Office of the President

Be brave, take heart, all who put your HOPE in the Lord - Psalm 31:24

Dear St. Junipero Serra Parents:

We are so excited to welcome you and your children to the 2016-17 school year. Our administrators, teachers and staff are back and the campus is buzzing with energy.  It is going to be a SERRASTRONG YEAR.  I want to personally thank you for working with our Principals and supporting your children's homeroom and ELA/Math placement. A great deal of analysis and dedication to each child was a part of the process with the principals, teachers and other administrators. Your trust in us nurtures our partnership for your child's success.

This e-mail has information that will aide each family in beginning the first few days of school.  We understand that the first few days can be challenging, however, we are ready and we want you to be ready also.

Sycamore:  Access to Sycamore as well as access to Teacher Web pages through Sycamore will be available the first day of school, August 24.

Summer Work: The new school year is getting closer. You may be concerned about the summer reading and math simple solutions book, as well as ST Math for some students. Please remember that the summer work is a recommendation.  It is not required.  Teachers will not be asking for the work at the beginning of the school year.  Summer work is recommended to help students continue to build and reinforce skills learned during the school year.  Although the work is important, it is not required.

St. Serra Uniform Shoe/Sock Update: As detailed at the last mass below are the upcoming school year policies for shoes and socks.

2016-2017 Policy

Shoes are any Color & Socks need to be solid black, navy or white no logo. See below for further details
  • must always be worn on campus and at all school events and activities
  • must be closed at the heel and toe
  • must be in neat condition 
  • must provide good support during physical activity
  • must have laces or Velcro closures 
Athletic shoes must be worn on PE days
Extreme or faddish shoes are not permitted, including but not limited to, boots, Ugg style boots or slippers, sandals, shoes with rollers/wheels on the bottom, high heeled shoes and platform shoes higher than two inches.
  • must be worn at all times
  • must be white, navy or black with no logos
  • Serra  Athletic Socks are permitted
  • Ped-style socks are permitted as long as they are visible from the top of the shoe.
  • Girls are:
    • permitted to wear white or navy opaque knee socks
    • required to wear white knee socks on Formal Uniform days
    • permitted to wear plain white or navy tights

SerraStrong! Faith, Family & Fun! Welcome Event
Thursday, August 25, 2016
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
SJSC Campus
Twenty-two years ago, ten founders, faculty and staff members joined hands in prayer as they prepared for the opening of Serra Catholic School. This year, we will honor our humble beginning and celebrate the SJSC community we are today with SerraStrong! Faith, Family and Fun Welcome Event!  Watch your e-mail for all the details this Sunday, August 21st!  Make it a night the whole family will enjoy!
  • "Built Upon the Rock" Prayer Blessing!
  • Just Announced!  BMX Bike Show by BMX Freestyle Team! 
  • Dinner offered by TK Burgers PRE-ORDER by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, August 22nd
  • Harvest Festival Flash Mob Dance Kick-Off!
  • "Charity and Hope", making themed cards for others in our community
  • Show your SJSC spirit by helping to decorate the back fence in SerraStrong style!
  • RSVP NOW  (The event is FREE to attend)
  • Volunteers Needed! Contact PTO VP Parent Services, Shelly Soenen at and PTO President, Cristen Lebsack at

God Is Good...All The Time!

With gratitude for Christ's blessings,

Mrs. Angeline Trudell

Back-to-School Information
First Day of School Wednesday, August 24th
We will begin another new school year once again with an Open House format on the first day of school. Students are to wear their regular school uniform beginning the first day. We have received permission from the city to park in the neighborhood on the first and second day of school, Wednesday, August 24 and Thursday, August 25. In addition, most of our staff will be parking off campus for the first two days of school to allow for additional parking in our lot. 

