BH Masthead
A Publication of Buckeye Hills-HVRDD - With an easy-for-mobile format!
Jan. 2014
Buckeye Hills Makes Peer Exchange Visit 
Staff from Buckeye Hills and its Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) program  recently conducted a Peer-to-Peer exchange visit with staff from another Local Development District located in the North Central Pennsylvania Region to discuss services and programs in a collaborative setting. Staff had the opportunity to share successes and challenges of their work in different districts.

Located in the heart of North Central Pennsylvania, the six-county region is known throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as an emerging forerunner in industrial site location, economic growth, workforce quality, and business opportunity. Staff exchanged ideas and best practices on a variety of programs including transportation, GIS, community/economic development and fiscal operations.

From left to right in the front row: Jason Pyles (BH GIS), Tom Buck, Transportation Planning Coordinator; Back row: Jim Chorney - Director of Finance, Doug Dye (BH Fiscal Director), Amy Kessler - Community Development Regional Planning Director, Eric Bridges - Executive Director, Karen Pawlowski
(BH - RTPO Mgr.) and Bret
Allphin (BH Development Director/GIS Manager.)
Not pictured was Kurt Barclay - GIS Director

ARC Project Updates 
Communities across the region continue to benefit from funding support through the Appalachian Regional Commission and the Ohio Governor's Office of Appalachia state fund.


In 2013, the Village of Racine in Meigs County was pleased to receive a grant of $18,160 from the Ohio Governor's Office of Appalachia state fund for a commercial district waterline extension. Racine has a population of about 800 residents. 

"We used the grant funds to attract a mini-strip store development that now includes a Subway restaurant, a tanning business and offices for the Southern Local school district," said Racine Mayor Scott Hill. "We have additional space yet to rent and there is also additional opportunity to expand in that area. To date, the project has created ten jobs."

Hill added that the grant supported extension of water service to the business mall, fire hydrant protection and enabled cross-connections with service.  He wanted to thank the Meigs County Economic Development Director, Perry Varnadoe, and Buckeye Hills for their support in helping secure the ARC grant.

Buckeye Hills Regional Transportation Planning Organization Organizes Committees 

As part of its initial work in the region, the Buckeye Hills Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) established three standing committees to help lead its efforts in the 8-county region. With the RTPO Pilot's goal of formalizing and strengthening the rural consultation and transportation planning processes while more closely linking them to potential economic and community development planning efforts, it established Policy, Technical Advisory and Citizens Advisory committees.

Because it is an already-established group of appointed county and community as well as business leaders from across the 8-county area, The Buckeye Hills Executive Committee will serve as the RTPO Policy Committee.

To support the Buckeye Hills RTPO application process, the Executive Committee passed a resolution that said "The Executive Committee supports the designation by ODOT of Buckeye Hills as an RTPO for its rural member counties, with such designation providing a regional rural voice for local communities in the Buckeye Hills region in the distribution of federal and state highway funds."

As part of the scope of work, Buckeye Hills will be working with local citizens, elected officials, and other partners to organize two advisory committees that will provide input during the planning process.  

- The Technical Advisory Committee is a body to be composed of local officials or other citizens with relevant experience or expertise in technical fields related to any mode of transportation. Technical Advisory Committee members provide directed feedback, advice, and oversight on issues such as best practices, accepted design and construction methods, policy, and methodology.   

- The Citizen Advisory Committee is a body made up of individuals representing contingencies within the population of Buckeye Hills including, neighborhood organizations, clubs and outdoor organizations, special interests, environmental groups, and other groups with an interest in any mode of transportation.

These committees will provide input to the Policy Committee of Buckeye Hills which is composed of public and private representatives from across the region. The Policy Committee is charged with taking action on all RTPO documents, policies, and other activities.

The RTPO staff and committees are now working on the Public Participation Plan. Public participation is the element of the transportation planning process that outlines the strategies, methods and tools that will be used to communicate with and engage the general public in the planning process. This formalized process allows for consultation, engagement and participation with the public including appointed and elected leaders, state agencies, counties, townships, local governments, special interest groups, minorities, people with disabilities, businesses and social service agencies. The process will afford opportunities for the public to provide input into the process that will define, create, improve and enhance the region's transportation system.

There are several regional resources developed already available as well as a draft plan on the Buckeye Hills Web site.
One example is the image map of the region's environmental justice factors that is shown above.

Ohio's Unemployment 


Ohio's unemployment rate dropped in November to 7.4 percent, down slightly from October. Ohio's rate also remains above the national rate of 7 percent, which dropped from 7.3 percent in October.   


Around the region:  

Athens: 8.0%

Hocking: 7.7%   

Meigs: 12.3%

Monroe: 15.6%  (highest in the state) 

Morgan: 10.7%                        

Noble: 9.7%

Perry: 8.9%

Washington: 6.5%


Access Ohio 2040 (AO40) is the State of Ohio's long-range transportation plan. The draft plan is now available for comment at Anyone can download a copy of the draft plan and leave comments.
The Ohio Dept. of Transportation has extended the comment period on the draft AO40 plan until January 15, 2014. 
In addition, ODOT has set up 40 information outposts around the state where individuals can go to view hard copies of Access Ohio materials (including the draft plan) and leave written comments. The Buckeye Hills office at 1400 Pike St. is an Access Ohio outpost.

