Virginia Juvenile Justice Association
Virginia Juvenile Justice Association
Month Day, Year


Dear Members 

Please join me in congratulating the Tidewater District Virginia Juvenile Justice Association for planning and hosting a successful 22nd Annual Spring Institute.  Every aspect of the Institute was well planned and very enjoyable.  We look forward to the 23rd Spring Institute in 2015.
I would like to inform all members that the VJJA Board of Directors convened a board meeting on March 26, 2014.  We projected and discussed a two year general account budget, discussed operations, discussed awards/scholarships/recognition, discussed professional development, and discussed publications/outreach.  We unamiously voted in favor of publishing a memorial resolution to recognize and record Rodney Hubbard's achievements and contributions to his family, community, VJJA and the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice.  The resolution was written by Beth Stinnett.  Our next VJJA Board of Directors meeting will be on June 26, 2014, in Charlottesville, Virginia.
In the next quarter, we will publish our next issue of the VJJA Advocate.
Keeping you informed,
Stephanie C. Garrison, President

Virginia Juvenile Justice Association 


Bringing together and educating the professionals who touch the lives of court-involved children.

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By breaking up the body of the letter into logical topics, your readers can focus in on the topic that they deem most relevant.
Select your wording carefully. Most people scan their emails very quickly. Keep your paragraphs to seven lines or less. If you have more information, include a link to your website where your readers can get further details.
Thank your customer, tell them how valuable they are to you, but don't go overboard. Insincerity is easy to spot.

Stephanie Garrison
Virginia Juvenile Justice Association
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