For students in TK - Grade Two ONLY, an adjustment to this format has been made to allow the parents and students more time to visit with their teacher and instructional assistants. Please see the information below for your specific grade level(s)

***************NEW for 2016-17 School Year*************
TK - Grade Two Students ONLY 
As per the e-mail you received from Mrs. Reiss last Friday, August 12, your designated Open House time is based on siblings and is broken down as follows:
  • 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. - For students in TK - Grade Two with an older sibling
  • 10:30 - 12:00 noon - For students in TK - Grade Two without siblings OR with younger (TK - Grade One) siblings.
  • If you have more than one child, please divide your time between their classrooms.
All children in these grades will leave with their parents. There is no formal classroom instruction on this first day. If necessary, Extended Care is available beginning at 9:15 a.m. but prior registration is necessary. Extended Care is open until 6:00 p.m.  Early morning, before school, Extended Care is not available the first day of school. See below for normal Extended Care hours beginning on Thursday, August 25.

There is NO 11:30 a.m. dismissal traffic pattern for TK - Grade Two students.

Grade Three - Eight Students
  • The Open House format runs from 8:30 -10:00 a.m. for these grade levels; parents will be asked to leave the campus by 10:00 a.m.
  • Parents may walk their children to the classrooms, take pictures, meet the teacher, help the children settle in and visit with other families
  • For Grades three - eight ONLY, you may choose to drop your children off by using the regular traffic pattern, which will run from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
  • Early morning, before school, Extended Care is not available the first day of school but is available beginning at the 12:10 p.m. dismissal and will be open until 6:00 p.m.
  • There will be no supervision for students before 8:30 a.m.
  • It is a MINIMUM DAY dismissal - 12:10 p.m. Dismissal will be through the regular traffic pattern


For ALL students TK - Grade Eight, regular hours begin the next day, Thursday, August 25 with drop-off through the regular traffic pattern. Further information on student Drop-off and Pick-up procedures is below. Thursday, August 25 is a MINIMUM DAY.
  • TK - Grade Two dismissed at 11:30 a.m.
  • Grades Three - Eight dismissed at 12:10 p.m.
Extended Care begins its normal hours on Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 a.m. in the morning and then in the afternoon from dismissal (whether minimum day or regular day) until 6:00 p.m. 

Please note there is no school on Friday, August 26, due to a diocesan convocation for teachers.

Family Car Visor Placards

On the first day of school all families will receive a colored placard according to each of their children's grade as per the following:
  • Red - Preschool
  • Orange - TK and Kindergarten
  • Green - Grades 1 and 2
  • Yellow - Grades 3-8
These placards are to be used at all pick-up (dismissal) times. NOTE: the Red placards for Preschool and Orange for TK and Kindergarten must be used for BOTH morning drop-off AND afternoon pick-up.

Back-to-School Night Dates

Grades 5 through 8 - Thursday, September 1
Grades 3 and 4 - Tuesday, September 6
Grades 1 and 2 - Thursday, September 8
Preschool, TK and Kindergarten - Tuesday, September 13 
Weekly SerraDIPITY Newsletter to Begin September 1.

The first school-wide weekly electronic newsletter, SerraDIPITY, will be sent out
Thursday, September 1. The first Weekly Envelope will also be sent home the same day.

Add Additional E-mail address to receive the:

SerraDIPITY Weekly E-mail (Constant Contact) CLICK HERE

Sunday Parent E-mail (Robly) CLICK HERE


Health Room Notice

If your child will be taking medication (prescription or over-the-counter) while at school, please see the following important information:

  • Students must take any and all medication in the Health Room.
  • Students are not allowed to carry medicine on them at any time. 
  • All medicine for students needs to be dropped off in the Health Room by an adult the first week of school, along with a Medication  Authorization form.
  • Medicine will not be administered without a completed Medication Authorization form on file in the Health Room. The form must be signed by your child's doctor.
  • The Medication Authorization form can be found in the Parents section of our website under Health Room, or you can CLICK HERE

Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures - Note: for the First Day of School, please follow the information provided above