Brownfield Assessment Revolving Loan Fund and Cleanup (ARC) Grants  
U.S. EPA announced and posted their guidelines for the Brownfield Assessment Revolving Loan Fund and Cleanup (ARC) Grants for Federal Fiscal Year 2014. The deadline for applications is January 22, 2014. Click here for more information and copies of the guidelines.


Southeast Ohio Aging & Disability Network (ADRN) Releases 2013 Impact Report 


In 2012, The Ohio Department of Aging officially designated the Southeast Ohio Aging & Disability Resource Network (ADRN) that facilitates access to services regardless of age or disability. In 2013, the ADRN continued its impact. For details, check out the 2013 Impact Report.



AAA8 to Provide Care Management for Ohio
Home Care Waiver 


Effective January 2014, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) has partnered with CareSource to manage the Ohio Home Care Waiver in southeast Ohio. The waiver program provides cost-effective home and community-based services for individuals with disabilities and supports them so they may remain in a community setting.  


The local Area Agencies on Aging in SE Ohio (AAA7, AAA8 and AAA9) are partnering with CareSource to help individuals on the waiver obtain home and community-based care. The local Area Agencies on Aging have many years of experience providing waiver case management, and work closely with many home and community based service providers in the community.


Individual case managers from the local Area Agency on Aging coordinate care services for individuals on the waiver. Providers should contact the respective Area Agency on Aging regarding questions about services for individuals on the waiver.  


"We are excited about the new endeavor of case management for these Ohio waivers because care management is what Area Agencies on Aging are best known for," said AAA8 Director Rick Hindman. "This will be a new way to support the state's efforts to provide home and community-based services to our most vulnerable populations." 

Ombudsman Stakeholders Share Thoughts 

At one of three meetings the Ombudsman Program hosted stakeholders who shared their thoughts on program strengths, weakness and ideas for improved service delivery.  Shown above (from left: Judy Kuhn, Assessor AAA8; Esther McGuire a resident of Heartland of Marietta; LTC Ombudsman
Specialists Darlene Vandine, LPN, and Sue Davidson and Karen Metz, RN from Harmar Place (not pictured). Their input will be used to assist with the creation of the 2014/2015 Strategic Plan for the Ombudsman Program in Region 8.

Winter Heating Programs Available

As the snow and temperatures fall, home energy costs go up. This can particularly impact elder Ohioans on fixed or low incomes. The Area Agency on Aging 8 has information about programs to help eligible older Ohioans meet the rising cost of energy. Call 1-800-331-2644 today.

null Benefits and Programs Available to Help Seniors Age Well 

Millions of low-income older Americans struggle to pay their prescription, health care, food, and energy costs.
Research shows an estimated 41% of low and moderate-income older adults are unaware of all the benefits and programs that could help them age well.


The Area Agency on Aging 8 can help Medicare beneficiaries apply for the Medicare Part D Extra Help/Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) and the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). AAA8 can help qualified low-income seniors and younger adults with disabilities submit applications for benefits that make Medicare affordable.  


Available as a resource are the staff of the AAA8 Information & Assistance area, Gerri VanNoy, SWA, CIRS-A, and Brandi Hesson, CIRS-A. They are certified, professional

Information and Referral (I&R) Specialists in Aging.

WHAT BENEFITS MEAN TO INDIVIDUALS AND YOUR COMMUNITY: For someone with very low income, the savings offered by public benefits can mean not having to make tough choices between paying for food or medicine, health care or utilities. The Social Security Administration estimates the value of the Part D Low Income Subsidy at $4,000/yr. Medicare Savings Programs save, at a minimum, $1,200/yr, while the average annual benefit for seniors under Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is $1,428/yr.

Every dollar spent in federal benefits generates local economic activity. When people miss out, it affects not only them, but their communities as well, as benefits are spent or used at local pharmacies, grocery stores, and physicians' offices.

Encourage seniors to contact The Area Agency on Aging 8 at 1-800-331-2644, today!
* Statistics provided by The National Council on Aging.


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Dates to Note:  
Jan. 10 - Executive Committee Special Meeting / RTPO Policy Committee Meeting
Round 8 applications and guidelines booklet is available for Athens, Belmont, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Perry and Washington counties. Applications are due to Buckeye Hills on February 21, 2014 by 5:00 p.m.  



Contact Us:
Buckeye Hills is organized as a voluntary organization of local government
political subdivisions to foster cooperative efforts in regional planning, and implementing of regional plans and programs. Share your success stories  
and let us assist with your development needs. 
Misty Casto - Executive Director: 740-376-1034
Rick Hindman - Assistant Exec. Dir. & AAA8 Director: 740-376-1029
Bret Allphin - Development Director: 740-376-1028 

Doug Dye - Fiscal Director: 740-376-1031

Gwynn Stewart - Communications Director: 740-376-1030