis

Details to come!
One day only.
See a quick review of Understanding the Times 2012 We had nearly 7,000 in attendance over two days.

No cost and no registration necessary. 


 Baymont Inn & Suites 

7740 Flying Cloud Drive

Eden Prairie, MN  55344


Ask for the Olive Tree Ministries special group rate of $74/night

A New Novel by Joel Rosenberg

(reduced price on this hardbound book--see below)

Joel Rosenberg joins Jan on air April 20-21 to discuss this.

In this latest novel by well-known author Joel Rosenberg, the question being addressed seems to be, "What if Israel launched a massive preemptive military strike against Iran?"

Rosenberg's novels have a way of coming to pass and Syria is in the news daily. Now chemical weapons are on the loose there.

"Joel is a stalwart and faithful friend of Israel and a great writer.  He understands the grave dangers posed by Iran and Syria, and he's been a bold and courageous voice for true peace and security in the Middle East.  If you haven't read his works yet, I hope you will" - Danny Ayalon, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister

Purchase this book today for $23 +S/H.
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Jan Markell
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The Foreshadowing 
By Jan Markell
April 3, 2013

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If the strong delusion that is racing across the globe doesn't shock you, something is wrong! Whether it was the ecstasy on thousands of faces in St. Peter's Square waiting with adoring eyes for their new Pope, or the shenanigans in Israel a few weeks ago, it's a scary time. It's both a privilege and a challenge to be born for such a time as this.


The Bible speaks extensively about delusion! It is on overdrive in the last days. And you saw deluded college students in Tel Aviv, Israel on March 21. When Barack Obama suggested that they had to give away more land, the Leftist students applauded for a full minute. Though the land give-away has never worked, I guess this time, they thought that Obama delivering the idea in person in Tel Aviv was the magic trick needed! This time world, just watch, it's a go!


Keep in mind that rockets were raining down on Israel as Obama spoke! Yet, this idea, that is, weakening their own security, was still a good idea to them.


"For I will stretch out My hand against the inhabitants of the land," declares the Lord. "For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for gain, and from the prophet even to the priest, everyone deals falsely.  They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, 'Peace, peace,' But there is no peace." (Jeremiah 6:12-14)


An American president screamed, "Peace! Peace! Give up more land for it! The hour is at hand. I have the magical formula. Hear me out. This time, I guarantee, it will work."


Could you imagine with me the Antichrist speaking to Israelis as he will some day, just like this. He will offer Israel a peace covenant in a manner similar to this. Was the March 21 speech a dress rehearsal? A dry run? I am not suggesting that Barack Obama is the Antichrist as we don't know who it will be. But a man talking about peace journeyed to a land occupied by people who long for it, although they haven't a clue how to bring it about other than land exchanges.


Keep in mind that in the Palestinian territories, there are streets, public squares, summer camps, high schools, and even a kindergarten named after suicide bombers and other mass murderers. So much for the notion that if only Israelis would care about Arab kids, peace would be possible.


Israelis have wanted nothing more than peace and security for all the children. That's why they accepted the 1947 U.N. partition of British Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state. Unfortunately, the Arabs said no. To this day, the Palestinians have rejected every peace offer that leaves a Jewish state standing.


Since we're smack-dab in the midst of these incredible last days, how many e-mails does this ministry get wailing that churches will no longer address the subject? Well, legions of e-mails and even calls.


Back to my strong delusion commentary. The Bible foretells through Paul to the Thessalonian believers that in the last days, a time in church history would come when God would send "strong delusion." In like manner, Paul even warned Timothy that in the last days, there would be a group of demons who would infiltrate the churches with false and mixed doctrine, capable of even causing some to, "depart from the faith" and give heed to devilish false teachings.


God instigates this. It's not just the increase of evil that brings this on. Yes, Satan ratchets up his evil in the last days, but God sends the delusion. I think He gets mighty disgusted and just sends the delusion as a judgment! He washes His hands and turns His back.  


You don't want to be on the back side of God as He does this. Those Israeli students were on the back side of God and they were blinded.


Our times are way too perilous to be this unprotected.  


So, we've had a foreshadowing of the blind and strong delusion that will play out unchecked during the Tribulation. We're having lots of dress rehearsals these days. Most of them are around dark events. That's why the Bible reminds us to stay yoked to one another and to God at the end of the end.  


There are even murkier waters ahead. Look up and not around! 


Pray daily for Israel at lunch time. Visit this link. 


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We read all e-mails but due to volume, we cannot reply to all.


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Tired of our troubling times? Hear the conversation with Dr. Ron Rhodes on Heaven, our current radio program. Listen here or here.
Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

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Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291