VJJA Advocate Newsletter
February 2014 Edition


The VJJA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the February 2014 Edition of the Advocate Newsletter has been posted to our website and is available for viewing or download at www.vjja.net/publications.html.


In This Issue:

Garrison Elected VJJA's First African-American President

VJJA Remembers Rodney Hubbard 

VJJA State & District Leadership Biographies

35th VJJA Fall Institute Review

VJJA 2013 Award & Scholarship Winners

VJJA Committee Appointments & Bylaws Changes

VJJA District Chapter News

Colleagues in the Spotlight (promotions, retirements, & more)
Member Profiles (Georgina Thompson & Kyle McMahon)

Tidewater Spring Conference Announcement

Expressions Art Show; VDAPP 10th Anniversary
Tidewater "Winter Blues" Training; TYSF Santa Claus Shuffle
"Making Adults Mad" by Judge Steve Teske
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Recent Publications for Juvenile Justice Professionals