Advocate Cover April 2014 

VJJA Advocate Newsletter
April 2014 Edition


The VJJA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the April 2014 Edition of the Advocate Newsletter has been posted to our website and is available for viewing or download at www.vjja.net/publications.html.


In This Issue:

VJJA Celebrates Detention, Correctional & Residential Week
From the President's Desk (Letter from President Garrison)

Who We Are / What We Believe
Colleague Profiles (exclusively of residential workers!)

Colleagues in the Spotlight (promotions, retirements, & more)

Tidewater Spring Conference in Review
The Advocate Travels

Intercept Youth Services Named Top Company
Recent Publications for Juvenile Justice Professionals

New Director Appointed to VADJJ
W. Steven Pullen Memorial Scholarship Awarded
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Meet the VJJA Board of Director Committee Chairs
Roanoke Rampage Dedicates Season to Hubbard
Capital District Members Attend Mixers and Trainings
Resolution Honoring the Life of Rodney Hubbard

Resources & Publications
Upcoming Calendar of Events


Current Issue:



Past Issue:



The Advocate is a publication of the Virginia Juvenile Justice Association. Reproductions without permission are strictly prohibited. The statements and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members or the Board of Directors. Send contributions to: advocateeditor@vjja.net. Learn more at: www.VJJA.net.