Your undivided attention is crucial for the safety of all students and staff. Cell Phone use is PROHIBITED while driving on the school grounds.
The Administration strongly encourages all families to participate in our morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up traffic procedures. We have a Security Guard that assists us with our traffic flow and entry onto and off campus. To ensure a safe, effective drop-off and pick-up we ask you to follow the procedures outlined below:
Morning Drop-off: 7:10 a.m. to 7:40 a.m.
  • The driveway entrance off of Antonio Parkway closes at 7:10 a.m. to ALL traffic.
  • Cars must enter through the PEB driveway on Avenida de las Banderas which opens at 7:10 a.m.
  • Proceed as directed by a Traffic Officer, either continuing on to the inner campus road or stopping in front of the PEB to drop off your children.
  • MAKE SURE your children are ready to exit the vehicle, backpacks and lunches in hand, when it is time for them to unload. Please do not exit your vehicle as we have Traffic Officers available to assist your child.
  • If you have been directed on to the inner campus do not stop until the car in front of you has stopped next to the curb on the passenger side. Drop-off on the inner road will be along the back of Building "A"(PEB) and around Building "C" (MEC), back and front.
  • Once you drop off your children, wait for direction from a Traffic Officer and then proceed on the inner road to exit campus using the Antonio Parkway driveway. DO NOT attempt to pull around a stopped car in front of you unless directed to do so by a Traffic Officer.
  • If you have been directed to stop in front of the PEB to drop off your children, follow the Traffic Officer's instructions as to when to let your children out of the vehicle and then when to proceed to exit back onto Avenida de las Banderas.
Special Note: Traffic will be stopped as the buses arrive and enter campus.

Note: Traffic Officers are SJSC Staff giving their time to the safety of your children so please show them gratitude and respect.
Our Traffic Officers will direct you when to stop and drop off your children. For the safety of the students, they must unload from the passenger side (right side) of the vehicle only, onto the sidewalk. Students will walk up the sidewalk and gather at the lunch tables, while supervised by school staff members, to have an opportunity to visit with their friends prior to the start of the school day. At 7:30 a.m. their teachers will come out to walk them to class. Any children being dropped off after 7:30 a.m. but prior to 7:45 a.m. should proceed directly to their homerooms. Students arriving after the second bell (7:45 a.m.) will be required to go to the School Office for a Campus Pass. NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, the children will be directed to proceed to their homerooms as soon as they are dropped off.
Extended Care Morning Drop-off: 6:30 a.m. to 7:10 a.m.
Enter the parking lot from Antonio Parkway, park, and walk your child through the gate which is located between the construction fence and Building "C1" (MEC) to the Extended Care Room. Sign in with an Extended Care staff member, then return to your vehicle and exit campus the way you came in, via the Antonio driveway.

Late Morning Drop-off for Grades TK - Eight: After 7:45 a.m.
The PEB driveway entrance closes at 7:45 a.m. If you arrive after that time, you will need to enter campus from the Antonio Parkway entrance. However, for safety reasons you will be required to wait until the traffic on the inner road has cleared before being allowed into the parking lot. Once you are allowed entry into the parking lot, drop off your student in front of the main entrance of Building C3 (MEC), where they will proceed to the School Office to pick up their Campus Pass before proceeding to their class. (Refer to Section 704 of the Parent Student Handbook). If you prefer, you may park and walk your child into the School Office for their Campus Pass.


Afternoon Pick-up
Afternoon Pick-up for Grades TK through Two Only - Orange and Green Colored Placards: 2:00 - 2:15 p.m. (Regular Day) 11:30 - 11:45 a.m. (Minimum Day)

  • Enter the PEB driveway on Avendia de las Banderas which opens at 1:45 p.m.
  • DO NOT arrive earlier as this causes major traffic congestion for the neighborhood.
  • Place your family car visor placard on your rear view mirror or visor. (Placards are sent home the first day of school every year.)
  • Stop in the PEB drive lanes as directed by the Traffic Officer.
  • Students will load from the passenger side (right side) of your car as directed by the Traffic Officer.
  • Once the students are loaded you will be directed to move forward and exit back onto Banderas.
    JK-2 Pick-up
Afternoon Pick-up for Grades Three to Eight and "Lator-Gators" from Grades TK to Two - Yellow Colored Placards: 2:40 -3:00 p.m. (Regular Day) 12:10 -12:30 p.m. (Minimum Day)

