Vol 1 #2                                                                  January/February 2015

In prayer a few days ago, I was lamenting (once again) to Jesus that my "improvement program" and my "dying to self" did not seem to be getting anywhere. I said, "I'm not sure I am doing any better than when we first met. I may be getting worse in my attempt to be like You." Then it occurred to me- if Jesus truly took over my life, my problems of trying to improve would be over. Why not just have Jesus come inside of me completely- no more of me, all of Him? Think about it. If Jesus lived fully in me:

1. I could hear and see the Father, all the time. Life would be simple- I simply watch the Father and do and say what He says. That is heaven on earth. His Kingdom has come!
2. All of the commands in the Bible (like 1 Cor. 13: 4-8) would be a breeze. I would no longer operate by my sin nature; my Jesus nature would be completely in command. How good can it get?
3. No more struggle with everyday sin (envy, lust, anger- an endless list). Jesus never fell and neither would I. Oh Happy Day!

There are several reasons why that "take over" will not work. God's design is to perfect us in the body He created for us. There will never be but ONE Jesus in the truest sense of the word. Jesus in us is the hope of glory (Col. 1:26); a full take over cannot be a reality on this side of glory. Paul said, "I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you" (Gal. 4:19). Us becoming completely like Jesus is a lifelong process, but we have this goal, this objective: "Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" (1John 3:2-3 emphasis mine). Sometime between now and when He comes again a radical change will take place, we will be like Jesus!

And of course, there is a downside to being completely like Jesus. He alluded to this when He asked the two brothers who wanted "full partnership", "Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" (Matt. 20:22). They answered affirmatively and they did drink the cup- both James and John were martyred.

What then is the process by which we become like Jesus, so that when we see Him, we will be like Him? Paul gives us a clue: "Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus" (Col. 1:28- emphasis mine). Forming Christ in us consists of both teaching and hope. Teaching keeps before us the picture of where we want to be. Hope "purifies" our faith, constantly assuring us that we ARE becoming like Jesus.

Our next book in the "Learning the Word for Life" series is specifically designed to help every man, woman and child become (like) Jesus. And, characteristic of all PictureThis products, we help seekers implant the word of God (and transform their fallen nature) by drawing the scriptures. God willing, this book will be ready in a few months. We need your prayers.


From time to time we report on the status of our translations and mention that we also send The Picture Smart Bible to many foreign countries. Orders come from different countries almost every week. Here is a list of those we have on file (since we have been keeping records):

1. Australia     9. Hungary          17. Nunavut           
2. Bahrain     10. India                18. Panama
3. Brazil        11. Indonesia         19. Peru
4. Canada      12. Israel                20. Russia
5. China        13. Mexico             21. Singapore
6. Ethiopia    14. Niger                22. Tanzania
7. France       15. New Zealand    23. Thailand
8. Honduras  16. Netherlands

We consider this "expansion" to be a direct fulfillment of the scripture given to us a couple of years ago (Isa. 54:2), enlarge the place of your tent...you shall expand to right and the left. We thank God and we thank you, faithful intercessors.


By the time you receive this news-letter,
(God willing), drawings, text and the first round of editing will be done. Once thumbnails have been inserted, final proof reading will be done.

We are still planning to go to press in January and have  TPSB K-3 New Testament ready for  February events.

Pray with us that this will come to completion at the appointed time. 

After each convention, our reps send us a report. All of our reps know they are on assignment from God and they happen to be showing a great Bible product. Truth is: they minister all the time. We thought you would be blessed by excerpts of their "reports". In 2015 we will be doing 25 conventions with 13 wonderful reps.

A mom stopped by the booth who had purchased TPSB for her autistic child...she was so grateful. One very elderly couple were impressed with the program and bought it for their church and their new pastor who has not even arrived yet. I loved praying with several moms, a pastor and missionary to Baja, Mexico.

One woman was burdened because of having recently pulled a special needs child from public school. She was overwhelmed- we took time out to encourage and pray for her at the end of our day. A second woman was thrilled to see our curriculum. She said she prayed that the Lord would lead her to a key curriculum and felt that this was it.

Because of the tornado alert, my cab driver Deng, was happy to pray with me on the way to the motel. That of course lead to discussion about Jesus and The Picture Smart Bible. When we arrived at the motel, Deng said, "I'll make you a deal. My son would love TPSB. Are interested in trading me the cab fare ($60) for a copy of your curriculum?" That's called a win-win.

A this convention, we have been receiving comments like, "this is the best curriculum here!" and "this is the most exciting product at the convention." Most folks didn't seem to be buying much at this convention in general, but the PictureThis booth was the one crowded with parents and getting the "action." The Lord has really blessed!

We felt the presence of the Holy Spirit working in our booth. By the end of the conference, we were swamped with enthusiastic, excited families. God is good! And I felt SO excited for them, knowing they will be having great learning times with their kids, time that will change their lives and hearts.
Convention crowd
Prayer Specifics.
Your prayers make the difference.

1."Doors of distribution" to open for Spanish, Chinese and Indian translations.

2. God's blessing on our reps, webmaster & social media director. They all have great domestic responsibilities yet they give tirelessly to the PictureThis! ministry.

3. K-3 New Testament & the LWL IV book "anointing".

God's blessing on our curriculum is the ONLY reason it is advancing. Keep praying and confessing 2 Cor. 9:10-11.
Your Prayers Make the Difference

We thank God and we thank you, faithful intercessors for what we have accomplished in 2014. We appreciate each and everyone of you so very much. It is only through your prayers and encouragement that we can keep working to spread the Good News through the Picture Smart Bible.

Learn and internalize God's Word by listening, drawing and coloring.