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United Methodist Women e-News
Western North Carolina Conference
May 18, 2015
Conference Gram!
Conference Gram - May 2015 Issue

Get the latest news and information for Western North Carolina Conference United Methodist Women!

Hot off the press! ...the May 2015 issue of the Conference Gram. Get information about plans for the 2015 Spiritual Growth Retreat...and more!

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Make Plans to Join Us for...
Spiritual Growth Retreat 

Love as God Loves
June 12-13, 2015
Lake Junaluska

Retreat Leader:
Rev. Toni Ruth Smith

Music Leaders:
Rev. Mark Barden & Catherine Ritch

Online Discount Registration continues
through midnight on June 7, 2015.


Resident / Nonresident, and 
One-Day Overviews
July 16-19, 2015
Pfeiffer University

Residential Youth Camp
Latin America: Places, Culture & Faith

Mission Studies: 
Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God [Learn more]; Latin American: People and Faith [Learn more]; The Church and People with Disabilities [Learn more]

Registration is open 
June 26, 2015


Images of Mission
September 11-13, 2015
Lake Junaluska

Rev. Paul Jeffrey,
Special Guest Speaker

Online Discount Registration opens June 15, 2015.

Johnny Antesano is a 4-year old Guarani indigenous boy in Choroquepiao, a small village in the Chaco region of Bolivia.
Photo by Paul Jeffrey
Fighting for the Chaco:
Indigenous communities and women lead the battle to defend the endangered South American forest.

From RESPONSE - May 2015 Issue
Written by Paul Jeffrey 

The Chaco is under assault. With growing international worry about deforestation in the larger Amazon basin to the north, foreign corporations seeking land to feed China's hunger for soybeans and the world's thirst for oil and gas have invaded the Chaco, a vast and biologically diverse expanse of grasslands and dry forest that spreads across parts of Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. Yet people who have long called the Chaco their home are fighting back, with indigenous communities and women leading the way. 

The Rev. Paul Jeffrey is a United Methodist missionary and senior correspondent for response. He blogs at kairosphotos.com.
Conference & District News & Events
Visit our website for the latest United Methodist Women news, district newsletters, and individual district calendars of events. You can also find links to the individual district Facebook pages!

Brooks-Howell Home Serendipitor - Read the latest issue of the Serendipitor, the newsletter of Brooks-Howell Home. Brooks-Howell is a retirement community of deaconesses, home missionaries, missionaries and others who have answered God's call to mission service here and throughout the world. Visit the Brooks-Howell Home website at: www.brooks-howell.org

New issue just posted:  May-June 2015

Other United Methodist Women National Office News
No One Teaches You about Pregnancy or Parenthood - Women's Reproductive Health - A difficult pregnancy leads to large financial burdens

Youth Emergency Anti-Ebola Campaign - Methodist youth in Liberia organize to help stop the spread of Ebola with the help from United Methodist Women.

United Methodist Women's History: Voices Lost and Found - In preparation for our sesquicentennial, Methodist Theological School in Ohio will host a conference May 28-30, 2015, with the theme "United Methodist Women's History: Voices Lost & Found."

RESPONSE: MAY 2015 ISSUE - Fighting for the Chaco - Indigenous communities and women lead the battle to defend the endangered South American forest. By Paul Jeffrey.

Other United Methodist Church News

WNCC AC 2015 - News & Information about the Western North Carolina Annual Conference 2015 (June 17-21, 2015 at Lake Junaluska) - ac2015.org

News about the upcoming General Conference 2016 - umc.org


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Celebrate United Methodist Women!
150 Years and Counting... 

Celebrate the dedication and foresight of our foremothers in mission as we lead up to our 150th anniversary in 2019!

Our Western North Carolina Every Member Legacy Fund Goal: That every member of United Methodist Women make a gift to The Legacy Fund of at least $18.69 per year, over and above her Pledge to Mission, for five years (2015-2019). We have added a Legacy Fund / 150th Anniversary page to our website...where we will continue to add and share information as we move toward our 150th anniversary in 2019...check it out!
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