Note: "Lator Gators" are those TK-Two students with older siblings or carpools, who will wait until the later dismissal of the day for departure.
  • DO NOT arrive before 2:20 p.m. as you will interfere with the earlier dismissal procedure and will be directed to circle around until all the 2:00 p.m. dismissal traffic has cleared.
  • Enter the PEB driveway on Avenida de las Banderas.
  • Place your family car visor placard on your rear view mirror or visor. (Placards are sent home the first day of school every year.)
  • Follow the directions of the Traffic Officer as to which lane to proceed to.
  • Stop your car and load your children on the inner road staging areas.
  • The names displayed on your placard will be announced so that your children will know to come to your car once traffic has come to a complete stop.
  • FOR THEIR SAFETY, do not ask your child to approach your car without having been directed to do so by a Traffic Officer.
  • Proceed as directed by the Traffic Officer to exit the campus through the Antonio driveway.
  1. DO NOT ask your children to meet you on the street or in the parking lot as that is not safe and they will be prohibited from doing so. Only students who have received prior authorization may walk home or walk to the public transportation benches located on Antonio Parkway. A Permission for Student to Leave Campus After School form must be filled out, signed by a parent/guardian and be approved by the Student Services Director every year, for any student who wishes to leave campus unaccompanied by their parent/guardian. Direct any inquires to the Student Services Director. Approval will be determined by the School's Administration with consideration of the student's safety and well-being.
  2. In the event of inclement weather during afternoon pick-up, pop-up tents will be erected to keep the students as dry as possible. Pick-up procedures will remain the same.
  3. Never leave your car unattended along the red curb or while in the drop-off or pick-up line once traffic has started, as doing so will interrupt the flow and may block access in the event of an emergency.
  4. When exiting campus onto Antonio Parkway please use caution and courtesy. An attempt to cross three lanes is dangerous and holds up the entire flow of traffic in the lot. An immediate right hand turn onto Antonio and then a U-turn at Empressa is much safer and would be appreciated by the drivers waiting in line behind you.
  5. If you have asked someone unfamiliar with dropping-off or picking-up the students,(other family members, babysitter, etc.), please review the procedures thoroughly with them beforehand.
  6. At NO TIME during morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up are you allowed to be in, drive through or use the Memorial Care Health Facility parking lot. It is private property and off limits to us. They are a private business and need their parking lot for their staff and patients.
  7. The adjacent neighborhood, Cabrillo Vista, located to the North of the PEB, has a City of RSM Parking Permit Program which is in effect on school days from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Vehicles parked without a valid City-issued permit will be ticketed. 
  8. DO NOT park in or drop off your children in the condo complex adjacent to the school field/parking lot or in any of the surrounding neighborhoods to walk to school. This is very dangerous and against policy. 
  9.  In order to maintain a cordial relationship with all the surrounding communities, we ask that you follow all parking restrictions and traffic laws to lessen the disruption to our neighbors. When you do legally park in any of the residential areas, please make sure to be good ambassadors of SJSC by not blocking driveways, moving or blocking trash cans or leaving trash behind. Always drive carefully, being watchful for children at play. Any family who continually disregards this request is in defiance of the Code of Christian Conduct (Section 402) and could incur consequences.
  10. Please bring your patience and allow plenty of time, both in the morning and afternoon, for the safety of the students, yourself and the staff implementing the traffic procedures.


Sports Pick-up: Before 2:25p.m.
Enter via the Antonio driveway, park as directed by the Security Guard and then meet the students in the School Lobby.
Meetings, Spectator Events, Sports Pick-up, and Extended Care Pick-up: 2:25 to 3:00 p.m.
To attend meetings or after-school activities including sports on campus, or to pick up your Preschool- Grade Two child(ren) from Extended Care, follow the Pick-up Procedures for Grades Three to Eight as outlined above, and park in the Antonio parking lot.
Extended Care Pick-up: At the conclusion of afternoon traffic
Enter through the Antonio driveway, park, and walk through the gate located between the construction fence and Building "C1"(MEC) to the Extended Care Room. Sign your child out, return to your vehicle and exit campus via the Antonio driveway.

