Issue No. 2
July 2013

Compressed natural gas is the fuel of the future.  It is affordable, safe, plentiful, and it's made right here, in the USA.

InterviewGregg Kantor on Natural Gas - American Gas Association 

gregg kantor
Gregg Kantor - Second Vice Chairman of the American Gas Association


What do you see as the key growth areas for natural gas demand over the next 5 years?


In the next 5 years, there will be two big areas for demand. The first is power generation. This year, we saw more and more coal generation moving towards natural gas, and I believe that this will continue in the future if natural gas prices remain low. In the Northwest region of the US, we're seeing a number of coal plants being shut down and replaced with natural gas and with wind that will be backed up by gas generation. 



There are 4 easily understandable reasons why more people are making the switch to CNG!

If you have a topic that you would like covered on the next issue, let us know!

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WhiteGloveTestIn a video by Energy Vision, CNG and diesel are compared in a white cloth test.
Who do you think won this test?

Energy Vision's White Cloth Test - Diesel vs CNG Emissions
CNG vs. Diesel

Did you know...

Natural gas is the fastest growing transportation fuel in the United States?

The Energy Information Association (EIA) says there is more natural gas now  than 2 years ago:

"The new report, released Monday, took advantage of new geological research and well drilling results to paint a more complete picture of shale oil and gas outside the U.S. and Canada."

 View entire article
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