February 2014  
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In this forum, we will explore the connection between healthy child development and well-being, provide several frameworks for understanding the domains and measurable indicators of well-being, and consider steps that can be taken to improve well-being and developmental functioning. Several well-being frameworks will be presented. Participants are encouraged to explore how policies, practices, assessments, and interventions in their work could be organized around a well-being framework to more effectively ensure a positive life course for children.

Register for to attend the in-person event or view the simultaneous webcast

Policy Forum Recordings
Chapin Hall in the Media
Homeless teens and young adults find shelter and a future in Denver

Chapin Hall Senior Researcher Amy Dworsky was recently interviewed by Al Jazeera America about the challenges that homeless youth face.

 Read the article on Al Jazeera America

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For More Information Contact:
Christopher Jones
Public Affairs Associate
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637