For those parents/guardians who choose to walk onto campus to pick up their children, they must enter campus through the gate between the construction fence and Building "C1" (MEC) which opens at 2:30 p.m. At no time may parents/guardians enter the school campus through the Kindergarten driveway.


Parking On Campus
Parking is extremely limited on campus. Parents/guardians and visitors to campus may park in the parking spaces marked as "Visitor". SJSC staff members have designated numbered parking spaces. Parents/guardians and visitors may only park in those staff numbered parking spaces before 6:45 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and anytime on the weekend. NOTE: At NO time may you park in the spots reserved for the President or Principals as they are often here for evening and weekend meetings/events. If a staff space is open during the day, it is NOT available to park in. Periodically, staff must leave campus during the school day and will need their space when they return. This is imperative for student safety and supervision. There will occasionally be days when an orange cone is placed in a Visitors Space to reserve that space for a special visiting guest. Please respect the "no parking" cones when in these spaces.

For safety reasons, if you are parked in any of the on-campus parking spaces and the morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up has begun, you must wait until the traffic pattern ends before pulling out of the parking space.
There are "VIP Parking" spaces on campus which are designated with a personalized sign. These spaces have been purchased or won at one of the school's fundraising events, or have been assigned to a parent/guardian volunteer chairing one of our major events. Please DO NOT park in any of these spaces at any time, including evenings and weekends.

By law, we are required to have a certain number of designated preschool parking spots. NO ONE other than preschool parents can park in these spots during the times posted (6:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.). This will be strictly enforced.
One parking space has also been designated for "Pastor Parking." Please respect this space as our Pastors are frequent visitors on campus and can drop in at any time.
Neighborhood Parking

As a reminder, the City Parking Permit Program is in effect in the neighborhood on school days from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Vehicles parked without a valid City-issued permit will be ticketed.
Periodically, the school does receive an exemption to the parking program and families will be notified via the weekly SerraDIPITY electronic newsletter when it is permissible to park on El Vado and Galisteo. We have received permission from the City to park in the neighborhood on the first and second day of school, Wednesday, August 24 and Thursday, August 25. The program will be enforced all other school days. 
At NO TIME is parking allowed in the Memorial Care Health Facility lot. They are a private business and need their parking lot for their staff and patients during business hours which coincide with school hours. Likewise, the Condo Complex on La Ventana to the south of the school is off limits for parking as it also is private property and those residents have very limited parking themselves.

Thank you for being courteous to our neighbors at all times. In order to maintain a cordial relationship with all the surrounding communities we ask that you follow all traffic procedures, laws, and parking restrictions to lessen the disruption to our neighbors. Any family who continually disregards this request is in defiance of the Code of Christian Conduct (Section 402 of our Parent Student Handbook) and could incur consequences.
Welcome to the Student Store! 

The Student Store hours for the first two days of school are:
Wednesday, August 24 - 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, August 25 - 7:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Regular Hours begin Monday, August 29
Daily 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday afternoons 1:45 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Available for you to purchase from the Student Store:
  • New 2016-17 DENNIS SJSC PE Uniform shorts and t-shirts (not available at DENNIS Uniform Store)
  • Sketchbooks, rosaries and other required items on the Classroom Supply Kit lists
  • ON SALE!  2015-16 PE Uniforms, sweatshirts/pants, remaining True Grits polo shirts and various plaid pieces, spirit wear and most Serra Catholic novelty items. Be reminded that the 2015-16 uniforms may be worn for the next two (2) academic school years. 
Looking for Volunteer Hours? VOLUNTEER NOW in the Student Store!
CLICK HERE for the Student Store sale prices.
The Student Store is located in the School Lobby.
Used Uniform Regular Hours:
Tuesday, August 30 -  2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 31 - 7:40 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. in the Extended Care corridor of the MEB, across from Room 102.